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24 Biography Templates and Examples (Word | PDF | Google Docs)

Biographies serve as a fascinating lens into the lives of individuals, ranging from influential family members and historical figures to renowned personalities. Whether you’re a student, an aspiring writer, or someone captivated by the art of telling a life story , grasping the essential elements of a biography is vital. Writing a biography goes beyond compiling facts; it involves crafting a narrative that educates and inspires your readers. This guide provides you with practical steps, style advice, and, importantly, biography templates to assist you in structuring your work effectively. With these resources, you can start to create biographies that not only inform but also captivate your audience. Are you ready to capture the essence of a life story in words? Let’s delve into the fundamentals of crafting a compelling and memorable biography.

Biography Templates & Examples

Aesthetic Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Aesthetic Biography Template

An Aesthetic Biography Template is a carefully designed layout that allows individuals to present their personal and professional information in an organized and visually appealing manner. The template provided in the previous response offers a structured format for users to showcase their educational background, work experience, skills, and personal interests. This format is particularly useful for creating a compelling narrative of one's life and achievements, making it ideal for applications, personal websites, or professional profiles. The inclusion of sample data guides users on how to effectively fill out each section, ensuring clarity and coherence in presenting their unique story.

Short Biography Template - Word, Google Docs

Short Biography Template

A Short Biography template is a structured format for summarizing an individual's personal, educational, and professional background. It offers a concise yet informative way to present one's achievements, skills, and experiences. The template provided above is designed to capture a wide range of details, from basic personal information to career highlights and skills. It is versatile and can be tailored to suit different situations, whether for a professional profile, a speaker introduction, or a personal website. The inclusion of sample data in the brackets makes it user-friendly, allowing for easy customization. This template serves as a useful starting point for anyone looking to create a clear and engaging biography.

Free Professional Bio Template

Professional Biography Template

A Professional Bio Template is a structured format designed to aid individuals in crafting a succinct and engaging biography that highlights their career achievements, skills, and personal qualities. This template helps users efficiently organize and present their professional story, ensuring that key elements like career milestones, skills, and personal interests are effectively communicated. This assists in creating a compelling bio that resonates with various audiences, such as potential employers or networking contacts, enhancing their professional presence and impact.

Free Personal Biography Template

Personal Biography Template

A personal biography template is a structured outline designed to guide individuals in documenting their life stories, achievements, and experiences. It provides a framework to organize personal details in a coherent and engaging manner. This template, created in our prior response, can assist users by simplifying the process of writing their biography. It offers a clear structure, ensuring that key aspects of one's life are highlighted effectively. This can be particularly useful for creating professional bios, personal introductions, or for preserving personal history.

You can explore more free biography templates and examples in the collection at Highfile . This resource offers a diverse range of templates suitable for various needs, whether for professional, personal, or academic purposes.

Biography Template #01

What Is a Biography?

A biography is an in-depth narrative of someone’s life, written by another person. It encompasses more than just basic facts like birthplace and education. A biography delves into the subject’s personal experiences, significant life events, and the influences that shaped their character and achievements. It’s not just a timeline of events; a biography weaves these details into a compelling story, offering insights into the individual’s motivations and impacts. The aim is to present a well-rounded portrait that is both informative and engaging, allowing readers to understand and empathize with the subject’s journey. A biography, in essence, is a vivid window into another person’s life experience, capturing their unique contributions and the essence of their existence.

Fun Fact: Did you know that one of the earliest biographies ever recorded was about an ancient Egyptian official named Ptahhotep around 2400 BC? This ancient biography was not written in a book but carved on the walls of his tomb, depicting his life and achievements. This highlights how the art of biography writing has been significant throughout human history, evolving from ancient carvings to modern digital formats!

Essential Elements of a Biography Template

Crafting a professional biography involves creating a concise yet comprehensive summary of your career objectives, current position, and notable achievements. This type of bio is ideally suited for professional networking platforms like LinkedIn or AngelList, where a more detailed and career-focused narrative is expected compared to the brief bios often seen on other social media sites.

Key Components to Include in Your Professional Biography:

  • Your Name : Clearly state your full name at the beginning.
  • Personal Brand or Company Affiliation : Mention your business or the brand you represent.
  • Professional Tagline or Current Role : Include your current job title or a tagline that encapsulates your professional essence.
  • Career Aspirations : Briefly outline your career goals or what you aim to achieve professionally.
  • Unique Personal Fact : Share an interesting personal detail that sets you apart.
  • Top Achievements : Highlight two or three significant accomplishments relevant to your professional trajectory.

While primarily professional in tone, don’t hesitate to weave in personal elements like a favorite book or hobby. This adds a human touch, making your bio more relatable and engaging. Remember, a well-rounded biography balances professional accomplishments with personal insights, creating a holistic view of you as both a professional and an individual.

How to Write a Biography

Writing a compelling biography requires a structured approach. Follow these steps to create an engaging and informative biography:

  • Choose a Subject : Select a person whose life story is interesting and impactful. Consider whether their contributions or experiences have the potential to inspire or connect with your audience.
  • Obtain Permission : If your subject is alive, obtaining their consent is crucial, as it involves discussing personal details. For deceased or public figures, ensure all information is factual to avoid legal issues.
  • Conduct Thorough Research : Gather information from primary sources like interviews, letters, and personal accounts for an authentic portrayal. Complement these with secondary sources like documentaries and articles for additional context.
  • Formulate a Thesis : In the opening section, clearly state what the reader will learn from the biography. This thesis sets the stage for the narrative to unfold.
  • Organize Chronologically : Structure the biography in a timeline format, presenting events in the order they occurred. This helps in maintaining a clear narrative flow.
  • Incorporate Flashbacks : Skillfully use flashbacks to provide context or highlight significant past events, enriching the narrative without overloading it with background details.
  • Inject Personal Insight : While sticking to factual information, don’t shy away from adding your own perspective on the subject’s achievements and their societal impact. This adds depth and personal touch to the biography.

A good biography balances factual accuracy with narrative flair, bringing the subject’s story to life in a way that resonates with the readers.

Tips on Writing a Biography

Crafting a biography requires a blend of accuracy, creativity, and attention to detail. Here are some essential tips to guide you in writing an effective biography:

  • Write in Third Person : Use the third person perspective for a professional and objective tone.
  • Inject Humor Appropriately : While maintaining professionalism, subtle humor can make the biography more engaging and relatable.
  • Be Mindful of Length : Keep an eye on the word count. A biography should be comprehensive yet concise enough to hold the reader’s interest.
  • Narrate a Story, Not Just Facts : Instead of listing events, weave them into a compelling narrative to make the biography more interesting and readable.
  • Include Relevant Links : Provide links to your work, projects, or publications to offer readers additional context and evidence of your achievements.
  • Provide Contact Information : Make it easy for readers to reach you by including up-to-date contact details.
  • Edit Thoroughly : Ensure your biography is free of errors and well-polished. Comprehensive editing enhances readability and professionalism.
  • Keep it Concise : Aim for brevity while ensuring all critical information is included. A succinct biography is often more impactful and memorable.

Important Note: Before diving into our FAQs, it’s crucial to remember that while a biography aims to be factual and accurate, it also requires a respectful approach, especially when dealing with sensitive aspects of a person’s life. As a biographer, your responsibility extends beyond mere storytelling; it involves ethical considerations, such as respecting privacy and presenting information in a manner that is fair and considerate to the subject and their family. Keep this in mind as you explore the frequently asked questions and embark on your journey of writing a biography.

For online platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter, a three-sentence bio should be concise yet informative. It should briefly introduce you, focusing on key aspects: Your Name : Start with your full name. Your Current Role : Mention your profession or the role you’re known for. A Notable Achievement or Personal Touch : Include a significant accomplishment or a unique personal detail (like a hobby or goal). This format ensures your bio is succinct but covers essential details.

A personal biography is a brief narrative focusing on your professional life, used for job searches or on professional platforms like LinkedIn. It’s slightly more detailed than a social media bio and should include: Your Name Personal Brand or Company : If applicable. Professional Tagline or Current Role Two or Three Key Achievements : Choose the most relevant and impressive ones. While primarily professional, feel free to add a personal detail like a hobby or favorite book to give a glimpse of your personality.

In a work-related bio, focus on aspects directly relevant to your professional life. This might be more detailed, including your career journey, key skills, and notable projects or roles you’ve held. Personal anecdotes or interests can be included if they relate to your professional persona or add value to your professional story. Remember, the context dictates the bio’s content and tone. Tailor it to suit the platform and the audience you are addressing.

When choosing a subject, consider individuals whose life stories are not only interesting but also have the potential to inspire or educate others. Look for unique experiences, significant achievements, or challenges they’ve overcome. Public figures, historical personalities, or even unsung heroes in your community can make excellent subjects.

Begin with an engaging opening that captures the essence of your subject’s life. This could be a pivotal moment, a significant achievement, or an anecdote that reflects their character. Starting with something compelling draws readers in and sets the tone for the biography.

Effective research methods include conducting interviews with people who know the subject well, reviewing primary documents like letters or diaries, and consulting reputable secondary sources for historical context. Online archives, libraries, and specialized databases are also valuable resources.

To maintain objectivity, present facts without bias, and avoid letting personal opinions color the narrative. Acknowledge different perspectives on the subject’s life, especially in controversial or unclear aspects. Being fair and balanced is key to a trustworthy biography.

Yes, you can write a biography about a family member. However, it’s important to balance personal insights with objective storytelling. Ensure you have enough distance to present their story truthfully and respect their privacy and perspective.

Approach sensitive topics with care and respect. Verify the accuracy of such information and consider its relevance to the overall story. Be mindful of the impact this could have on the subject and their family, especially if they are still living.

The length of a biography depends on the depth of the subject’s life story and the intended audience. Some biographies are short, focusing on key events, while others are comprehensive, covering the subject’s life in detail. Tailor the length to suit the story’s complexity and readers’ expectations.

Final Thoughts

Crafting a biography requires a thoughtful blend of accuracy and creativity to captivate and engage your readers. By focusing on these essential elements and following the outlined steps, you can transform a simple life story into a compelling narrative that holds the reader’s interest from start to finish. Whether you’ve always wanted to write a biography or are just beginning to explore this genre, this guide provides a solid foundation to embark on your biographical writing journey. Remember, a well-written biography not only informs but also inspires, offering a deeper understanding of the subject’s life and legacy.

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FREE Biography Templates & Examples

A biography is a written account of a person’s life story, career, or expertise in a particular field or industry. It is factual and focuses on major professional accomplishments and goals, academic achievements, work experience, and skills. It is commonly used in various professional contexts, such as websites, resumes, social media profiles, conference programs, or business introductions. It is written in a storytelling format to make it exciting and engaging to the audience, which can be employers, clients, and collaborators. It can be one page or multiple pages.

Did you know? A study by TheLadders determined that, on average, recruiters spend 6 seconds reviewing a resume before deciding whether to assess it further. This emphasizes the need for a brief, concise, and engaging bio.

While traditional biographies are popular among popular personalities like world leaders, artists, actors, and people with remarkable contributions to society, anyone can write a professional biography. The goal of having professional bios is to increase the author’s visibility and credibility.

Also, it is a tool to market their expertise in a particular field and introduce themselves to prospective clients, employers, and collaborators. Additionally, it can indicate the author’s values, mission, and value to gain the reader’s trust and attract like-minded individuals and entities. These are elements that can give professionals a competitive edge over their peers.  

Statistical Insight: According to a survey by CareerBuilder, 57% of employers are less likely to interview an applicant if they do not have an online presence. This illustrates the importance of a bio on social platforms.

Download Free Templates

Following are the biography templates:

Free Professional Biography template in ms word

First-Person Bio Vs. Third-Person Bio

This article will explain what information to include in a professional bio and provide a Biography template and free examplethat readers can reference to ensure they write effective biographies that benefit their careers and help them expand their professional network.

A first-person bio is written in the first person, and thus uses the pronouns I and me. Such a bio is typically more personal and conversational and is thus meant for informal platforms such as social media profiles and personal websites.

A third-person bio is written in the third person, so the pronouns he, she, or they are used. It is more objective and formal and is used in formal and professional contexts such as job applications and company websites. As a result, determining which type of biography to use requires assessing the situation and context.   

What are Biography Templates?

A biography template is a pre-designed document outlining the format and structure of a biography.

It contains headings and sections of key components of a bio, such as major life events, educational background, expertise, career achievements, and skills. There are multiple benefits to using templates to create professional biographies. Because they are pre-formatted, information can be presented in a professional and logical manner, ensuring that readers do not miss any important details.

When used as guides, they are useful and time-saving tools that help individuals create biographies easily. Templates can also be personalized to add unique components, such as any special skills, certifications, or experiences. 

Essential Components of a Professional Bio

This section delves into the vital components of a professional bio, exploring how each element contributes to presenting a strong professional identity and capturing the attention of the intended audience.


  • Name: Start with your full name.
  • Current role or professional tagline: Identify your current position or what your expertise is.
  • Location: Mention where you are based.

Jane Doe is a leading cybersecurity expert based in San Francisco, California.

  • Origin: Give details about your upbringing, origins, or cultural background if they are important to understanding who you are.
  • Education: Discuss any educational credentials that are important to your bio.

Originally from Boston, Massachusetts, Jane holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from MIT.

Career Journey and Achievements

  • Career progression: Talk about your journey—how you started, how you got where you are, and any pivotal moments.
  • Achievements: Highlight key accomplishments in your career, major projects, or notable clients. Emphasize the results.

Jane started her career as an intern at XYZ Corp., rapidly advancing to a team lead position due to her innovative thinking and exceptional problem-solving skills. Under her leadership, her team successfully thwarted a series of potential cyberattacks.

Current Role

  • Position and responsibilities: Explain your current role, what you do, and perhaps any special projects you’re working on.
  • Skills and strengths: Highlight your unique skills, talents, or experiences that make you stand out.

Currently, as a cybersecurity consultant at ABC Solutions, Jane oversees the security policies of numerous high-profile organizations, ensuring their systems are impenetrable to threats. She stands out in the field due to her expertise in encryption and intrusion detection systems.

Personal Life (optional)

  • Hobbies or interests: If it is appropriate and adds something to the bio, do not hesitate to include some personal details about your life outside of work.

When she is not safeguarding networks, Jane enjoys exploring the Californian wilderness and volunteering at her local animal shelter.

Contact Information or Next Steps

  • Contact: Tell the reader how they can contact you or learn more about your work.
  • Call-to-action: Call-to-action might involve looking at your most recent project, reading your blog, setting up a consultation, etc.

To learn more about Jane’s work or schedule a consultation, please visit her website at

Third Person Pronouns

Remember to use the third person when writing your bio. It makes it easier for others to use your bio in a professional context, and it allows the text to speak for you rather than appearing as though you are speaking about yourself.

Make sure it is a bio that you believe accurately represents who you are and what you have accomplished thus far in your life and career.

Professional Biography Template

[Your Name]: Professional Biography

1. Opening Statement

Start with your current role and the name of your organization. It is often most effective to write in the third person.

“[First name] [Last name] is currently the [Job Title] at [Company Name]…”

2. Professional Background and Achievements

Describe your work history and most notable accomplishments in reverse chronological order. You may want to include:

The name and type of organizations you have worked for (industry, public/private, size)

The roles you have held and your main responsibilities

Key achievements or projects you have worked on

Any promotions or recognitions you have received

“Prior to [Current Company], [First Name] worked at [Previous Company] as a [Previous Job Title], where she spearheaded… Her efforts led to…”

3. Education and Credentials

List any relevant degrees or certifications you hold. This could include:

Undergraduate/graduate degrees and the schools you attended

Continuing education courses or certifications

Any professional designations you have earned

“[First name] holds a Bachelor’s/Master’s degree in [field] from [University Name]. Additionally, she has attained certification in…”

4. Skills and Specializations

Highlight the skills and areas of expertise that distinguish you from others. These might include:

Technical skills or tools you have mastered

Languages you speak fluently

Specialized knowledge or expertise you have

“[First name] is proficient in… She has an in-depth knowledge of… Her specialized skills include…”

5. Personal Details and Hobbies (Optional)

If appropriate, you may want to share some details about your life outside of work. This could help make your bio more relatable and engaging. 

“When not at work, [First name] enjoys… She also devotes time to…”

6. Contact Information

Finally, include the best way to contact or connect with you.

“For further information or to connect, you can reach [First name] at [Email Address] or find her on [LinkedIn/Twitter/other professional platforms].”

Please keep in mind that a professional biography should be updated regularly, especially as your roles, responsibilities, and achievements evolve over time.

Biography Examples

Examples of biography are given below:

Personal biography example

Let us imagine a fictional character named John Smith, a successful entrepreneur and motivational speaker. A sample bio of this individual is provided below:

John Smith is a renowned entrepreneur and motivational speaker based in New York City, NY.

Raised in a small town in Texas, John received his MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business, setting the foundation for his innovative journey into entrepreneurship.

John’s business career began in the heart of Silicon Valley, where he led a fledgling tech start-up from a five-person team to a multinational corporation in less than a decade. His visionary approach and relentless dedication led his company, TechInnovate, to be named Forbes’ “Fastest Growing Tech Company” in 2021.

Currently, John serves as the CEO of TechInnovate, where he oversees strategic growth initiatives and continues to foster a culture of innovation. His distinctive leadership style and expertise in business strategy have been recognized in publications such as The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider, and Harvard Business Review.

Aside from his career, John is a dedicated triathlete and an avid reader, believing that a strong body and a keen mind are essential for maintaining his fast paced lifestyle. He actively supports several charities, including Education for All, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing educational resources for underprivileged children.

Visit to learn more about John’s work, to attend one of his motivational talks, or to explore potential collaboration opportunities.

Remember that your personal biography should be an accurate reflection of you, your experiences, and your professional journey. Feel free to adjust the template as needed based on your specific needs and context.

Personal bio (brief version)

I am Mary Riley, a human resources manager at Farewell Freight and Cargo. I have been in the HR sector for eight years. I enjoy using my human resource management, conflict resolution, and active listening skills to provide and maintain a healthy and productive workplace. I have a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Columbia. I have received the company’s Employee of the Year honors two years in a row, which I am very proud of.  

From a young age, I always exhibited good management skills. I remember being the football team’s captain in middle school. I enjoyed managing the players and motivating them to succeed. I strongly believe in working to realize my full potential in any field. As a result, I aim to run my own travel company. This is because I enjoy traveling and have come to appreciate the learning opportunities realized when traveling. I would like to help others come across such opportunities. I always engage with people through my email ( [email protected] ) and do not shy from reaching out. 

Professional Bio Example

John Smith: Professional Biography

Opening Statement

John Smith is currently the Chief Technology Officer at TechFirm Innovations, a leading tech company specializing in software development and cybersecurity solutions.

Professional Background and Achievements

Prior to joining TechFirm Innovations, John served as the Senior Software Developer at DataFlow Networks, where he led a team responsible for developing and maintaining major components of the company’s product suite. His innovative strategies contributed to a 30% improvement in product performance, earning him the ‘Employee of the Year’ award in 2021. Earlier in his career, John was a Junior Software Engineer at Systems Pro, where he refined his skills in coding and debugging.

Education and Credentials

John holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology from Stanford University. In addition, he is a certified Scrum Master and has earned a Professional Certification in Machine Learning from Coursera.

Skills and Specializations

John is proficient in a variety of programming languages, including Python, Java, and C++. He has in-depth knowledge of machine learning algorithms, agile methodologies, and cybersecurity protocols. His specialized skills include data analysis, system architecture design, and project management.

Personal Details and Hobbies

Outside of his professional life, John is an avid reader, with a keen interest in science fiction and technology-focused literature. He also enjoys hiking and photography, often merging his passions by documenting his various wilderness expeditions.

Contact Information

For further information or to connect, you can reach John at [email address] or find him on LinkedIn at [link].

This example biography gives a comprehensive view of John Smith’s professional journey, highlighting his skills, achievements, and personal interests in a clear and engaging manner.

Professional bio (biref example)

James Sutton Professional Bio

James Sutton is an experienced physics teacher with 10 years of active teaching in high school. Currently, he teaches at Richmond High School in Mystic City, Arkansas. More than 1200 students have passed through his guidance. He is qualified to create engaging and productive lesson plans and assessments and coach students on the various principles of physics. He is an active listener and a social person. These skills have helped him build beneficial rapport with his students throughout the years. He has an undergraduate degree in math and physics. He has a master’s in physics from the University of Princeton in London. 

His dream was to study in Europe. A dream he came to achieve during his college education. His life has been greatly influenced by this because it showed him that goals can be achieved if they are pursued and that dreams are legitimate. He values learning and believes that information should be shared with everyone without limitations. To address this, he operates a website ( ) where he publishes his curriculum and notes for learners to access for free. He urges anyone interested in and willing to learn physics and math to visit the site. 

Key Takeaways

  • You can write a personal or professional biography to provide insight into who you are as a person and summarize your professional achievements and goals. 
  • A biography can be written from a first-person or third-person perspective, depending on its objective and use. 
  • You can use a template to write a biography to ensure you capture all the key information and ensure it is professionally presented. 
  • The key elements of any bio are the introduction, professional experience, educational background, personal background, values, passions, interests, and a call to action. 
  • Bios are uploaded to a person’s professional portfolio, social media profiles, personal website, or for a job application. 
  • It is important to update your bio regularly to ensure it contains current and accurate information. 

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Biography Word And Google Docs Templates

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  • Business Templates

Biography Samples


Different kinds of writing come with their own rules that if followed will bring out clarity of information. How to write a biography ? Biography templates are specifically designed to guide the writer in coming up with a great piece. However, this is only possible when you find high quality samples, which are quite rare. The best auto biography  graphic organizer guides will possess the following:

Biography Template

Free 14+ affidavit of undertaking samples, blank bingo samples & templates, board resolution samples & templates.

sample biography bundle 1024x530

Download Biography Bundle

Biography About Myself

Born and raised in Toronto, Canada, I, Elizabeth Harper, have always been driven by a curiosity to explore the intricacies of digital media and a desire to make a tangible impact in the world of marketing. My journey into the realm of Marketing and Communication began at the University of Toronto, where I earned my degree in Marketing Management. This foundational education not only equipped me with the necessary skills but also instilled in me a lifelong passion for creativity and strategic thinking.

After completing my studies, I embarked on my professional journey at Bright Solutions, where I worked as a Marketing Coordinator. Here, I honed my skills in campaign management, content creation, and data analysis, which enabled me to contribute significantly to the launch of an award-winning social media campaign for a major non-profit organization. My time at Bright Solutions was a period of immense growth, both professionally and personally, as I learned the importance of teamwork, resilience, and adaptability in the face of challenges.

Seeking to broaden my horizons and impact, I transitioned to Innovatech, where I currently serve as a Digital Marketing Manager. In this role, I am responsible for overseeing digital marketing strategies that drive brand awareness and lead generation across multiple platforms. One of my proudest achievements in this position has been leading a cross-functional team to develop an integrated marketing campaign that resulted in a 40% increase in online engagement for our flagship product.

Outside of my professional life, I am deeply passionate about photography and travel. Whether it’s capturing the vibrant streets of Tokyo or the serene landscapes of Iceland, these activities allow me to explore different cultures and keep me inspired. Additionally, I am committed to supporting environmental causes, as I believe in giving back to the community and advocating for sustainable living practices.

Looking to the future, I am excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. I am committed to continuing my personal and professional growth, seeking out new experiences, and contributing to the marketing industry in meaningful ways. Above all, I strive to live by my values of creativity, integrity, and compassion, knowing that success is not just about what we achieve for ourselves but also what we contribute to the world around us.

biography about myself

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PDF Word Google Docs

Biography For Project

Name: Alex Thompson Role in Project: Project Manager Background: With a solid background in Civil Engineering and a passion for sustainable urban development, Alex Thompson brings over a decade of experience in project management to the table. Alex graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Master’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering.

Professional Journey: Alex’s professional journey began as a Field Engineer with ConstructRight, a renowned construction company, where he was involved in various infrastructure projects that spanned from bridges to eco-friendly commercial buildings. His dedication and innovative approach to problem-solving led him to ascend to the role of Senior Project Engineer at BuildInnovate, focusing on sustainable urban projects.

Current Role: Currently, as a Project Manager at UrbanScape Innovations, Alex oversees the development of green residential complexes. He is responsible for coordinating project activities from conception through completion, ensuring that all projects adhere to environmental standards, budget constraints, and timelines. Under his leadership, his team has successfully completed several award-winning sustainable housing projects.

Expertise and Skills:

  • Project planning and management
  • Sustainable construction practices
  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Team leadership and collaboration
  • Problem-solving and innovation


  • Led a team that won the Green Building Excellence Award in 2023 for the EcoNest Residential Complex project.
  • Published several articles on sustainable urban development in industry journals.
  • Guest speaker at the International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development.

Personal Interests: Outside of work, Alex is an avid cyclist and environmental activist. He participates in community clean-up drives and advocates for green living practices. Alex also enjoys reading about the latest trends in smart city technologies and sustainable urban planning.

Vision for the Project: Alex is dedicated to ensuring that the current project not only meets but exceeds environmental sustainability goals. His vision is to create a model for future developments that prioritize ecological integrity, community well-being, and innovation.

Contact Information: Email: [email protected]

biography for project

Sample Biography of a Deceased Person

Name: Margaret Elizabeth Reed Born: May 2, 1942 – Passed Away: August 15, 2023

Early Life: Margaret Elizabeth Reed was born in Springfield, Illinois, to a family deeply rooted in community service and education. From a young age, Margaret showed an exceptional aptitude for the arts and a profound commitment to social justice, influenced by her parents’ dedication to civil rights.

Education and Career: Margaret pursued her passion for art at the University of Illinois, where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts. Her artistic talent and visionary work quickly earned her recognition in the local art scene. After graduation, Margaret dedicated herself to teaching, shaping the next generation of artists as a beloved art teacher at Springfield High School for over 30 years. Her innovative teaching methods and unwavering support for her students left an indelible mark on countless lives.

Personal Life: In 1965, Margaret married her college sweetheart, Thomas Reed, a fellow educator and civil rights advocate. Together, they raised three children, instilling in them the values of compassion, creativity, and social responsibility. Margaret’s home was a hub of artistic activity and community engagement, where she hosted many gatherings to support various causes.

Community Involvement: Beyond her professional achievements, Margaret was a pillar of her community. She volunteered her time and art to numerous local charities and was instrumental in establishing a community arts program that provided free art classes to underprivileged children. Her efforts were recognized with several community service awards.

Legacy: Margaret Elizabeth Reed passed away on August 15, 2023, leaving behind a legacy of artistic innovation, educational excellence, and community service. Her artwork continues to inspire new generations, and her philanthropic initiatives have grown, continuing to enrich the lives of many. Margaret is survived by her husband, Thomas, their three children, and seven grandchildren, who all carry forward her spirit of generosity and creativity.

In Memory: Margaret’s family invites donations to the “Margaret E. Reed Arts Scholarship” to support young artists in their educational endeavors, continuing Margaret’s lifelong mission to foster art and community engagement. Her memory lives on in the countless lives she touched and the vibrant community she helped build.

sample biography of a deceased person

Biography Writing Format

Biography writing involves capturing the essence of an individual’s life, highlighting significant moments, achievements, and personal characteristics. Here’s a structured format you can follow to write a comprehensive and engaging biography:


  • Brief Overview: Start with a summary that captures the person’s significance, key achievements, and the impact they’ve had on their field or community.
  • Basic Information: Include their full name, birth date, and, if applicable, the date of passing. Mention where they were born and a brief overview of their upbringing or background.

Early Life and Education

  • Childhood: Discuss notable aspects of their childhood, including family background, early interests, and any pivotal moments that influenced their future path.
  • Education: Outline their educational journey, noting important academic achievements, degrees obtained, and institutions attended. Highlight any mentors or experiences that significantly shaped their direction.

Career and Major Achievements

  • Career Beginnings: Describe how they started in their professional field, including early jobs or projects.
  • Significant Contributions: Detail their major contributions and achievements in their career, including notable works, positions held, awards received, or innovations developed.
  • Impact: Explain the impact of their work on their industry, community, or the world at large, highlighting how they’ve influenced others or changed their field.

Personal Life

  • Interests and Hobbies: Share insights into their personal interests, hobbies, and other non-professional activities that paint a fuller picture of who they were as a person.
  • Family and Relationships: Briefly mention significant family relationships and how these influenced or supported their journey.

Challenges and Overcoming Adversity

  • Obstacles: Discuss any major challenges or obstacles they faced in their life and career, emphasizing their resilience and how they overcame these difficulties.
  • Growth: Highlight how overcoming these challenges contributed to their growth and success.

Legacy and Final Years

  • Later Life: If applicable, discuss their life after retirement or during their final years, including ongoing projects, continued influence, and personal pursuits.
  • Legacy: Reflect on their legacy and how they will be remembered, including any foundations, scholarships, or institutions established in their honor.
  • Summary of Impact: Conclude by summarizing their impact and why their life and work continue to be significant.
  • Final Thoughts: Offer final reflections on their life, considering what others can learn from their story.

References (if applicable)

  • Include a list of sources used to compile the biography, such as books, articles, interviews, and archives, to lend credibility and allow readers to explore further.

This format provides a comprehensive approach to biography writing, ensuring that the narrative is both informative and engaging, offering readers a well-rounded view of the individual’s life and contributions

biography writing format

Browse More Templates On Biography

Short biography outline template.

short biography outline template

  • Google Docs

Sample Professional Biography Outline Template

professional biography outline template

Biography Report Outline Template

biography report outline template

Main Purpose of a Biography

  • To Inform: Biographies provide detailed information about a person’s life, including their experiences, accomplishments, and the challenges they’ve faced.
  • To Educate: They serve as educational resources, offering insights into historical periods, societal contexts, and fields of interest through the lens of an individual’s life.
  • To Inspire: By sharing the journeys of notable individuals, biographies can motivate readers to pursue their own goals and overcome obstacles.
  • To Preserve History: Biographies document the lives of influential people, preserving their legacies and contributions for future generations.
  • To Highlight Achievements: They celebrate the achievements and impact of individuals in various domains, such as politics, science, art, and social activism.
  • To Provide Insight: Biographies offer in-depth insight into a person’s character, motivations, and the factors that shaped their life and work.
  • To Analyze Societal Impact: They examine how individuals have influenced or been influenced by their social, cultural, and historical contexts.
  • To Entertain: Biographies can also entertain readers, providing captivating narratives that delve into the complexities and triumphs of human lives.

Basic Biography Worksheet Template

biography worksheet template

Personal Biography Outline Template

personal biography outline template

Sample Artist Biography Outline Template

artist biography outline template

Features Of Biography

features of biography 1024x530

  • Chronological Structure: Biographies typically follow a chronological order, detailing the subject’s life from birth to death or to the present if they are still alive. This structure helps readers understand the sequence of events and their impact on the subject’s development and achievements.
  • In-depth Research: Good biographies are based on meticulous research, drawing from a range of sources such as interviews, letters, diaries, photographs, and historical records. This thorough research ensures the accuracy and comprehensiveness of the information presented.
  • Focus on a Central Figure: The core of any biography is the individual it profiles. It provides a detailed exploration of this person’s life, personality, achievements, and challenges, offering readers an intimate look into their experiences and contributions.
  • Contextual Information: Besides focusing on the individual, biographies also provide context by exploring the historical, social, and cultural environments in which the person lived. This background information helps readers understand the external factors that influenced the subject’s life and work.
  • Personal Insights: Biographies often include personal insights into the subject’s character, motivations, and emotions, which are gleaned from personal correspondence, accounts from friends and family, and other intimate sources. These insights offer a deeper understanding of the individual beyond their public achievements.
  • Narrative Elements: Although biographies are factual, they often utilize narrative techniques such as storytelling, character development, and setting descriptions to make the subject’s life story engaging and relatable to readers.
  • Themes and Messages: Many biographies convey broader themes or messages, such as perseverance, innovation, or the impact of societal change. These themes are woven through the narrative to provide deeper meaning and reflection on the subject’s life and times.
  • Analysis and Interpretation: Biographers not only present facts but also analyze and interpret the subject’s actions, decisions, and the impact of their work. This analysis helps readers appreciate the complexities of the subject’s life and the significance of their contributions to their field or society.

Sample Biography Outline Template

sample biography outline template

Character Biography Outline Template

character biography outline template

Sample Biography Report Outline Template

Five parts of a biography.

sample five parts of a biography 1024x530

  • Introduction: This section provides an overview of the subject’s life, including their name, significance, and a brief summary of their major achievements or the impact they had on their field or society. It sets the tone for the biography and gives readers a glimpse of what to expect.
  • Early Life and Background: Here, the biography delves into the subject’s early years, exploring their family background, place of birth, education, and any formative experiences that influenced their later life and work. This part helps readers understand the roots and upbringing that shaped the individual’s character and ambitions.
  • Career and Major Contributions: This crucial part of the biography details the subject’s professional journey, key achievements, and contributions to their field. It covers significant milestones, challenges faced, and the impact of their work, providing a thorough look at their professional life and legacy.
  • Personal Life: This section sheds light on the subject’s personal life, including relationships, family, hobbies, and any personal struggles or triumphs. It offers a more intimate glimpse into the individual’s character beyond their public or professional persona, adding depth to their portrayal.
  • Legacy and Influence: The final part of the biography assesses the subject’s legacy, examining how their work or life has influenced their field, society, or subsequent generations. It may also include reflections on their contributions, recognition or awards received, and their standing in history or popular culture. This section underscores the lasting impact of the individual’s life and work.

Biography Outline Template For Elementary Students Template

biography outline template for elementary students

Biography Report Template

biography report

  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US

Personal Biography Template

personal biography template

Size: 66.2 KB

One can easily frame a biography if provided with the correct sample. A biography must include the proper format of details which are to be included to come up with the master piece. A Personal Biography Template would help to frame the best biography with a proper structure. You may also see biography timeline samples .

Formal Biography Template

biography template word

Size: 85.8 KB

Writing a biography is not easy as there are many things that are to be included while one begins to start writing a biography. The Personal Biography Template Word will include the personal details of the person that will make it easy for the readers to understand.You may also see personal timeline templates .

Biography Directions Template

short biography directions template

Size: 169.7 KB

It is necessary to include proper format and structure while one begins to write a biography. With the help of the Short Biography Directions Template you can easily have an analysis of the important key points which are to be included in the biography and how to put up the structure of the biography.You may also see biography report

Why Does One Need a Biography Template?

Writing a biography is difficult and it needs to have a very detailed data analysis of the person. A biography is written for a person and therefore one needs to follow a detailed analysis and study. With the help of the biography template one can easily write up a story in a proper format. You can also see biography samples

It must include all the specific details like the name, important events, personal life, history and achievements of the person. It should be based on an analytical report on the person’s life which will be framed under different topics and with the help of the template can be easily customized and personalized as per the own needs.You may also see biography timeline templates.

When Does One Need a Biography Template?

Sketching out someone’s personal life details can never be an easy task. Writing a biography is a really tough job and one needs to focus on each and every part of the personal, professional and social life of the person for whom the biography is to be written.You may also see biography sample timesheets

With the help of the biography template one can easily have a proper layout of what all things are to be included in a biography and which section or paragraph should include what detail? One needs to have a proper knowledge of what and how things are to be framed. A template can be easily customized and designed as per the different fields of the person.You may also see historical timeline templates

Sample Biography Research Template

biography sample

A Biography Sample Template helps to sketch the biography really well with the help of proper diagram. It must include all the personal details of the person as well as their early life and personal life events that will make the biography look interesting and also factual.You may also see biography writings .

Biography Scoring Template

sample biography template download in pdf

Size: 764.3 KB

Biography Report Form Template


Size: 400.4 KB

Students Biography Template

student example bio

Size: 471.1 KB

Benefits of having a biography template:

A template has always been helpful to the person who is beginning up with something new. Writing a biography is a tough job and one really does have no idea about how to begin and place details in a structure. With the help of the biography template it becomes easy to

1. Frame a biography with all the sections detailed in an easy approach

2. One can easily frame different paragraph body to include specific details of person

3. A biography template would help to guide a proper format for the same. You may also see obituary templates

4. Personal details must not be placed evenly throughout the journey of the life.

It should spell out instructions clearly without leaving any space to guesswork. Most guides fail in this part by assuming that the user will know everything. Going round and round the same thing will make things boring. It is important that you find guides that are straight to the point which are easy to skim through and get the intended message. This will also save your time and help you spend enough time in writing. You may also see history timeline templates .

The examples provided should be of different kinds so as to improve your freedom of choice. Using a variety of these will also help you to:

1. Enrich yourself with new vocabularies and experiment with sentence structures

2. Entice the reader and keep them glued to the end

3. Choose the right words that will drive the message home easily

4. There are free biography templates online that can make you achieve this. Find out now.

What is in a biography?

A biography typically includes details about a person’s life, such as their birth, upbringing, education, career, accomplishments, relationships, significant events, and impact on society or their field.

What is the opening paragraph of a biography?

The opening paragraph of a biography typically introduces the subject, providing essential background information, highlighting notable achievements, and capturing the reader’s interest in the individual’s life journey and significance.

How long should a biography be?

A biography’s length varies depending on its purpose and subject, typically ranging from a few paragraphs to several pages, with concise biographies being around 300-500 words and more detailed ones extending to several thousand words.

How to start a biography?

Begin a biography by introducing the subject with their name, birth date, and brief background information. Engage readers with an intriguing detail or anecdote that sets the tone for their life story.

What should not be included in a biography?

 In a biography, avoid including irrelevant personal details, speculative information, biased opinions, gossip or rumors, unverified claims, and overly personal or sensitive information unless relevant to the individual’s life story.

Is a biography written in first person?

No, typically a biography is written in third person, offering an objective perspective on the subject’s life, experiences, and accomplishments, allowing readers to gain insight into their character and achievements.

Writing a biography is not easy and making it look justified is even harder. So to make a biography framed properly it is necessary to have the biography template. With the help of the template one can easily frame a biography imposing the specific details required. You may also see book outline .

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  • Biography Book Report

Biography Book Report Free Google Docs Template

Here is a great Biography Book Report Free Google Docs Template ready to use and edit online. Often, people who love to read cannot remember many facts or interesting situations from books. Structuring all your knowledge becomes very difficult due to the many books you have read. Many well-known analysts and researchers of this phenomenon advise making short notes after each read material. This biography book report free Google Docs template is a great way to memorize any book or aspect and interesting facts from the life of famous people. However, writing such a report can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. Therefore, you should definitely use this ready-made template.

Minimalism and conciseness characterize this template. The left side of the template features the name, which is clearly defined by a small frame in a greenish hue and the “Abril Fatface” font. The main section of the template consists of a structured list where you can record the book’s quality. It provides sections for the title of the literature, author, subject overview, personal opinion on the book, personal accomplishments, and opinion on the subject. We include horizontal lines for easier note-taking.

This template will allow you to easily create various book reviews. Or you can just take notes to refresh your memory in the future. Also, if you want, you can easily modify it. For example, you can customize the background, integrate a new color into the title, make the text more voluminous, or, on the contrary, reduce its size. On the website, you can find many useful and most importantly free report templates. Moreover, they will definitely help you make your life easier!

Download this free and easy to edit online Book Report 5th Grade Google Docs Template. It will help you quickly and efficiently assess the knowledge of your students.

Psychologists and researchers often advise to jot down notes for each piece of literature read. Therefore, our team decided to please lovers of literature of any kind. We prepared for you this printable book report template.

Literature teachers often have to check all the material for a very long time. So to speed up the process for yourself and make it easier for students, you can use this free Google Docs template for a 3rd grade book report.

Share your impressions about the material you read or make your own book reviews. For these purposes, you can use this simple book report free Google Docs template.

Before giving a task to your students to read a book, you should figure out how to get them interested in it. For these good intentions, you can use this book report free Google Docs template.

To help you interest your students in reading books, we have prepared this high school book report free Google Docs template. Use it to organize competitions between students or just to check homework faster.

Many people create cool groups in popular instant messengers in which they will discuss all kinds of books and share experiences. To make it easier for you to characterize the book, you can use this nonfiction book report template.

A lot really depends on teachers, including the love of books. So to make your students love reading, you can use this elementary book report free Google Docs template.

You can use and benefit from this free 4th grade book report Google Docs template. By using it, you can effortlessly assess your students’ understanding and simultaneously examine their assignments.

biography google docs template

The Best Original Character Bio Template (250+ Traits Info Sheet)

August 17, 2023

The best character template to help you include traits you would never consider. Even expert OC designers can't figure out all the details without some prompting!

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Do you have an OC you’re making and want to build your character up? We got you covered!

There are many different approaches to character creation! Using a character sheet can help your character feel more well-rounded.

Even experienced character designers can't keep all the character details without some prompting! This original character template can help include key motivations, background info, and traits that you would never consider.

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How To Use This Free Character Template

Whether you're a pro or just starting out, this character info sheet will help you develop your character!

The best way to use this template is to start with the basics. Don't feel like you have to fill everything out. That's too much! The goal is to use these traits and prompts to brainstorm.

You can also post your OC to CharacterHub ! On CharacterHub, these prompts are built in. The tool helps you brainstorm and keep track of all your characters and worlds. Once you post your character, you can get feedback from the community, meet other OC creators, and share art and stories!

Original Character Sheet:

Basic info:.

  • Date of Birth
  • Time of Birh
  • Place of Birth
  • Gender/Pronouns
  • Relationship
  • General Appearance (physical features, style, etc.)
  • General Personality (positive and negative traits)
  • Weaknesses ‍

Physical Traits + Appearance:

  • Facial Hair
  • Specific Features
  • Facial Features
  • Dominant Hand
  • Flexibility
  • Body temperature
  • Teeth (straight, crooked, missing)
  • Voice (pitch, pacing, etc.)
  • Sense of fashion and style
  • Health (disabilities, illnesses, conditions)

Other Characteristics

  • Languages Spoken
  • Personality Type
  • Cultural Background
  • Speech Patterns
  • Most Used Phrases/Words
  • Habits (good and bad)
  • Intelligence
  • Sense of humor
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Introverted or extroverted?
  • Lucky Number
  • Most Treasured Possession
  • Dietary Preferences
  • Signature Scent
  • First Emergency Contact
  • Bucket list
  • Morning Routine
  • Unique Skill
  • Sleeping habits
  • Political views
  • Core Values
  • Beliefs about morality and ethics
  • Beliefs about happiness and success
  • Beliefs about the world and society
  • Stance on social issues
  • Personal Philosophy
  • Self-perception
  • Optimism vs. Pessimism


  • Darkest Secret
  • Biggest Dream
  • Deepest fear
  • Inner Conflict
  • External Conflict
  • External Pressures
  • Insecurities
  • Worst nightmares

biography google docs template


  • Significant Other
  • Family (and family dynamics)
  • Birth order:
  • Co-workers/Professional Relationships
  • Mentors/Mentees
  • Past Romances
  • Best Friends
  • Close Friends
  • Acquaintances
  • Strained Relationships
  • Supportive Relationships
  • Toxic Relationships
  • Role Models
  • Most important relationship
  • What do they like about their relationships?
  • What do they wish could be improved about their relationships?
  • Special Powers
  • Supernatural Abilities
  • Fighting Style
  • Physical Strength/Endurance
  • Persuasion Ability
  • Survival Skills
  • Spiritual Abilities
  • Technology Skills


  • Online usernames
  • Social Media Usage
  • Technology Usage
  • Followers/Following
  • Favorite Apps
  • Communities Apart Of
  • Favorite forms of entertainment
  • Favorite movies
  • Favorite TV shows
  • Favorite games
  • Favorite book
  • Favorite outdoor activities
  • Celebrity Crush
  • Comfort Food or Activity
  • Dream Vacation Destination
  • Places they've been to
  • Indoor activities
  • Outdoor activities

Other Favorites

  • Favorite food
  • Favorite drink
  • Favorite place
  • Favorite animal
  • Favorite color
  • Favorite song
  • Favorite Quote
  • Favorite band
  • Favorite sports team
  • Favorite brand
  • Favorite store
  • Favorite thing to do
  • Favorite weather
  • Favorite season
  • Favorite holiday
  • Favorite mythical creature
  • Favorite joke
  • Favortie smell
  • Favorite sound
  • Favortie Time of Day
  • Favorite Historical Period
  • Favorite Superhero
  • Favorite Villain

Professional Traits:

  • Income Level
  • Volunteering
  • Professional Goals
  • Professional Reputation
  • Career Challenges
  • Professional Skills
  • Feelings about job
  • Feelings about co-workers
  • Personal history (childhood, past events, etc.)
  • Social class
  • Criminal Record
  • Notable life events
  • Accomplishments
  • Key Memories
  • Childhood influences
  • Childhood Ambition
  • Major life decisions
  • First Heartbreak
  • Life Lessons
  • Cherishable Moments
  • Major Failures
  • Most embarrassing moment
  • Most meaningful possession
  • Most difficult decision
  • Favorite memory
  • Least Favorite Memory

Fandom (if the character lives in a fan universe):

  • Is this character part of an existing fandom or universe?
  • How does this character relate to the canon world?
  • Are there any notable relationships to that universe?
  • What special powers (if any) do they have from that universe?
  • Have they influenced history in any way?
  • Do they have any notable accomplishments within the universe?
  • What are their roles and responsibilities?

Character Development Questions:

  • How does your character handle conflict and difficult situations?
  • How does your character relate to others and form relationships?
  • How do your character's personality and actions change in different environments and social circles?
  • How did your character's childhood shape their personality and worldview?
  • How does your character cope with their emotions and vulnerabilities?
  • Why does your character make the choices they do and what motivates them?
  • How has your character's personality changed over the years?
  • How does your character handle success or achievement?
  • If your character could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
  • If your character could travel through time, where and when would they go?
  • If your character could have any famous person as their mentor or role model, who would they choose and why?
  • If your character could have any one wish granted, what would it be and why?

Roleplay Details (for a character roleplay bio):

  • Types of characters this character interacts best with
  • How the character’s personality ideally evolves in a roleplay
  • Roleplay role (is this character typically a protagonist? Antagonist? Supporting character?)
  • Common starters: prompts or starter stories that fit this character well

Other Character Profile Template Tips:

  • Write journal entries as your characters. This helps you think as your character, making them feel more realistic. The Posts function on CharacterHub is good for this.
  • Map out your character arc. Characters need to develop over the course of your story! After filling out these details, outline what the character learns and the emotional development the character goes through.
  • Practice writing about your character . Pick another character in your universe. Write about them as another character to get a more comprehensive view of the character. Answering writing prompts can help you brainstorm.
  • Use the character template even if you won’t utilize all the traits . Knowing everything about a character helps them feel more real, regardless of if you ever use specific details. The information from the character info sheet can slightly alter how they react, respond, or behave in ways that aren’t tangible.

Creating Characters on CharacterHub

No need to store your OC Character Sheets in Google Doc anymore! CharacterHub provides simple tools to help you brainstorm and keep track of all your characters and worlds! Post characters, build an audience, get fan art, and store everything. You can find it all on CharacterHub ! It like combining all reference sheets, notes, templates and character info sheets into one!

biography google docs template

Table of Contents

Share on social, unlock your character's full potential, join characterhub for exclusive access to revolutionary character-building tools and a like-minded community.

biography google docs template

How To Write A Captivating Backstory And Lore For Your Characters (With Examples)

biography google docs template

How To Design A Video Game Character: Step By Step Process With Tips and Tricks

biography google docs template

How To Make An Amazing Character Design Sheet (aka Model, Turnaround, or Rotation Sheets)

CharacterHub Logo

Wait! Do you love creating characters?

On CharacterHub, you can create detailed character profiles, share their art and story, and organize all of your OCs! Join CharacterHub and bring your characters to life today!

My Free Slides


Tag: Biography

Download & Use this Free Biography PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes for your next presentations. Use these templates to create presentations on the popular & powerful people of the world, noble peace prize winners, etc.

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Biography Report Template

Biography Report Template in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages

Download this Biography Report Template Design in Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages Format. Easily Editable, Printable, Downloadable.

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Web Components

Baseline widely available.

This feature is well established and works across many devices and browser versions. It’s been available across browsers since January 2020 .

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Web Components is a suite of different technologies allowing you to create reusable custom elements — with their functionality encapsulated away from the rest of your code — and utilize them in your web apps.

Concepts and usage

As developers, we all know that reusing code as much as possible is a good idea. This has traditionally not been so easy for custom markup structures — think of the complex HTML (and associated style and script) you've sometimes had to write to render custom UI controls, and how using them multiple times can turn your page into a mess if you are not careful.

Web Components aims to solve such problems — it consists of three main technologies, which can be used together to create versatile custom elements with encapsulated functionality that can be reused wherever you like without fear of code collisions.

A set of JavaScript APIs that allow you to define custom elements and their behavior, which can then be used as desired in your user interface.

A set of JavaScript APIs for attaching an encapsulated "shadow" DOM tree to an element — which is rendered separately from the main document DOM — and controlling associated functionality. In this way, you can keep an element's features private, so they can be scripted and styled without the fear of collision with other parts of the document.

The <template> and <slot> elements enable you to write markup templates that are not displayed in the rendered page. These can then be reused multiple times as the basis of a custom element's structure.

The basic approach for implementing a web component generally looks something like this:

  • Create a class in which you specify your web component functionality, using the class syntax.
  • Register your new custom element using the CustomElementRegistry.define() method, passing it the element name to be defined, the class or function in which its functionality is specified, and optionally, what element it inherits from.
  • If required, attach a shadow DOM to the custom element using Element.attachShadow() method. Add child elements, event listeners, etc., to the shadow DOM using regular DOM methods.
  • If required, define an HTML template using <template> and <slot> . Again use regular DOM methods to clone the template and attach it to your shadow DOM.
  • Use your custom element wherever you like on your page, just like you would any regular HTML element.

A guide showing how to use the features of custom elements to create simple web components, as well as looking into lifecycle callbacks and some other more advanced features.

A guide that looks at shadow DOM fundamentals, showing how to attach a shadow DOM to an element, add to the shadow DOM tree, style it, and more.

A guide showing how to define a reusable HTML structure using <template> and <slot> elements, and then use that structure inside your web components.

Custom elements

Contains functionality related to custom elements, most notably the CustomElementRegistry.define() method used to register new custom elements so they can then be used in your document.

Returns a reference to the CustomElementRegistry object.

Special callback functions defined inside the custom element's class definition, which affect its behavior:

Invoked when the custom element is first connected to the document's DOM.

Invoked when the custom element is disconnected from the document's DOM.

Invoked when the custom element is moved to a new document.

Invoked when one of the custom element's attributes is added, removed, or changed.

The following extensions are defined:

Allows you to specify that a standard HTML element should behave like a registered custom built-in element.

Allows you to create an instance of a standard HTML element that behaves like a given registered custom built-in element.

Pseudo-classes relating specifically to custom elements:

Matches any element that is defined, including built in elements and custom elements defined with CustomElementRegistry.define() .

Selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside.

Selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside (so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM) — but only if the selector given as the function's parameter matches the shadow host.

Selects the shadow host of the shadow DOM containing the CSS it is used inside (so you can select a custom element from inside its shadow DOM) — but only if the selector given as the function's parameter matches the shadow host's ancestor(s) in the place it sits inside the DOM hierarchy.

Matches custom elements that are in a specified custom state. More precisely, it matches anonymous custom elements where the specified state is present in the element's CustomStateSet .

Pseudo-elements relating specifically to custom elements:

Represents any element within a shadow tree that has a matching part attribute.

Represents the root node of a shadow DOM subtree.

Extensions to the Element interface related to shadow DOM:

  • The Element.attachShadow() method attaches a shadow DOM tree to the specified element.
  • The Element.shadowRoot property returns the shadow root attached to the specified element, or null if there is no shadow root attached.

Additions to the Node interface relevant to shadow DOM:

  • The Node.getRootNode() method returns the context object's root, which optionally includes the shadow root if it is available.
  • The Node.isConnected property returns a boolean indicating whether or not the Node is connected (directly or indirectly) to the context object, e.g. the Document object in the case of the normal DOM, or the ShadowRoot in the case of a shadow DOM.

Extensions to the Event interface related to shadow DOM:

Returns true if the event will propagate across the shadow DOM boundary into the standard DOM, otherwise false .

Returns the event's path (objects on which listeners will be invoked). This does not include nodes in shadow trees if the shadow root was created with ShadowRoot.mode closed.

HTML templates

Contains an HTML fragment that is not rendered when a containing document is initially loaded, but can be displayed at runtime using JavaScript, mainly used as the basis of custom element structures. The associated DOM interface is HTMLTemplateElement .

A placeholder inside a web component that you can fill with your own markup, which lets you create separate DOM trees and present them together. The associated DOM interface is HTMLSlotElement .

Assigns a slot in a shadow DOM shadow tree to an element.

A read-only attribute which returns a reference to the <slot> in which this element is inserted.

A read-only attribute which returns a reference to the <slot> in which this text node is inserted.

Extensions to the Element interface related to slots:

Returns the name of the shadow DOM slot attached to the element.

Pseudo-elements relating specifically to slots:

Matches any content that is inserted into a slot.

Fired on an HTMLSlotElement instance ( <slot> element) when the node(s) contained in that slot change.

We are building up a number of examples in our web-components-examples GitHub repo. More will be added as time goes on.



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  • Teacher Bio
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  • Aesthetic Bio
  • Realtor Bio
  • Professional Bio
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  • Financial Advisor Bio
  • Life Coach Bio
  • Speaker Bio
  • Real Estate Agent Bio
  • Personal Bio
  • Photography

Artist Biography Template

Artist Biography Template  - Word, Google Docs

An Artist Biography Template is a preformatted document designed to guide artists in detailing their life, accomplishments, and artistic journey. To simplify this process for you, our team has crafted an easy-to-use Artist Biography Template that's accessible in Word and Google Docs.

About this Template

Contents of the template:.

  • Introduction Page: A brief overview to introduce the artist and provide a snapshot of their journey.
  • Early Life Section: Document the early years, educational background, and initial forays into the world of art.
  • Career Highlights: Chronicle major milestones, exhibitions, awards, and pivotal moments.
  • Artistic Style & Influences: Delve into the artist’s unique style, key inspirations, and notable influencers.
  • Exhibitions & Collections: List out solo and group exhibitions, as well as major collections housing the artist’s work.
  • Personal Life: Share insights into the artist’s personal life, hobbies, and interests outside of art.
  • Contact & Outreach: Provide relevant contact details for inquiries, collaborations, or purchases.
  • Visual Gallery Page: A space dedicated to showcasing some of the artist’s signature pieces.

Why Use This Template:

  • Structured Approach: Organizes the artist’s journey in a logical and reader-friendly manner.
  • Saves Time: Eliminates the need to start from scratch, offering a clear direction for content placement.
  • Consistency: Provides a uniform format, especially useful if creating multiple biographies for different artists.
  • Professional Presentation: Designed to convey information with elegance, ensuring the artist is represented in the best possible light.
  • Emerging Artists: Perfect for those at the onset of their careers, aiming to establish a strong presence in the art community.
  • Gallery Submissions: Essential when introducing an artist’s work for exhibitions or gallery placements.
  • Portfolio Inclusions: Enhances an artist’s portfolio by adding depth and a narrative to their creations.
  • Website Profiles: Ideal for artists looking to set up or refine their online presence with a detailed biography.

biography google docs template

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  3. Biography Templates in Word, Pages, Google Docs

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  4. Professional Biography Template

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  9. Sample Biography

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    Biography. Download & Use this Free Biography PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes for your next presentations. Use these templates to create presentations on the popular & powerful people of the world, noble peace prize winners, etc. Download & Create Professional Google Slides Themes for your next Presentation only with us.

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  23. Web Components

    ShadowRoot. Represents the root node of a shadow DOM subtree. Element extensions. Extensions to the Element interface related to shadow DOM:. The Element.attachShadow() method attaches a shadow DOM tree to the specified element.; The Element.shadowRoot property returns the shadow root attached to the specified element, or null if there is no shadow root attached.

  24. Artist Biography Template

    Artist Biography Template. An Artist Biography Template is a preformatted document designed to guide artists in detailing their life, accomplishments, and artistic journey. To simplify this process for you, our team has crafted an easy-to-use Artist Biography Template that's accessible in Word and Google Docs.