The Civic Educator

Carl Azuz introducing the September 21 episode of CNN10's video news podcast.

Teaching Methods and Assessments to Use with CNN10 Current Events

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Teaching current events is an important part of civics education. Students need to know what’s going on around the world to be engaged citizens.

If you want to teach current events in class, CNN10 is a free online resource for doing so. If you’re unfamiliar with CNN10, you can read more about why it’s a great tool to use with your students here .

Five Suggested Methods for Teaching Current Events with CNN10

But if you’ve already checked out CNN10, you know it’s a daily 10 minute video podcast that covers three to four important news stories. At this point, you’re probably wondering how best to incorporate it into your class. On that note, here are five suggestions to get you started.

Once Weekly Current Events and Summaries

Set aside one day a week and devote it to current events. On that day, start by asking students to share any news stories they’ve heard about during the week. Then, watch one to two of the CNN10 videos from the week. I suggest always using Friday’s video, because it includes the cool montage at the end of the episode. For the second one, you might want to skim the topics for the week to see what is most relevant to your students.

Have the students jot down notes while they are watching the video, and after each one take a few minutes to debrief. As a group, identify each story, emphasize the key details, and answer any questions that the students had. If there’s a particularly interesting or relevant story, you can extend this into a brief class discussion, but try to avoid it consuming the entire period.

Once you’ve finished both videos, have the students write one of two things. Either write a paragraph that summarizes the key events of the week, citing at least three news stories as examples. Or write a paragraph that identifies the most important story of the week, summarizes that story, and explains why it is important. They’re slightly different writing skills, so you may choose to assign one or the other to target those skills. You could also leave the choice up to the students.

One final adjustment would be to assign the writing for homework. This would increase the amount of class time available for discussion of the news as a class. You could always play this by ear, assigning the writing for classwork if the discussion peters out and assigning it for homework if there’s enough interest to carry it through the end of the class.

Daily Current Events and Summaries

A second option is to watch each day’s CNN10 video as an introductory activity for the day. It’s short enough that you can settle in, watch the video, and quickly debrief in 15 minutes. Afterwards, you’ll still have time for another main activity in class. This is best suited for block periods, but you can do this with a traditional class as well if you instill the routines in your students and eliminate time wasting.

If you watch these current events on a daily basis, I would suggest that you have the students write a paragraph each day as per the assignment above. However, it’s simplest to have them hold on to those summaries until the end of the week and hand them each Monday. Students who are absent can watch the videos on their own time and make them up. If you miss a day, you can also assign that video for homework. Collecting it weekly also cuts down on the amount of paper you collect and read, as you can quickly check an entire week’s worth of work instead of five pages per student per week.

Flipped Classroom Videos and Weekly Quizzes

A third option is to flip the classroom and assign each day’s video for homework. If you use a learning management system, you can upload the videos there for students to access, or they can go directly to the CNN10 website. Similar to the suggestion above, students can write a daily summary or reflection on what they’ve watched and you can collect that each Monday. The Monday due date gives students the entire weekend to catch up on any videos they missed, and it allows busy students like athletes to make adjustments to accommodate their weeknight schedules.

As an added incentive to make sure that students watch the videos and write thorough summaries, I would give a quick quiz each Monday morning. CNN provides a series of multiple choice questions with each video, so you could borrow some of these and combine them into a quiz. You could also write your own. Either way, let the students use their notebooks on the quiz and ask a few questions about the major details of the news stories. This will ensure that students aren’t just skimming the headline and writing their summary by paraphrasing the summary CNN10 provides.

Monthly or Quarterly Reflections

Once you get students in the habit of regularly consuming the news, you should incorporate regular longterm reflections. On a monthly or quarterly basis, assign students an essay that asks them to reflect on the major themes in the news. For example, some recent recurrent themes are have been the conflict with North Korea, natural disasters, and the debate over the Affordable Care Act. Writing the essay is a good opportunity for students to look back through their writing for the period in question and think about the bigger picture. On a daily basis, it’s easy to lose the forest for the trees and focus too much on the individual events and news of the day.

Have Students Produce Their Own CNN Student News

A fun summative project for a semester or for the year would be to have students produce their own CNN Student News show. After a few months, they’ll understand the format and routines of the show. Depending on the technical capabilities of your students and the available technology in your school, you could set higher or lower standards for production value.

If you set the bar high, you could require students to incorporate some actual news footage into their broadcast, share a viral video clip, and close out with a photo montage from the week. You could also require them to film a “CNN Hero” type segment where they interview and feature a student or staff member from the school community.

You could set the bar a bit lower by simply having them write up a script, putting two news anchors behind a desk, and filming it on a cell phone.

Either way, this steps it up a notch from just watching and summarizing the news to making editorial decisions about what to include and what not to cut. As part of the assignment, you should ask students for a written reflection on their production process as a group.

If your kids are into video production, you should also think about using StudentCam in your class . It’s an awesome project that challenges kids to think deeply about the Constitution… and they can win a cash prize for participating.

Have You Used CNN10 In Your Class?

If you’ve never used CNN10, take one of these ideas and try it out. But if you have, why don’t you share your routine in the comments? The five suggestions above are just the beginning. I’m sure there are plenty of other ways that teachers incorporate this into their routine.

Also, don’t forget that using current events is one of the six research based methods for improving civics education . Read more about the other five.

Finally, CNN10 is also a great way to liven things up a bit. Here’s a list of six ways to teach government in a fun way , if you’re looking for more ideas.

9 comments on “Teaching Methods and Assessments to Use with CNN10 Current Events”

'  data-srcset=

  • January 25, 2018

I have used CNN 10 in all of those ways mentioned.

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  • January 10, 2019

I teach 6th grade. While watching the show, students take notes. After the show, they sit in their teams and I ask 10 trivia questions. They compete for points and we keep running tallies as the year progresses. After each unit of study, we award a winner and switch around the teams.

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  • Jennifer Samborski
  • May 22, 2019

I teach ancient world history. I have students connect something they have learned in class to stories they see on CNN 10. An example would be to connect a geographic location (the Kushan empire to a story about India) or an important concept (trade and it’s impact on people today as well as people in ancient empires). This helps students to make real world connections that make what we learn in class more relevant for them.

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  • August 28, 2019

Does CNN10 still provide questions? I can’t seem to find them if they do

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  • September 4, 2019

They don’t provide daily questions, but they do still provide weekly questions. They’re posted along with the Friday episode. For example, if you look at the August 30 episode, you’ll see the “Weekly News Quiz” with 10 questions (and a printable PDF).

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  • January 21, 2020

I’ve also used Google My Maps to create and interactive map. We create a class map that’s been shared to everyone, and at the end of every episode we add the stories to the map with short summaries.

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  • Julie Gentzen
  • July 21, 2020

Now that’s an awesome idea!

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  • Patricia Lowe
  • May 19, 2020

I teach a Special Needs class at Lyons Creek Middle School in Coconut Creek, Florida. We watch CNN10 everyday. I ask my students to give me 1 or 2 details about an event that they remember. They are able to come up with some pretty good feedback. With this pandemic going on in our society, I am still showing them the daily digital videos to keep them up to date during virtual teaching. It is sort of different than being in the classroom. I just want Carl Azuz to know that my students look forwards to watching his 10 minute news show. Would it be possible to mention our school, when we finally return to our real classroom in the fall. I would like for this to be a school wide event and our students would be thrilled. A couple years ago, you mentioned my high school in Smith’s Station Alabama, I was thrilled! Thank you, Ms. Lowe, Special Needs teacher

'  data-srcset=

  • September 19, 2020

There is a fantastic cnn10 daily quiz resource on I highly recommend!

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Biden and Trump agree to two televised debates, bucking commission

WASHINGTON − President Joe Biden and Donald Trump agreed Wednesday to debate each other twice , first in June and again in September, after a rapid back-and-forth between their campaigns and a flurry of taunts and insults from the candidates.

CNN announced it will host a debate in Atlanta on June 27, and ABC announced a second one on Sept. 10 after Biden began the day challenging Trump to two debates under his terms − bucking the format of the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, the traditional host of the televised events.

Trump, the former president and presumptive Republican nominee, agreed to both debates in social media posts. His campaign called for additional debates in July and August.

The agreement sets the stage for the earliest televised general election debate since the tradition started in 1960 while also removing any debates during the homestretch of the campaign in October, when people in many states are already voting. 

"Trump says he’ll arrange his own transportation. I’ll bring my plane, too. I plan on keeping it for another four years," Biden said in a post on X.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Trump labeled Biden "the WORST PRESIDENT in the History of the United States" as he accepted. "Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!"

How the debates came together

Trump later said on his social media site, Truth Social, that he agreed to an invitation by Fox News for a third debate on Oct. 2 − outside the parameters put forward by Biden. The Biden campaign rejected the proposal.

"President Biden made his terms clear for two one-on-one debates, and Donald Trump accepted those terms," said Jen O’Malley Dillon, chair of the Biden campaign. "No more games. No more chaos, no more debate about debates."

For months, it had been unclear whether Biden and Trump would even square off in a debate before the November election. But after having not committed, Biden said last month that he would be willing to debate Trump.

In a video posted online Wednesday, Biden said he was willing to debate Trump twice before the general election − and proposed the first face-off take place in June. Biden's campaign informed the Commission on Presidential Debates, which has hosted the matches since 1988, that it would not be participating in its series of three debates scheduled for the fall.

In a statement, the Biden campaign said it wants the first to debate to take place in June, when Trump's hush money trial in New York is "likely to be over" and after Biden returns from the Group of Seven Summit in mid-June before Republicans officially award their nomination. The campaign proposed a second debate in September "prior to the beginning of early voting," echoing a Trump campaign demand.

The Biden campaign proposed the debates be hosted by television networks that previously hosted a Republican primary debate in 2016 and a Democratic primary debate in 2020 "so neither campaign can assert that the sponsoring organization is obviously unacceptable." Biden's team also suggested a vice presidential debate take place in late July.

The general election involved three presidential debates and a vice presidential debate for nearly two decades, until one was abruptly called off in 2020 when Trump rejected the commission's plan to make it virtual after his COVID-19 diagnosis. Before then, the last time the debate schedule was limited to two face-offs was in 1996.

Both campaigns frustrated with the commission on debates

Debates organized by the nonpartisan, nonprofit Commission on Presidential Debates − the corporation that has traditionally picked the times, locations and moderators of sparring matches − had been set to begin Sept. 16 and continue into October.

"The American public deserves substantive debates from the leading candidates for president and vice president," the Commission on Presidential Debates said in a statement Wednesday, adding that it will "continue to be ready to execute" its original series of debates before the election.

Both campaigns have expressed frustration with the Commission on Presidential Debates.

The Biden team has long complained that the commission failed to enforce its own rules in 2020, when Trump constantly interrupted Biden. Trump complained about commission bias against him.

The Republican National Committee in 2022 passed a resolution saying it would not allow its nominee to participate in a debate sponsored by the Commission on Presidential Debates, although Trump said earlier this year that he would be willing to forgo that resolution if he could secure a match-up with Biden.

Before Biden's challenge, Trump's team had called for earlier debates to accommodate early voting. And the GOP candidate accepted Biden's proposed time frame for the debates in a social media post almost immediately .

Trump says he wants more than two debates

Trump said he was "Ready and Willing to Debate" him "at the two proposed times in June and September."

"I would strongly recommend more than two debates and, for excitement purposes, a very large venue, although Biden is supposedly afraid of crowds," Trump wrote. "That’s only because he doesn’t get them. Just tell me when, I’ll be there. 'Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!'"

Trump and Biden had been sparring over the timing of the debates for weeks, and the back-and-forth heated up Wednesday.

In a video posted to social media Wednesday morning, Biden took a jab at Trump for refusing to participate in a single Republican primary debate this cycle. He said he'd make good on a promise to debate Trump, telling him, "Make my day pal, I'll even do it twice."

"Let's pick the dates Donald, I hear you're free on Wednesdays," Biden said, making a veiled reference to Trump's criminal trial in New York.

Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy, an independent candidate running a distant third for president, will not be joining Biden and Trump on the debate stage.

Among its criteria, the Biden campaign said the debate should also be "one-on-one," allowing voters to compare the only two candidates with any statistical chance of prevailing in the Electoral College."

The latter stipulation was intended to ensure that third-party candidates such as Kennedy are not allowed on stage. Prior debates have had a 15% debate threshold. Kennedy had 8% support in the latest USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll.

Kennedy accused Trump and Biden of trying to avoid a robust discussion about their time in office.

"They are trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid I would win. Keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy," he said in a post on X, formerly Twitter.

Contributing: Rachel Barber

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Even with Lesslie officially boarding, it still will be some time before we get a movie in theaters as the film will now look to find a director to oversee the development with Feige and Lesslie.

All that said, the news that Marvel has started  development  on the live-action   pic is sure to excite fans of the franchise who have been begging for a new   movie since Disney’s acquisition of 20th Century Fox and its library in 2019. The  X-Men  universe was by far the most popular and profitable Marvel IP that Fox controlled with seven films and a successful  Wolverine  spinoff franchise that produced three more. After the disappointing release of  Dark Phoenix  in 2019, however, X-Men has been in need of a makeover.

This news also comes following the massive success of Marvel’s animated series X-Men ’97, which not only was a big ratings hit on Disney+ but also earned some of the best reviews for any Marvel property in years. Following the series’ recent season finale that earned glowing reviews, it is clear the property is still highly valuable to the studio now there are multiple X-Men -related projects — including the upcoming Deadpool & Wolverine — for fans to get excited about.

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Biden and Trump, trading barbs, agree to 2 presidential debates, in June and September

President Joe Biden and Donald Trump have agreed to participate in two general election debates, one in June and one in September.

In this combination photo, President Joe Biden speaks May 2, 2024, in Wilmington, N.C., left, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, May 1, 2024, in Waukesha, Wis. (AP Photo)

In this combination photo, President Joe Biden speaks May 2, 2024, in Wilmington, N.C., left, and Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign rally, May 1, 2024, in Waukesha, Wis. (AP Photo)

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President Joe Biden speaks at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies’ 30th annual gala, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

Former President Donald Trump, standing with defense attorney Todd Blanche, speaks after a court session outside his trial at Manhattan criminal court, Tuesday, May 14, 2024, in New York. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle, Pool)

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Wednesday agreed to hold two campaign debates — the first on June 27 hosted by CNN and the second on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC — setting the stage for their first presidential face-off to play out in just over a month.

The quick agreement on the timetable followed the Democrat’s announcement that he would not participate in fall presidential debates sponsored by the nonpartisan commission that has organized them for more than three decades. Biden’s campaign instead proposed that media outlets directly organize the debates between the presumptive Democratic and Republican nominees .

The debate is so unusually early on the political calendar that neither Biden nor Trump will have formally accepted his party’s nomination.

Hours later, Biden said he had accepted an invitation from CNN, adding, “Over to you, Donald.” Trump, who had insisted he would debate Biden anytime and anyplace, said on Truth Social he’d be there, too, adding, “Let’s get ready to Rumble!!!” Soon after that, they agreed to the second debate on ABC.

“Trump says he’ll arrange his own transportation,” Biden wrote on X, working in a jab about the perks of incumbency. “I’ll bring my plane, too. I plan on keeping it for another four years.”

Former President Donald Trump speaks at Manhattan Criminal court, Monday, May 20, 2024, in New York. (Steven Hirsch/New York Post via AP, Pool)

The swiftness with which the matchups came together reflects how each of the two unpopular candidates thinks he can get the better of his opponent in a head-to-head showdown. Trump and his team are convinced the debates will exacerbate voters’ concerns about Biden’s age and competence, while Biden’s team believes Trump’s often-incendiary rhetoric will remind voters of why they voted him out of the White House four years ago.

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The presidential debates, always a critical moment on the political calendar, could be particularly important in a year when voters are underwhelmed with their choices and have expressed concerns about the candidates’ advanced ages — Biden is 81 and Trump 77.

Sprightly on social media, the rivals traded barbs — each claiming victory the last time they faced off in 2020.

“Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020, since then he hasn’t shown up for a debate,” Biden said in a post on X. “Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again. Well, make my day, pal.”

Trump, for his part, said Biden was the “WORST debater I have ever faced - He can’t put two sentences together!”

The June debate is likely to cap a busy and unsettled stretch, following the likely conclusion of Trump’s criminal hush money trial in New York , foreign trips by Biden to France and Italy, the end of the Supreme Court’s term, and the expected start of two criminal trials for the president’s son, Hunter Biden.

CNN said that its debate would be held at 9 p.m. ET in its Atlanta studios with no audience present in a break from recent precedent. Moderators will be anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, CNN said. ABC did not offer details on where its event would be held, but the network said it would be moderated by anchors David Muir and Linsey Davis. Disagreements about moderators and rules were some of the questions that prompted the formation of the Commission on Presidential Debates in 1987.

The two campaigns and television networks had held weeks of informal talks on ways to circumvent the commission’s grip on presidential debates following years of complaints and perceived slights, according to two people familiar with the matter who spoke about internal discussions on condition of anonymity.

Biden’s campaign had proposed excluding third-party candidates, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. , from the debates outright. Under the debate commission’s rules, Kennedy or other third-party candidates could qualify if they secured ballot access sufficient to claim 270 Electoral Votes and polled at 15% or higher in a selection of national surveys.

Both CNN and ABC announced the same qualification threshold, saying candidates will need to reach at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet their standards.

In response, Kennedy accused Biden and Trump of “trying to exclude me from their debate because they are afraid I would win.” He said, “Keeping viable candidates off the debate stage undermines democracy.”

The debates will be the first televised general election matchups to be hosted by individual networks. The 1960 debates, which helped show the power of the medium to influence public opinion, were hosted jointly by the leading networks of the day. Before the commission was formed in 1987, the presidential debates of 1976, 1980 and 1984 were organized by the League of Women Voters.

Plans for a vice presidential debate have yet to be announced.

Trump has been pushing for more and earlier debates, arguing voters should be able to see the two men face off well before early voting begins in September. He has even proposed a debate outside the Manhattan courthouse where he is currently on trial. He also has been taunting Biden with an empty lectern at some of his rallies.

In a memorandum to Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon on Wednesday, Trump senior campaign advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles challenged Biden to agree to at least two additional debates, suggesting one be held each month, with events in June, July, August and September, in addition to a vice presidential debate.

“Additional dates will allow voters to have maximum exposure to the records and future visions of each candidate,” they wrote.

Trump later posted on Truth Social that he had agreed to a third debate, this one hosted by Fox.

“Please let this TRUTH serve to represent that I hereby accept debating Crooked Joe Biden on FoxNews. The date will be Wednesday, October 2nd. The Hosts will be Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum. Thank you, DJT!” he wrote.

O’Malley Dillon responded with a statement accusing Trump of having “a long history of playing games with debates: complaining about the rules, breaking those rules, pulling out at the last minute, or not showing up at all.”

“No more games. No more chaos, no more debate about debates. We’ll see Donald Trump on June 27th in Atlanta – if he shows up,” she wrote.

In an interview with conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt Wednesday morning, Trump had raised his own doubts about whether Biden would show, and offered his own suggestions. He said the debates “should go two hours” with both men standing, and he also pushed for larger venues.

“It’s just more exciting,” he said.

Biden’s campaign has long held a grudge against the nonpartisan commission, accusing it of failing to evenly apply its rules during the 2020 Biden-Trump matchups — most notably when it didn’t enforce its COVID-19 testing rules on Trump and his entourage.

AP AUDIO: Biden and Trump agree on debates in June and September, but working out details could be challenging

AP Washington correspondent Sagar Meghani reports President Biden and Donald Trump appear to agree on holding a pair of debates.

O’Malley Dillon on Wednesday sent a letter to the Commission on Presidential Debates to say that Biden’s campaign objected to its proposed debate dates in the fall, which would come after some Americans begin to vote, repeating a complaint also voiced by the Trump campaign. She also voiced frustrations over past rule violations and the commission’s insistence on holding the debates before a live audience.

“The debates should be conducted for the benefit of the American voters, watching on television and at home — not as entertainment for an in-person audience with raucous or disruptive partisans and donors,” she wrote.

There also was little love lost for the commission from Trump, who objected to technical issues at his first debate with Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016 and was upset when a 2020 debate with Biden was canceled after the Republican came down with COVID-19. The Republican National Committee had already promised not to work with the commission on the 2024 contests.

The Trump campaign issued a statement on May 1 that said of the debate schedule offered by the commission: “This is unacceptable.”

The commission said in a Wednesday statement, “The American public deserves substantive debates from the leading candidates for president and vice president.” It said its mission is “to ensure that such debates reliably take place and reach the widest television, radio and streaming audience.”

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We watch CNN-10 on almost a daily basis. This DOC is for students to fill out after each show. I ask them to turn it in at the end of the week. I have also used one Doc for 2 weeks. It depends on how often you watch CNN-10. As you can see, some of the “journal entries” will be left blank. I have created 10 different handouts with similar but different questions.

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    Once Weekly Current Events and Summaries. Set aside one day a week and devote it to current events. On that day, start by asking students to share any news stories they've heard about during the week. Then, watch one to two of the CNN10 videos from the week. I suggest always using Friday's video, because it includes the cool montage at the ...

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  5. CNN-10 Journal Assignment

    It depends on how often you watch CNN-10. As you can see, some of the "journal entries" will be left blank. CNN-10 Journal Assignment - Week 5. Previous Next. Preview. Carol Schmidt. 29 Followers. Follow. Grade Levels. 5 th - 10 th. Subjects. Other (Social Studies - History), Business, For All Subjects.

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    An additional resource that works well with the "My CNN 10 Journal" is an end of the year research project called "The Year in Review." Students will create a booklet that has a variety of stories that happened over their school year such as a worldwide event, national event, local event, something from sports, entertainment, and even a feel-good news story among others.

  11. PDF Analyzing the News • Engaging Graphic Organizers

    CNN 10 name: #HASHTAG IT! For each main news story, create two hashtags then summarize each story/hashtag by giving supporting evidence from the news. DRAW IT! Choose 1 story from today and create a graphic that would accurate illustrate or describe the news event chosen. CNN 10 name: IN THE NEWS!

  12. Use CNN10 for Daily Writing About Current Events

    About This Lesson. CNN10 is a great resource for teaching about current events. It's a 10 minute, daily video produced by CNN, and the target audience is middle and high school students. Each video will include three to four major news stories. Watching it regularly will help your students develop an awareness of what's going on around the world.

  13. CNN10 Journal Assignment AND Weekly Tracker

    Here is a CNN10 Weekly Tracker AND Journal Assignment! Use it as a PowerPoint/Google slide or just print and go!Please Leave Feedback! CNN10 Journal Assignment AND Weekly Tracker. 10 Ratings. Previous Next. Amanda McCarty. 53 Followers. Follow. Grade Levels. 4 th - 12 th. Subjects.

  14. PDF CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet

    Instructions: Refer to the CNN Scale/Learning Goal. Rate yourself on your understanding of today's CNN news broadcast. Remember, your goal is to be on a 3. Think about ways to a "3" if you are not already there. 4 3 2 1 0 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday Describe the news stories from today: ...

  15. CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet

    CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet; ... A Day No Pigs Would Die Journal Questions for LA Notebook. Semester 1 Study Guide for Social Studies Final Exam ... ESSAY LEARNING HOW TO WIN THROUGH Political Cartoon Assignment. Posts Canyon Lake Middle School 33005 Canyon Hills Rd Lake Elsinore, CA 92532 Phone: (951) 253-7790 | Fax: (951) 253 ...

  16. "Down the Middle": CNN 10 and the Ideology of Objectivity

    Submit an article Journal homepage. 491 Views 3 CrossRef citations to date 0. Altmetric Articles "Down the Middle": CNN 10 and the Ideology of ... CNN 10 is a popular digital news show that explicitly targets schoolchildren with reporting branded as "objective." The show helps to introduce many young people into Western news logics, but ...

  17. Effective Newswriting

    As part of AT&T's Youth Voices Collective, CNN 10 has produced special editions featuring CNN 10 anchor and writer Carl Azuz to answer student questions about journalism and newswriting. Topics ...

  18. CNN 10: The big stories of the day, explained in 10 minutes

    10:00. Today on CNN 10, graduation ceremonies are underway across the country as schools take additional safety measures amidst protests over the Israel-Hamas war. Incredible Northern Lights ...

  19. Biden and Trump agree to two debates, with the first in June

    CNN announced it will host a debate in Atlanta on June 27, and ABC announced a second one on Sept. 10 after Biden began the day challenging Trump to two debates under his terms − bucking the ...

  20. Marvel's 'X-Men' Movie Taps 'Hunger Games' Scribe To Pen Script

    EXCLUSIVE: Following the success of its animated series X-Men 97, Marvel Studios is now ramping things up on its live-action X-Men movie as Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds & Snakes scribe ...

  21. Biden and Trump agree on debates on June 27 and in September

    WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump on Wednesday agreed to hold two campaign debates — the first on June 27 hosted by CNN and the second on Sept. 10 hosted by ABC — setting the stage for their first presidential face-off to play out in just over a month. The quick agreement on the timetable followed the Democrat's announcement that he would not ...

  22. CNN10 Journal Assignment AND Weekly Tracker

    Here is a CNN10 Weekly Tracker AND Journal Assignment! Please Leave Feedback! Total Pages. 3 pages. Answer Key. N/A. Teaching Duration. N/A. Report this Resource to TpT. Reported resources will be reviewed by our team. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TpT's content guidelines. Reviews.

  23. Mitigating Use of Artificial Intelligence in Student Assignments

    "Using an effective grading method for preventing plagiarism of programming assignments". In: ACM SIGCSE Bulletin 14.1 (1982), pp. 50--59. Google Scholar Digital Library; Michael Jonas. "A cryptographic sandbox for an introductory security course in information technology". In: Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges 29.6 (2014), pp. 74--80.

  24. CNN-10 Journal Assignment

    I have also used one Doc for 2 weeks. It depends on how often you watch CNN-10. As you can see, some of the "journal entries" will be left blank. I have created 10 different handouts with similar but different questions. Included: · Video Tutorial on how to complete weekly Journal · Disclaimer · Slides · 10 Journal Entry Docs

  25. A Lightweight CNN with LSTM Malware Detection Architecture for 5G and

    In this work, a lightweight CNN architecture with a sequential Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) layer is developed for malware detection and classification trained on the Malimg dataset. The results prove that the proposed approach achieves 99.8% accuracy with an F1-score of 0.9925 for malware detection and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches ...

  26. CNN 10: The big stories of the day, explained in 10 minutes

    10:00. CNN 10: The big stories of the day, explained in 10 minutes. 10:00. Today on CNN 10, some companies are considering a 4-day work week to prevent employee burnout. We introduce you to a ...

  27. Breaking News, Latest News and Videos

    View the latest news and breaking news today for U.S., world, weather, entertainment, politics and health at

  28. Here are the ultraprocessed foods you most need to avoid ...

    Studies have shown that ultraprocessed foods can have a detrimental impact on health. But 30 years of research show they don't all have the same impact.

  29. CNN 10: The big stories of the day, explained in 10 minutes

    Today on CNN 10, scientists from Australia and the UK captured video of a rare deep-sea hooked squid, one of the largest deep-water squids in the world. Then, the International Criminal Court is ...

  30. Google and Harvard unveil most detailed ever map of human brain

    Ten years ago, Dr. Jeff Lichtman — a professor of molecular and cellular biology at Harvard University — received a small brain sample in his lab. Although tiny, the 1 cubic millimeter of ...