Kashmir day
Kashmir Day speech in Urdu
کشمیر دن کو دسمبر یا فروری کے دنوں میں منایا جاتا ہے تاکہ دنیا بھر میں کشمیری عوام کے حقوق اور مسائل کی طرف توجہ دی جا سکے۔
:کشمیریوں کی داستان
۔ انہیں انصاف کی ضرورت ہے، ان کے حقوق کی حفاظت کی ضرورت ہے، اور ہمیشہ کی طرح ان کی آواز کو سنا جانا چاہئے۔
:کشمیر دن کی اہمیت
کشمیر دن کی تقریریں اور اس کے مظاہرے عوام کو ان کی مسئلوں کی طرف توجہ دینے میں مدد کرتے ہیں۔۔
یوم کشمیر ہر سال 5 فروری کو منایا جاتا ہے، جو ایک اہم موقع ہے جو کشمیر کے انسانوں کے حقوق، انصاف اور آزادی کی خواہش کو یاد کرتا ہے۔ اس موقع کو یومیہ سوچیں پر نہیں بلکہ ایک بڑے آغاز کی نمائش تصور کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ اس موقع پر ہمیں اپنے آغازی فیصلوں کو دوبارہ تشہیر کرنے کا موقع حاصل ہوتا ہے اور کشمیر کے لئے اپنی حمایت کو دوبارہ تصدیق کرنے کا موقع ملتا ہے۔
آزادی کی باغبانی: کشمیر دن کا تاثر
کشمیر، ایک جگہ نہ صرف جغرافیائی طور پر خوبصورت بلکہ ایک روحانی اور معنوی موقع ہے۔ ہر سال 5 فروری کو منایا جانے والا “یوم کشمیر” ہمیں یہ ذکر کرتا ہے کہ انسانیت اور انصاف کے نام پر کشمیریوں کے حقوق کی خواہش نہ صرف ایک خواب نہیں بلکہ ایک انسانیت کی پکار ہے۔ اس دن کو ہمیشہ یاد رکھنا ہمارا فرض بن گیا ہے، اور اس کو زندگی کے ہر پہلو میں اپنے اعمال سے اجاگر کرنا ہماری ذمہ داری ہے۔
کشمیریوں کی قسمت کے ساتھ ایک عظیم وارثی کا موقع، یوم کشمیر ہر سال ایک موجودہ مسئلہ بنا ہوتا ہے۔ اس موقع پر، ہمیں اپنے انسانی حقوق کے پسماندگی کی خواہش کو دوبارہ دلی میں بھرنے کا موقع حاصل ہوتا ہے۔ کشمیر کے لئے آواز بلند کرنا، انصاف اور انسانیت کی پیغام بھرنے کا ذریعہ بنتا ہے۔
کشمیر: ایک خواب، ایک وقعت
کشمیریوں کی خواہش ہمیشہ ایک آزاد وطن میں آزادی کی محبت کی حکایت رہی ہے۔ یوم کشمیر کی تقریب کے دوران، ان کی تاریخی جدوجہد کو یاد کرنا اہم ہے۔ ان کی قومیت کو قدرتی طور پر ملک سے جدا کیا گیا اور ان کی بنیادی حقوق کی خامی کی گئی۔
یوم کشمیر کے دن، ہمیں اپنی ورثہ کو یاد دلاتا ہے کہ ہمیں ایک انصافی اور بے پردہ معاشرتیت کی ضرورت ہے۔ ہمیں کشمیر کے لئے اپنی حمایت کو جاری رکھنے کی ضرورت ہے، اور ان کی خواہشات کو پورا کرنے کی خواہش کو آگے بڑھانے کی ضرورت ہے۔
آئیے یوم کشمیر کی روشنی میں ہم اپنی فکری فضا کو اضافہ دیں، اور اس موضوع پر مضمون لکھیں جو مخاطب
یوم کشمیر کو پاکستان میں 5 فروری کو منایا جاتا ہے، جو ایک قدرتی خوبصورتی، تاریخی اور فرہنگی ورثہ ہے۔ اس موقع کو ہمیشہ یاد رکھنا چاہیے کہ کشمیر مسئلہ ایک انسانیت کا مسئلہ ہے، جو عدل اور انصاف کی فریاد بلند کرتا ہے۔ اس دن کو منانے کا مقصد ہمیں کشمیر کی قربانیوں کو یاد کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ ان کے حقوق اور انصاف کے لئے آواز بلند کرنا ہے۔
کشمیر دن کی تقریر، ایک اہم روحانی پیغام ہے جو دنیا بھر کے لوگوں کو انسانیت اور انصاف کی عظمت کی خبر دینے کا ذریعہ بنتی ہے۔ یہ ایک موقع فراہم کرتا ہے کہ ہم اپنے آس پاس کے لوگوں کو ایکجہتی بنانے کی کوشش کریں اور ان کو کشمیر کی مسئلے پر آگاہ کریں۔
اگر آپ کشمیر دن پر تقریر دینے کا فرصت حاصل کریں، تو یہاں چند مضامین کی راہنمائی پیش کی جا رہی ہے جو آپ کی تقریر کو سی او فرینڈلی بنا سکتی ہے:
- کشمیر کی تاریخی اہمیت: تقریر کی شروعات کو کشمیر کی تاریخی اہمیت کی تشریح کر کے کریں۔ کشمیر کا ایک عظیم تاریخی میراث ہے، جو اس کے معاصر مسئلے کو بھی اہمیت فراہم کرتا ہے۔ آپ اسے ایک فرصت سمجھیں کہ دوسروں کو کشمیر کی تاریخی اور فرہنگی ورثہ کے بارے میں آگاہ کریں۔
- انصاف اور حقوق کی باتیں: آپ کی تقریر میں انصاف اور حقوق کے مسائل پر زور دیں۔ کشمیریوں کی زندگیوں میں انصاف کی کمی اور ان کے بنیادی حقوق کی خلاف ورزی کے بارے میں بات کریں۔ ان کے حقوق کی پیروی اور انصاف کی فریاد بلند کرنا ان کی خوشحالی اور عمران کے لئے ضروری ہے۔
- دولتی مجتمع کی باتیں: کشمیر کی مسئلہ کی بنیادی وجوہات میں دولتی مجتمع کا کردار بھی شامل ہے۔ آپ کی تقریر میں اس بات پر بھی غور کریں کہ دولتی مجتمع کی سیاستی، اقتصادی، اور سماجی پالیسیاں کشمیر کے مسئلے کو کیسے متاثر کرتی ہیں۔
- انسانی حقوق کی پیروی: تقریر میں انسانی حقوق کی پیروی کی اہمیت کو نہ بھولیں۔ کشمیر کے لوگوں کے بنیادی حقوق کی پیروی کا مسئلہ انسانیت کی بنیادی قدرتی خوبیوں کے مطابق ہے۔
- امن اور مفاہمت کی ضرورت: آپ کی تقریر میں امن اور مفاہمت کی ضرورت پر بھی غور کریں۔ کشمیریوں کو امن اور مفاہمت کی ضرورت ہے تاکہ وہ
[…] Kashmir Day speech in Urdu […]
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All About Kashmir Day in Pakistan
Kashmir Unity Day, or simply Kashmir Day, is a very significant چهٹی ( Chutti ), or holiday, in Pakistan and other Urdu-speaking regions. On this day, people gather together in honor and encouragement of those who are caught in the Kashmir conflict.
In this article from UrduPod101.com , you’ll learn about Kashmir Day and the basics of the Pakistan-India dispute over the Kashmir territory. Further, we’ll show you some important vocabulary for Kashmir Day in Urdu-speaking countries!
Are you ready to explore this essential component of Pakistani culture? Let’s get started.
1. What is Kashmir Day?
In order to understand the significance of Kashmir Day in Pakistan, it’s important to take a look at the conflict behind it.
The Kashmir conflict is a long-standing dispute between India and Pakistan—and to some extent, China—over the Jammu and Kashmir territory. India claims that this region is a vital part of the country’s culture. Pakistan claims that the Maharaja at the time was a brutal ruler, that India violated the Standstill Agreement that was in place at the time of the Instrument of Accession , and that Kashmir wished to leave India. This conflict has led to many wars and much unrest on both sides over the years.
Kashmir Day was established to show solidarity with the people of occupied Jammu and Kashmir and to honor the sacrifices of the مجاہد ( Mujahid ), or freedom fighters, throughout the Kashmir conflict . This holiday was officially observed for the first time in 2004, with a few unofficial observations starting in 1990.
2. Kashmir Day Date
Each year, Pakistani Muslims commemorate Kashmir Day on February 5.
3. How is Kashmir Day Observed?
People from different walks of society gather at important public buildings and light candles to honor the efforts of the people of Kashmir. However, with our fast-paced life today , people don’t come out in great numbers for the Kashmir Day celebration anymore. But some people do still turn out to show یکجہتی ( Yakjehti ), or solidarity, with Kashmiris and to pressure the Indian government to resolve the Kashmir issue as soon as possible.
In addition to the traditional gathering of people, there are often many festivities in Pakistan on this day. From Kashmir Day speeches to student debates, a common thread woven through this holiday is that of inspiring an end to the conflict.
Kashmir Day performances or parades are common, and there are many opportunities to explore Kashmir’s culture on this day.
4. A Resolution from the UN
The UN has passed a resolution that gives the people of Kashmir the right to take part in a referendum that will decide whether Kashmiris want to be with Pakistan or India. But Indian governments have not carried out the referendum, and they don’t accept the decision of the UN. The killings, political instability, and damage to women and children keep worsening with time in this part of the world.
5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Kashmir Day
Ready to go over some of the vocabulary words we saw in this article? Here’s some important Kashmir Day Urdu vocabulary you should know!
- بھارت ( Bharat ) — India
- جلوس ( jaloos ) — procession
- آذادی ( Azadi ) — freedom
- چهٹی ( Chutti ) — holiday
- یکجہتی ( Yakjehti ) — solidarity
- رائے شماری ( Rai shumari ) — plebiscite
- تقسیم ہند ( Taqseem e hind ) — partition
- مسلم ( Muslim ) — Muslim
- مجاہد ( Mujahid ) — freedom fighters
- قبضہ ( Qabza ) — occupy
- ظلم ( Zulm ) — atrocity
To hear the pronunciation of each word, and to read them alongside relevant images, be sure to check out our Urdu Kashmir Day vocabulary list !
Final Thoughts
As you can see, Kashmir Day in Pakistan is an incredibly important holiday, and one that’s very close to the hearts of people living in Kashmir, who long for آذادی ( Azadi ), or freedom, after a long and trying conflict.
If you would like to learn more about Pakistan’s culture, UrduPod101.com has many useful resources for you to enjoy:
- All About Pakistani Culture and Society
- The Ashura Holiday: Meaning & Traditions
- The Prophet’s Birthday: Eid Milad un Nabi
- Tourist Attractions in Pakistan
- Essential Idioms That Will Make You Sound Like a Native Speaker
Whatever your reasons for developing an interest in Pakistani culture or wanting to learn the Urdu language, know that UrduPod101.com has all the resources you need. With tons of fun and practical lessons for beginners, intermediate learners, and more advanced students, there’s something for everyone!
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Kashmir Day 5th February 2024 Speech Essay in Urdu
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Kashmir Day Essay in Urdu
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The President of Pakistan
Message from President of Pakistan on the occasion of Kashmir Solidarity Day i.e., 5th February 2023
Today, we observe Kashmir Solidarity Day to express Pakistan’s unflinching support for the legitimate and just struggle of the Kashmiri people for the realization of their inalienable right to self-determination. On this occasion, we pay rich tribute to the selfless sacrifices made by our Kashmiri brothers and sisters during their decades-old resistance to the Indian occupation.
We observe this day to draw the attention of the international community towards the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions which provide that the final disposition of the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute would be made in accordance with the will of the people, expressed through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite conducted under the auspices of the United Nations.
Over the last 75 years, the Indian occupation forces have unleashed a reign of terror and carried out a relentless campaign to intimidate and suppress the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The presence of more than 900,000 Indian armed personnel has turned the region into an open prison. India’s illegal and unilateral actions of 5 August 2019 in IIOJK were a blatant violation of international law, including the UN Charter, the 4 th Geneva Convention, and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions. India has been consistently engaged in efforts to further entrench these illegal measures through artificial demographic changes, political engineering, economic marginalization of the local people and an assault on Kashmiri identity and culture.
It is alarming that India is undertaking demographic changes in IIOJK by bringing non-Kashmiris to settle in the valley. India’s heavy-handed approach frequently manifests itself in extrajudicial killings, arbitrary detentions, custodial torture, enforced disappearances and the use of pellet guns in IIOJK. India has muzzled the media and incarcerated the Kashmiri leadership and defenders of human rights. These excesses and brutalities have been well-documented by several human rights organizations and international media outlets.
Today, Pakistan calls upon India to allow unfettered access to the UN and OIC observers, international media and human rights organizations to IIOJK to obtain first-hand information about the situation there, and investigate and report the human rights violations. Pakistan also urges the international community and organizations to take practical steps to hold India accountable for its gross and widespread human rights violations in IIOJK.
Pakistan has consistently maintained that a lasting solution to the Jammu and Kashmir Dispute is possible only in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and wishes of the Kashmiri people. Pakistan will continue to extend its unstinted moral, diplomatic and political support for this just cause.
ڈاکٹر عارف علوی
صدر اسلامی جمہوریہ پاکستان
کا یوم ِ یکجہتی کشمیر ، 5 فروری 2023 ء ، کے موقع پر پیغام
آج ہم کشمیری عوام کے ناقابلِ تنسیخ حق ِ خود ارادیت کے حصول کیلئے ان کی جائز اور منصفانہ جدوجہد کیلئے پاکستان کی غیر متزلزل حمایت کے اظہار میں یوم ِ یکجہتی کشمیر منا رہے ہیں۔ اس موقع پر ہم بھارتی قبضے کے خلاف کشمیری بھائیوں اور بہنوں کی دہائیوں پرانی مزاحمت میں بے لوث قربانیوں کو زبردست خراج تحسین پیش کرتے ہیں۔
ہم یہ دن عالمی برادری کی توجہ اقوام متحدہ کی سلامتی کونسل کی متعلقہ قراردادوں کی طرف مبذول کرانے کے لیے مناتے ہیں جن میں یہ کہا گیا تھا کہ جموں و کشمیر کے تنازعے کا حتمی فیصلہ عوام کی مرضی کے مطابق اقوام ِمتحدہ کے زیر اہتمام آزادانہ اور غیر جانبدارانہ استصوابِ رائے کے جمہوری طریقے سے کیا جائے گا۔
گزشتہ 75 سالوں سے بھارتی قابض افواج نے غیر قانونی طور پر بھارتی زیرِ قبضہ جموں و کشمیر میں دہشت گردی کا راج مسلط کیا ہوا ہے اور لوگوں کو ڈرانے اور دبانے کی لامتناہی مہم شروع کر رکھی ہے۔ 9 لاکھ سے زائد بھارتی مسلح اہلکاروں کی موجودگی نے خطے کو ایک کھلی جیل بنا رکھاہے۔ ہندوستان کے مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر میں 5 اگست 2019 ء کے غیر قانونی اور یکطرفہ اقدامات بین الاقوامی قانون ، بشمول اقوام متحدہ کے چارٹر، چوتھے جنیوا کنونشن، اور اقوام متحدہ کی سلامتی کونسل کی متعلقہ قراردادوں ، کی ایک کھلم کھلا خلاف ورزی تھے۔ بھارت آبادیاتی ڈھانچے میں مصنوعی تبدیلیوں، سیاسی انجینئرنگ، مقامی لوگوں کی معاشی پسماندگی اور کشمیری شناخت اور ثقافت پر حملوں کے ذریعے ان غیر قانونی اقدامات کو مزید تقویت دینے کی مسلسل کوششیں کر رہا ہے۔
یہ تشویشناک امر ہے کہ بھارت غیر کشمیریوں کو وادی میں آباد کر کے مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر میں آبادیاتی تبدیلیاں کر رہا ہے۔ بھارت کا ظالمانہ رویہ مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر میں ماورائے عدالت قتل، من مانی حراستوں ، دورانِ حراست تشدد، جبری گمشدگیوں اور پیلٹ گن کے استعمال سے ظاہر ہوتا ہے۔ بھارت نے میڈیا پر قدغن لگا رکھی ہے اور کشمیری قیادت اور انسانی حقوق کے محافظوں کو قید کر رکھا ہے۔ انسانی حقوق کی متعدد تنظیموں اور بین الاقوامی میڈیا نے بھی اس ظلم اور بربریت کو اچھی طرح سے دستاویزی صورت دی ہے۔
آج کے دن ، پاکستان ہندوستان سے مطالبہ کرتا ہے کہ وہ اقوام متحدہ اور او آئی سی کے مبصرین، بین الاقوامی میڈیا اور انسانی حقوق کی تنظیموں کو غیر قانونی طور پر بھارتی زیرِ قبضہ جموں و کشمیر تک بلا روک ٹوک رسائی دے تاکہ وہ وہاں کی صورتحال کے بارے میں درست معلومات حاصل کر سکیں ، اور انسانی حقوق کی خلاف ورزیوں کی تحقیقات اور انہیں رپورٹ کر سکیں۔ پاکستان عالمی برادری اور تنظیموں پر بھی زور دیتا ہے کہ وہ مقبوضہ جموں و کشمیر میں انسانی حقوق کی سنگین اور وسیع پیمانے پر خلاف ورزیوں پر بھارت کو جوابدہ ٹھہرانے کیلئے عملی اقدامات کریں۔
پاکستان نے مسلسل اس بات پر زور دیا ہے کہ جموں و کشمیر تنازعہ کا پائیدار حل اقوام متحدہ کی سلامتی کونسل کی متعلقہ قراردادوں اور کشمیری عوام کی خواہشات کے مطابق ہی ممکن ہے۔ پاکستان اس جائز مقصد کیلئے اپنی بلاامتیاز اخلاقی، سفارتی اور سیاسی حمایت جاری رکھے گا۔
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Kashmir Day Poetry, Quotes, Speech, Posters, History and Songs
Shakila Nasreen
Updated on: April 20, 2022
Kashmir day is also known as “Kashmir Solidarity Day” in Pakistan. In 1990, the Chief Minister of Punjab Nawaz Sharif called the political and religious parties to celebrate 5th February as Solidarity Day with the Kashmiris.
So, for the first time, the Kashmir day was celebrated on 5th Feb in 1990. He appealed the people to protest against India that has occupied a big part of Kashmir and does not let the Kashmiris live in the peaceful state.
So, the appeal was followed by the Pakistanis, and there were rallies, protest processions, speeches and prayers for the Kashmiri freedom movement across the land. The ruling party declared the day as a “Public Holiday” at that time.
The day is recognized on the international level. Now, every year on 5th Feb, Pakistanis celebrates Kashmir Day to support their Kashmiri Brethren in their struggle against the atrocities of Indian.
The people living in occupied Kashmir have been making efforts to breathe in the free air for the last seven decades. The Indian armed forces interrupt their freedom and have occupied their lands forcefully. They are struggling to set their country free and to live with freedom from India. Pakistanis support their aim, and they stand united with the Kashmiri people against India.
It is equally important for political parties and religious parties in Pakistan and Azad Jammu Kashmir. The political and religious parties in both the lands organize rallies, processions, conferences, and seminars to show their devotion towards their Kashmiri Brethren.
Kashmir Day Poetry
The leaders and spokespersons of the parties make speeches to show their unity and devotion towards Kashmir and Kashmiri people. The people of Pakistan make the freedom movement of Kashmiris strengthened against Indian occupation. Kashmiris hate Indian occupation on their lands, and they are making struggle and sacrificing their lives to set their country free out of the foreign occupation. The Kashmiris want to live a free life and India wants to keep Kashmir as an Indian territory forcibly. However, Pakistan supports Kashmiri people and their freedom to live as an independent state.
Initially, the Kashmir Solidarity day was observed in Pakistan. Now it has been observed on international levels. Pakistanis wherever they are, celebrate this day to show solidarity and devotion towards Kashmiris. For this purpose, the poets from various parts of the world write heart touching poems. The poems also show how much passionate love they are bearing in their hearts for Kashmir. Here, I am going to give a few examples of the poetry on Kashmir day. The poets from Pakistan, Kashmir and even from other countries have written about the freedom of Kashmir to make the world aware of the unjust and forceful occupation of India over Kashmir. Some poems are in Urdu while others are in English. Find them below.
Bodies all dusted.
Choices all busted.
Voices all gusted.
Rights all rusted.
The schools like barracks.
The play fields like Graveyards.
Buried all freedom lied in the backyards.
Speaking a word here brings you thousand hazards.
Calling themselves doves are all Jeopard’s.
with due regards to all nationalistic retards.
I want to say that Free Kashmir is on the cards.
Poem: Kashmir Day
Wadi Ma Bichi Ha Saf_E_Matam Ab Tk
Zulm-O-Sitm-O-Choor Nhi Km Ab Tk
Uf Sbzah O Gul Ma Ya Lpakte Shulay
Kashmir Ki Jannat Ha Jahanum Ab Tk.
Poem: Har Khawab Lahu
Ek Khwab Ki Hy Tabir Lahu
Sifak Adad,Shamshir Lahu
Wadi Ki Fizza Dil Gir Lahu
Hr Baan Py Hay Zanjeer Lahu
Waddi Ki Figha Shab Gir Lahu
Or Subah Ki Hay Tanveer Lahu
Kyun Dharti Ki Hai Tasveer Lahu
Muslim Ki Kyun Jagir Lahu
Aaa Dikh, Hain Ranjhy Heer Lahu
Hr Ghaat Py Hay Nakhcheer Lahu
Hr Simt Hay Daar O Geet Lahu
Zaalim Ki Hr 1 Tadbeer Lahu
Pewast Ba Seena Teer Lahu
Tuflaa Ky Liye Hay Sheer Lahu
Hontun Py Dua,Taseer Lahu
Hay Likhi Gyi Taqdeer Lahu
Hr Bachha Jawaan Or Peer Lahu
Kashmir Ki Hay Taqeer Lahu
Hr Saaz Oh Wafa Kashmir Lahu
Hr Jheel Siffa Kashmir Lahu
Woh Kehta Hay Kashmir Lahu
Main Kehta Hun Kashmir Lahu
Kashmir Lahu Kashmir Lahu
Poem: Jang Rahy Gyi
Kashmir Ki Azadi Tak
Zalim Ki Barbadi Tak
Iraaq Oo Afghn Ki Shadbi Tk
Qibbala E Awaal Ki Bazybi Tk
Jang Rahy Gi Jang Rahy Gyi
Apni Unsy Jaang Rahy Gyi..!!!
Kashmir is Bleeding
Kashmir is bleeding,
Kashmiris are bleeding,
Bodies are bleeding,
Hearts are bleeding,
blood dipping from veins,
blood dipping from arteries,
some people are celebrating,
blood parties,
soil is red, rivers are red,
kashmiris are knot with blood thread,
every color is replaced with red,
every soul is forced dead,
sometimes you see headless, bodies,
sometimes you see bodies, headless,
people of Kashmir are peace less, restless,
Bullets and shells is the game of forces,
youths are taught, jail courses,
Eyes are blinded, legs are broken,
mothers are left, unspoken,
Kashmir is receiving rain of tears,
the world enjoys, no one cares,
Kashmir is a story of children less parent, parent less children,
unknown graves, land of martyr’s,
half widows and full widows,
disappearances and PSA’s,
custodial killings and killing at doors,
Kashmiri’s are kept under wicked veil,
so that their pains, no one feel,
The stream of blood is kept flowing,
Kashmiri’s are forced to keep roaring,
when will this blood shedding come to an end, o! world?
when will we live fearless, and bold?
Poem: Kashmir is Burning
Koi awaz ab uthaye ki kashmir jal raha hai
Koi insaf ab dilaye ki kashmir jal raha hai
Har fard hai pareshan, bechain o dil shikasta
Koi marham inhein lagaye ki kashmir jal raha hai
Maon ki goad suni, har baap tadap raha hai
Koi inki sunle haye ki kashmir jal eaha hai
Zalim hai sena tane, mazloom hai besahara
Koi zulm ab mitaye ki kashmir jal raha hai
Din mai bhi hai andhera, khurshed bhi hai benoor
Koi shamma banke aaye ki kashmir jal raha hai
Poem: Kashmiri Woman
No one knows her here by her name,
the one who is sitting mum
there on a wooden log,
the woman whose son was slaughtered
with a chainsaw,
is the only identity she has
in this refugee camp.
Poem: Kashmiri Family
The night they fled,
leaving behind their village, home, hearth
and half-cooked bread on the stove,
who had come to see them
a night before that night?
And why didn’t they open their windows
and door, for anyone after that?
Even before they could tell us,
why they had not been able to look
into the eyes of their daughters
ever since then…
a *Chinar falls,
making a creaking sound,
they could never tell us all,
what they really wanted to…!
Poem: Kashmir
They have in their memories
their home, and the only flower
blooming in their backyard,
and a cot left outside,
soaking in the pouring rain,
the night they fled.
They have in their memories,
their dialogues, laughter,
and sweet sun,
and everything else,
they could not bring along,
with themselves,
and their little ones,
who did not return home,
after they went to play,
soon after the day,
when snow in the valley
had melted away!
Poem: Kashmiri Hates India
They set off explosives in their roots,
and separated them from their lands,
I wonder, what did they whisper in their ears,
and separated them from their lands?
The snow storms hit the valley, striking Chinars,
where would the fallen Chinars go now?
They will dry up, and set ablaze,
we all know that,
we all know, that their ashes
would still like to return
but to their valleys only.
Kashmir Day Quotes
Kashmir Day is not a day when people get a public holiday in Pakistan. It has become a very important day for Pakistanis. On this day, they stand united to show their devotions for Kashmir and Kashmiri people. They send different SMS and quotes to their friends and relatives to show solidarity with Kashmiri brethren.
They are fighting a continuous war to get freedom from the Indian occupation. Indian armed forces are trying to press their voices for freedom by slaughtering the Kashmiris. But they cannot make their voices silent as Pakistanis are standing with them united. The 5th Feb is a symbol of Kashmiris’ voice on the international forum so that they could get their rights and live a free life.
Pakistan is always with them in every difficult time so that they could not be suppressed by the Indian forces. They make a big nation, and they need to decide their fate by a freedom referendum. Pakistan supports their rights as they are also human beings beyond their religion. Indian does not want to let the occupied land go. That’s why it is violating human rights and wants then Kashmiris to be Indian slaves forever. However, Pakistan supports the Kashmir resolution and their freedom movement wholeheartedly. On the issue of Kashmir, all ruling and opposition parties, religious parties and even the people from every walk of life are united.
The quotes, I am going to discuss here will also explain how Pakistani people feel about Kashmir and Kashmiri people. These quotes explain the feelings of Pakistani people wherever they are. It does not matter they are living in Pakistan thousands of miles away from Kashmiri people. Still, their hearts beat with Kashmiris all the time. The quotes below are from the people from every walk of life. These quotes are from the political leaders, Ulamas, and writers of Pakistan to show their true feelings for Kashmir and Kashmiris.
India is using troops in Kashmir. They are losing the battle of heart and minds. It’s like treating cancer with dispirin. (Imran Khan)
We must learn from history; there is no military solution for the Kashmir issue…we have to understand this reality. (Pervez Musharraf)
I will take back Kashmir, all of it, and I will not leave behind a single inch of it because, like the other provinces, it belongs to Pakistan. (Bilawal Bhutto Zardari)
“The Tug of War between India and Pakistan continues, as Kashmir bleeds”
Suna Hai Bohat Sasta Hai Khoon Wahan
Ik Basti, Jisay Log Kashmir Kehtay Hain
Is Aas Pe Aarish Hum Ne Zindagi Luta Di
Meri Khaak Se Watan Mien Kuch To Haryaali Hogi
Yaran-E-Jahan Kehte Hain
Kashmir Ha Jannat
Jannat Kisi Kafir Ko Mili Ha Na Mily Gi !!
It’s Better to Die! Fighting for Freedom, Then! To Live Life in Slave
Aaj Wo Kashmir Hai Mehkum-o-Majboor-o-Faqeer
Kal Jisay Ahl-e-Nazar Kehtay Thay Iran-e-Sagheer
Kashmir Day Speeches
On 5th Feb, there are different seminars and rallies in all over Pakistan to pay tribute to Kashmiris for sacrificing their lives for the freedom movement. In Pakistan, 5th Feb is observed as a public holiday that was first observed in 1990 in Pakistan.
It was not only in 1990, but in 1975, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, the then president of Pakistan announced a nationwide strike on 5th February. It was announced to support Kashmiris in their freedom movement and to ensure Pakistani support for them in every crucial moment.
Kashmiris are sacrificing their lives for the security of their lands, and till now, Indian armed forces are helpless before Kashmiri people. The Kashmiri people hate India and Indian forces. They do not want them to interrupt their freedom. They want to get their country back from foreign occupation and want to live a free life.
Pakistan supports the rights of Kashmiri people and wants India to set the land free and let the Kashmiri people live a peaceful life. But India has occupied Kashmir due to its geographical importance. Kashmiris are entirely resolute to make their land free of foreign occupation.
They want to aware the rest of the world about the atrocities of the Indian armed forces on Kashmiris. So, in the entire world, 5th Feb is observed as a day when Kashmiri people and even Pakistan can represent the rights of Kashmiris. It is on 5th Feb that different parties, religious leaders and organizations hold seminars to let the world know what is going on in Kashmir. They make the people aware of the cruelties of India over the Kashmiris.
Now, some straightforward people in Indian media also support fairly to Kashmiri people’s rights. They also want the Kashmiris to decide their own fate. So, due to the media, there is great awareness to the people of the world regarding what is going on in Kashmir and what should be the solution.
Kashmir Day Speech in Pakistani School
Punjab University 5th Feb
Kashmir Day Seminar in Pakistan School
Kashmir Day Posters
Every year Pakistan observes 5th Feb as a Kashmir Day. This day is very important in the lives of Pakistanis whether living in Pakistan or abroad. Every Pakistani observes 5th Feb as a solidarity day for Kashmiri Brethren.
They pay tribute to Kashmiris for struggling against the cruelties and atrocities of Indian armed forces by sending them SMS, quotes, posters and even videos regarding 5th Feb. Kashmir Day is not only a public holiday for Pakistanis but also a reminder for the rest of the world regarding the sacrifices of Kashmiris and their usurped rights by the Indian Armed Forces.
On this day, Pakistani people use to send SMS and posters showing devotion and a new inspiration for the freedom movement of Kashmir. The poster competitions are held in different organizations to encourage them to make unique and novel posters regarding 5th Feb. Kashmir day is not only considered important in Pakistan but also Azad Jammu Kashmir.
They also observe this day as a Solidarity Day for the people living in the occupied part of Kashmir. Many people participate in poster and speech competitions to show their skills and talent. The only purpose of organizing such competitions is to show the Kashmiris and the world that Kashmir is still bleeding and Pakistan is standing united with Kashmiris in every crucial time. In various parts of the country, the people make a human-made chain of hands to show the unity with the Kashmiris in their difficult times.
Kashmir Day History
Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed officially in Pakistan on 5th Feb every year. The first time, it was observed in 1975 when the President of Pakistan, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto declared that there would be a nationwide strike on 5th Feb to show devotion for Kashmir resolution. Later, In 1990, Qazi Hussain Ahmad suggested the ruling party of Pakistan to announce 5th Feb as a Solidarity Day to Kashmiri people. The then Chief Minister of Punjab, Nawaz Sharif declared 5th Feb as a public holiday to show the solidarity towards Kashmiri people. The question arises that what happened at that time that the CM Punjab announced this day as a solidarity day? Let me explain. In 1990, the Indian Government appointed a new governor of Occupied Kashmir to Gug Mohan. Kashmiris protested against this decision, and they boycotted the new governor to show the world the true face of India. It was a historic protest when the Indian forces brutally martyred a large number of Kashmiri people. The aroma of their blood was prevailing in the entire Kashmir valley. They were tortured by the Indian forces brutally for protesting against the Indian government. However, no cruelty could make them retreated from their resolution. So, 5th Feb was declared a solidarity day in Pakistan by the then CM Punjab.
So, It has been a part of Pakistan public holidays since 1990. It is not observed as a public holiday, however. The people belonging to different walks of life organize various speech and post competitions to show the world how Kashmiris are struggling against the foreign occupation. The people in Pakistan show their support to Kashmiris in their struggle against Indian armed forces.
Kashmir Day Songs
Kashmir Day is celebrated as a solidarity day in Pakistan. On this occasion, Pakistani people pay tribute to Kashmiris and stand united with them in their difficult times. Pakistani singers do not forget them and compose different songs to make the Kashmiris well aware of the support of Pakistani people with them. It is celebrated officially as a solidarity day for Kashmiri brethren. Even the official media channel of Pakistani armed forces releases the songs on this memorable day to commemorate the memories of martyred Kashmiris.
Different schools and organizations show their unity with the Kashmiris by organizing Kashmir Day songs competitions. The inspiring words are used to show the feelings of Kashmiris in the songs. Here are a few songs regarding Kashmir Day.
Song: Ab to Hai Azad Ye Duniya, Phir Main Kiyun Aazad Nahi
Song: Mera Dard Naghma-e-Be Sada
ISPR Released Official Kashmir Day Song
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Kashmir Solidarity Day: Protests, calls for freedom echo across Pakistan, AJK
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On Kashmir Solidarity Day, being observed on February 5, the passion for Kashmiri self-determination burned bright across Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Large-scale demonstrations, symbolic gestures, and passionate speeches marked the day, highlighting the ongoing struggle and demanding international intervention.
In Muzaffarabad, the capital of Azad Kashmir, a grand ceremony unfolded at Azadi Chowk. Participants waved flags, chanted slogans, and formed a chain of human hands connecting them to their brethren across the Line of Control. A special session of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Assembly was also held, with speeches reiterating support for the Kashmiri cause.
Meanwhile, thousands marched on Constitution Avenue in Islamabad, led by Foreign Ministry officials. Children, politicians, and citizens alike joined the rally, paying homage to Kashmiri martyrs and chanting "Kashmir Banega Pakistan." Caretaker Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Aneeq Ahmed also participated, delivering a strong message against the Indian occupation.
Hurriyat leader Mehmood Ahmed Sagar addressed the media in Islamabad, highlighting the sacrifices made by Kashmiris and the ongoing internet blockade in Occupied Kashmir. He asserted that despite oppression, Kashmiris' resolve for self-determination remains strong.
Divided families yearn to unite
Meanwhile, the pain of separation resonated deeply as Kashmiris living on opposite banks of the Neelum River expressed their yearning for reunion. Divided by the Line of Control for 76 years, families yearn to connect but remain separated by an arbitrary border. This stark reality served as a powerful reminder of the human cost of the conflict.
Across the nation, caretaker Information Minister Murtaza Solangi emphasized the enduring demand for self-determination and condemned India's oppressive tactics. He urged the international community to play a role in securing freedom for Kashmiris.
Kashmir Solidarity Day serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for Kashmiri self-determination. The united voices of Kashmiris and their supporters urge the world to act and pave the way for a peaceful resolution based on the aspirations of the Kashmiri people.
- Kashmir Solidarity Day
- Azad Kashmir
- self-determination
- human rights
- Line of Control
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Quaid-e-Azam Day Speech 25 December (Taqreer) : قائد اعظم ڈے کے حوالے سے بہترین تقریر
- قائد اعظم ڈے 25 دسمبر کے حوالے سے ایک بہترین تقریر
Urdu Speech on Quaid E Azam regarding 25th December Activities
Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was one of the great leaders in the world and most students are looking for Quaid E Azam Speech In Urdu. They want to get the ideas of a great leader who was the founder of Pakistan.
Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25 December 1876. He is the one who helped Muslims of the Sub-continent to get a separate homeland for them. By 1940, Jinnah had come to believe that the Muslims of the subcontinent should have their own state to avoid the possible marginalised status they may gain in an independent Hindu–Muslim state.
In that year, the Muslim League, led by Jinnah, passed the Lahore Resolution, demanding a separate nation for Indian Muslims.
During the Second World War, the League gained strength while leaders of the Congress were imprisoned, and in the provincial elections held shortly after the war, it won most of the seats reserved for Muslims. Ultimately, the Congress and the Muslim League could not reach a power-sharing formula that would allow the entirety of British India to be united as a single state following independence, leading all parties to agree instead to the independence of a predominantly Hindu-majority state of India, and for a Muslim-majority state of Pakistan.
Click here to Download Written Speech (Taqreer) on Quaid E Azam for 25th December Events
25 دسمبر قائد اعظم کے یوم پیدائش کی تقریبات کے لئے اردو تقریر ڈاؤنلوڈ کرنے کے لئے یہاں کلک کریں۔, اس تقریر کے علاوہ قائد اعظم ڈے کے موضوع پر ایک اور تقریر اردونامہ کتاب گھر کے اس لنک پر موجود ہے, apart from this speech, another urdu speech on the topic of quaid-e-azam day is available on this link of urdunama books..
Father of the Nation Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s achievement as the founder of Pakistan, dominates everything else he did in his long and crowded public life spanning some 42 years. Yet, by any standard, his was an eventful life, his personality multidimensional and his achievements in other fields where many, if not equally great.
Indeed, several were the roles he had played with distinction: at one time or another, he was one of the greatest legal luminaries India had produced during the first half of the century, an `ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity, a great constitutionalist, a distinguished parliamentarian, a top-notch politician, an indefatigable freedom-fighter, a dynamic Muslim leader, a political strategist and, above all one of the great nation-builders of modern times.
What, however, makes him so remarkable is the fact that while similar other leaders assumed the leadership of traditionally well-defined nations and espoused their cause, or led them to freedom, he created a nation out of an inchoate and down-trodden minority and established a cultural and national home for it.
And all that within a decade. For over three decades before the successful culmination in 1947, of the Muslim struggle for freedom in the South-Asian subcontinent, Jinnah had provided political leadership to the Indian Muslims: initially as one of the leaders, but later, since 1947, as the only prominent leader- the Quaid-i-Azam.
For over thirty years, he had guided their affairs; he had given expression, coherence and direction to their legitimate aspirations and cherished dreams; he had formulated these into concrete demands; and, above all, he had striven all the while to get them conceded by both the ruling British and the numerous Hindus the dominant segment of India’s population.
And for over thirty years he had fought, relentlessly and inexorably, for the inherent rights of the Muslims for an honourable existence in the subcontinent. Indeed, his life story constitutes, as it were, the story of the rebirth of the Muslims of the subcontinent and their spectacular rise to nationhood.
The great leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah died on 11 September 1948. Different Seminars are arranged every year on the happy occasion of 25 December and Pakistani celebrate this day. On the below side, we are sharing the speech on Quaid E Azam Speech In Urdu.
قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح دنیا کے عظیم رہنماؤں میں سے ایک تھے اور زیادہ تر طلباء اردو میں قائد اعظم کی تقریر کی تلاش میں ہیں۔ وہ ایک عظیم رہنما کے نظریات حاصل کرنا چاہتے ہیں جو پاکستان کے بانی تھے۔
قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح 25 دسمبر 1876 کو پیدا ہوئے تھے۔ قائداعظم محمد علی جناح وہ شخصیت ہیں جنہوں نے برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کو علیحدہ وطن حاصل کرنے میں مدد کی۔ 1940 تک، جناح اس بات پر یقین کر چکے تھے کہ برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کی اپنی ریاست ہونی چاہیے تاکہ وہ ایک آزاد ہندو مسلم ریاست میں ممکنہ پسماندہ حیثیت سے بچ سکیں۔
اسی سال، مسلم لیگ نے، جناح کی قیادت میں، لاہور کی قرارداد منظور کی، جس میں ہندوستانی مسلمانوں کے لیے ایک الگ ملک کا مطالبہ کیا گیا۔ دوسری جنگ عظیم کے دوران، لیگ کو تقویت ملی جب کانگریس کے رہنماؤں کو قید کیا گیا، اور جنگ کے فوراً بعد ہونے والے صوبائی انتخابات میں اس نے مسلمانوں کے لیے مخصوص نشستوں میں سے زیادہ تر جیتی تھی۔
بالآخر، کانگریس اور مسلم لیگ اقتدار کی تقسیم کے ایک ایسے فارمولے تک نہیں پہنچ سکے جو آزادی کے بعد پورے برطانوی ہندوستان کو ایک واحد ریاست کے طور پر متحد کرنے کی اجازت دے، جس کی وجہ سے تمام جماعتیں ایک اکثریتی ہندو اکثریتی ریاست کی آزادی پر متفق ہو جائیں۔ ہندوستان کی، اور پاکستان کی مسلم اکثریتی ریاست کے لیے۔
بانی پاکستان کے طور پر بابائے قوم قائد اعظم محمد علی جناح کا کارنامہ ان تمام چیزوں پر حاوی ہے جو انہوں نے تقریباً 42 سال پر محیط اپنی طویل اور پرہجوم عوامی زندگی میں کیا۔ پھر بھی، کسی بھی معیار کے مطابق، ان کی زندگی ایک واقعاتی زندگی تھی، ان کی شخصیت کثیر جہتی تھی اور دوسرے شعبوں میں ان کی کامیابیاں جہاں بہت سے، اگر یکساں طور پر عظیم نہ ہوں۔
درحقیقت، انہوں نے اپنی امتیازی حیثیت کے ساتھ کئی کردار ادا کیے ہیں: کسی نہ کسی وقت، وہ صدی کے پہلے نصف کے دوران ہندوستان کے سب سے بڑے قانونی چراغوں میں سے ایک تھے، ہندو مسلم اتحاد کے سفیر، ایک عظیم آئین ساز، ایک ممتاز پارلیمنٹرین، ایک اعلیٰ درجے کا سیاستدان، ایک ناقابل تسخیر آزادی پسند، ایک متحرک مسلم رہنما، ایک سیاسی حکمت عملی اور سب سے بڑھ کر جدید دور کے عظیم قوم سازوں میں سے ایک۔
تاہم، جو چیز انہیں اس قدر قابل ذکر بناتی ہے وہ یہ ہے کہ جب کہ اسی طرح کے دیگر رہنماؤں نے روایتی طور پر اچھی طرح سے متعین قوموں کی قیادت سنبھالی اور ان کے مقصد کی حمایت کی، یا انہیں آزادی کی طرف لے جایا، اس نے ایک قوم کو ایک بے ہنگم اور پستی کی اقلیت سے نکالا۔
اس کے لیے ثقافتی اور قومی گھر قائم کیا۔ اور یہ سب کچھ ایک دہائی کے اندر۔ 1947 میں برصغیر جنوبی ایشیا میں مسلمانوں کی آزادی کی جدوجہد کے کامیاب خاتمے سے تین دہائیوں سے زیادہ عرصے تک، جناح نے ہندوستانی مسلمانوں کو سیاسی قیادت فراہم کی تھی: ابتدا میں ایک لیڈر کے طور پر، لیکن بعد میں، 1947 سے، صرف ایک ہی رہنما کے طور پر۔ ممتاز رہنما – قائداعظم۔
تیس سال سے زائد عرصے تک، اس نے ان کے معاملات کی رہنمائی کی۔ اس نے ان کی جائز امنگوں اور پروانوں خوابوں کو اظہار، ہم آہنگی اور سمت دی تھی۔ اس نے ان کو ٹھوس مطالبات میں ڈھالا تھا۔ اور، سب سے بڑھ کر، انہوں نے پوری کوشش کی کہ انہیں حکمران انگریزوں اور متعدد ہندوؤں، جو ہندوستان کی آبادی کا غالب طبقہ ہے، دونوں کی طرف سے تسلیم کرایا جائے۔
اور تیس سال سے زائد عرصے تک انہوں نے برصغیر میں ایک باوقار وجود کے لیے مسلمانوں کے موروثی حقوق کے لیے انتھک اور بے دریغ جدوجہد کی۔ درحقیقت، ان کی زندگی کی کہانی، جیسا کہ یہ تھی، برصغیر کے مسلمانوں کے دوبارہ جنم لینے اور قومیت کے لیے ان کے شاندار عروج کی کہانی ہے۔
عظیم قائد محمد علی جناح کا انتقال 11 ستمبر 1948 کو ہوا تھا۔ ہر سال 25 دسمبر کو قائد اعظم کے یوم پیدائش کے موقع پر مختلف سیمینارز کا اہتمام کیا جاتا ہے اور پاکستانی اس دن کو مناتے ہیں۔ نیچے اردونامہ فورم کی انتظامیہ کی طرف سے اردونامہ کتاب گھر کے قارئین کے لئے ہم قائد اعظم کے موضوع پر ایک بہترین تقریر اردو زبان میں شیئر کر رہے ہیں تاکہ آپ اس موقع پر اپنی زبان دانی کے جوہر دکھا سکیں۔
ملتے جلتے موضوعات:
جواب دیں جواب منسوخ کریں
آپ کا ای میل ایڈریس شائع نہیں کیا جائے گا۔ ضروری خانوں کو * سے نشان زد کیا گیا ہے
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Urdu Speech on Quaid E Azam regarding 25th December Activities. Quaid E Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was one of the great leaders in the world and most students are looking for Quaid E Azam Speech In Urdu. They want to get the ideas of a great leader who was the founder of Pakistan. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25 December 1876.
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Welcome to the world of AKHTAR TV.About video 👇👇In this video we will discuss#KashmirDaySpeech#KashmirDayGirlSpeech#BestSpeech#5FebruarySpeech#SpeechOnKash...
Kashmir day speech in English - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1) The speaker draws attention to the plight of Kashmiris on the eve of Kashmir Day, describing the sounds of violence and oppression they have endured for over 70 years under Indian rule. 2) For seven decades, Kashmiris have made countless sacrifices in their struggle for sovereignty ...
Kashmir Day Speech in Urdu Written - Kashmir Day Speech in Urdu - Kashmir Day SpeechDon't CLICK HERE !!! https://www.youtube.com/c/GeniusVoice?sub_confirma...