Doctoral Programme in Politics

Ph.D Programme in Politics

Ours is a fully-funded programme, providing PhD candidates with scholarships for three years of research and study.

Every PhD researcher will receive supervision from two scholars with expertise in the field, at least one of whom is drawn from among the internationally renowned members of the  Academic Board of the programme.

The PhD also includes a taught element, with  courses on theories, methods, research design and a range of academic skills. In addition, we support research and fieldwork through funding for periods of study abroad and cooperation with international partners.

The Department of Political Science at Luiss University has excellence in a number of research clusters and we invite research proposals specifically in these areas: Elections and Political Systems, Global and International Studies, European Integration and Public Policies , Communication, Sustainability and Social Innovation.

Introduction of the Programme by Thomas Christiansen, PhD Coordinator

Presentation of dora hegedus, current phd candidate.

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Department of Political Science Università degli Studi di Perugia

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Legality, Political Cultures and Democracy

[ Call for application XL cycle, a.a. 2024/2025 ]


The PhD in Legality, Political Cultures and Democracy, established in 2019 in implementation of the development plan of the Department of Political Science, obtained from MIUR the qualification as International Innovative Doctorate thanks to the presence of specific agreements with Mid Sweden University (Sundsvall, Sweden), Lomonosov University (Moscow, Russian Federation) and Paris 8 University (Paris, France), and the qualification as Interdisciplinary Innovative Doctorate thanks to the presence in the Scientific Board of scholars belonging to different scientific areas.

During the first two years PhD candidates are expected to attend curricular teaching activities in Perugia and spend a research period abroad of at least one semester. A good knowledge of Italian and English languages is required. Five scholarships are available every year, two of which are reserved for international candidates. The PhD program includes three curricula, characterized by interdisciplinarity:


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Ph.D.s in Political Studies

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Starting from the XXXIX cycle (AY2023/2024), the Department of Political Science hosts the following two Ph.D.s courses: Ph.D. in Political Science and Ph.D. in Government, Economy, and Institutions .

Ph.D. in Political Science

Ph.D. Coordinator: prof. Link identifier #identifier__45425-2 Giorgio Caravale Deputy Coordinator: prof. Link identifier #identifier__102256-3 Leopoldo Nuti

The Ph.D. in Political Science , run by the Department of Political Science of Roma Tre University, offers a Curriculum lasting three years for Master’s degree graduate students in Social Sciences (Political Science, International law, Sociology) and Humanities .

The purpose is to educate scholars or professionals who have a research-related background on a broad range of politics-linked issues.

The Ph.D. is divided into two Curricula:

• Gender Studies • European and International Studies

The Ph.D. program as well as the Department is founded on the belief that an inter-disciplinary approach (enriched at the same time by other disciplines studying politics) is the basis on which to study contemporary politics in its complex dimensions. The Ph.D., divided into Curricula, aims at the education in research in several scientific sectors which include different approaches towards political issues: from language to culture, from history to anthropology, to international legal, historical-economical, and sociological subjects. The integration between disciplinary peculiarities and cross-disciplinarity is both the vocation and the essential requirement of the Ph.D., and it constitutes one of its strengths. The Ph.D. is therefore linked to an inter-disciplinary methodology, for research in politics at international level in constant use nowadays, particularly it is inspired to Ph.D.s with these features run by reference institutions in this field such as Sciences Po in Paris or the London School of Economics and Political Science.

Internationalization , as well, plays a key role in the Ph.D.:

  • adoption of teaching methods, such as the “Doctoral Training Programs” already successfully tested abroad (Sciences Po)
  • ongoing exchange of Professors among European and American universities
  • planning, for Ph.D. students, of a significant study period abroad
  • participation of foreign Ph.D. students, unusual in similar Ph.D.s, to whom a scholarship is reserved
  • participation of academics from foreign universities in the Teaching Board

Moreover, the curricula “Gender Studies” is one out of only three in this field in Italy and, if compared to other programs with a historical, philosophical and cultural approach, it is uniquely characterized by its attention to anthropological, legal, sociological, political, and historical aspects.

The Ph.D., in addition to traditional opportunities for university research in the wide range of political studies, is geared towards high professional profiles such as management, diplomacy, European and international institutions, journalism and media studies, documentation, sociocultural services, peer institutions.

Ph.D. in Government, Economics and Institutions

Ph.D. Coordinator: prof. Link identifier #identifier__184728-4 Massimo Siclari

The Ph.D. course has the purpose to educate young researchers having previously studied economics, public politics, law and with a basic knowledge in the use of various analysis methods, in the field of Social Sciences . Ph.D. students, once the course of study is completed, will have the necessary tools to successfully undertake research activity at high level in the financial-economic field, in the legal and in the public policies fields, having gained a wide academic specialization.

The Ph.D. is divided into three Curricula:

  • Policies, law and institutions : related to issues which lie throughout the institutional action of public policies, constitutional and public law, administrative and private law, comparative and European law.
  • Economics, statistics and institutions : related to issues of theoretical economics, international finance, institutional economics, public finance, labor economics and human resources, public policy evaluation, circular economy and environmental sustainability, business administration.
  • Social sciences for innovation and reform : related to complex issues in the field of social sciences already debated by inter-disciplinary epistemic communities, it is therefore required a study that integrates the disciplinary field (public policies, law or economics) and openness to historical reconstruction, comparative analysis, statistical recognition and any kind of disciplinary mixture promoting a better understanding, description and analysis of research topics. The topics that will be covered are those of corruption, different sectoral regulations, labor market regulation, digital and environmental transition, competition, conservation and protection of natural resources, business-to-consumer relations.

The Ph.D. foresees the attendance of mandatory courses, delivered mainly in Italian and in English, held by professors, members of the Board of Ph.D.s or by other professors of qualified national and international universities and institutions.

The courses intend to provide the minimum knowledge requirements on the following subjects: administrative law, constitutional law, private and public law, European Union law, macroeconomics and microeconomics, economics policy, labor and human resources economics, econometrics, applied economics, business economics, statistical methods and quantitative methods applied to economics and finance.

During the first year, basic knowledge is integrated by optional courses that can be activated according to the preferences expressed by students and their specific research interests; these courses can also be attended at the national and international partner institutions. During the second and third year, students will attend seminars, summer/winter schools and workshops concerning topics matter of their research and will draft the final examination in the subject area of their specialization.

A period of study and research in foreign partner universities is encouraged, as well as the co-tutorship and visiting scholars’ agreements. During these stays Ph.D. students will develop their degree thesis project and will identify external co-supervisors.

Students already attending , in Italy or abroad, a Ph.D. or post-graduate courses (Advanced Professional courses, etc.) are not admitted.

80 Best universities for Political Science in Italy

Updated: February 29, 2024

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Below is a list of best universities in Italy ranked based on their research performance in Political Science. A graph of 6.54M citations received by 390K academic papers made by 80 universities in Italy was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of Bologna

For Political Science

University of Bologna logo

2. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome logo

3. University of Milan

University of Milan logo

4. University of Padua

University of Padua logo

5. Polytechnic University of Milan

Polytechnic University of Milan logo

6. Bocconi University

Bocconi University logo

7. University of Turin

University of Turin logo

8. University of Florence

University of Florence logo

9. University of Pisa

University of Pisa logo

10. Polytechnic University of Bari

Polytechnic University of Bari logo

11. University of Trento

University of Trento logo

12. Federico II University of Naples

Federico II University of Naples logo

13. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia logo

14. University of Pavia

University of Pavia logo

15. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Catholic University of the Sacred Heart logo

16. University of Genoa

University of Genoa logo

17. University of Rome Tor Vergata

University of Rome Tor Vergata logo

18. University of Milano-Bicocca

University of Milano-Bicocca logo

19. Polytechnic University of Turin

Polytechnic University of Turin logo

20. University of Parma

University of Parma logo

21. University of Siena

University of Siena logo

22. University of Salerno

University of Salerno logo

23. University of Palermo

University of Palermo logo

24. University of Bari

University of Bari logo

25. University of Verona

University of Verona logo

26. University of Catania

University of Catania logo

27. University of Cagliari

University of Cagliari logo

28. Ca' Foscari University of Venice

Ca' Foscari University of Venice logo

29. University of Perugia

University of Perugia logo

30. Roma Tre University

Roma Tre University logo

31. University of Brescia

University of Brescia logo

32. University of Messina

University of Messina logo

33. University of Calabria

University of Calabria logo

34. University of Trieste

University of Trieste logo

35. Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies logo

36. University of Udine

University of Udine logo

37. University of Bergamo

University of Bergamo logo

38. University of Aquila

University of Aquila logo

39. University of Ferrara

University of Ferrara logo

40. LUISS University

LUISS University logo

41. Polytechnical University of Marche

Polytechnical University of Marche logo

42. Free University of Bozen

Free University of Bozen logo

43. University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli

University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli logo

44. University of Insubria

University of Insubria logo

45. University of Salento

University of Salento logo

46. Carlo Bo University of Urbino

Carlo Bo University of Urbino logo

47. G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti

G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti logo

48. Parthenope University of Naples

Parthenope University of Naples logo

49. University of Sassari

University of Sassari logo

50. University of Eastern Piedmont

University of Eastern Piedmont logo

51. Normal School of Pisa

Normal School of Pisa logo

52. Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria

Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria logo

53. University of Cassino and Southern Lazio

University of Cassino and Southern Lazio logo

54. Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University logo

55. University of Camerino

University of Camerino logo

56. University of Macerata

University of Macerata logo

57. University of Foggia

University of Foggia logo

58. International School for Advanced Studies

International School for Advanced Studies logo

59. Basilicata University

Basilicata University logo

60. University of Sannio

University of Sannio logo

61. Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome

Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome logo

62. University of Catanzaro

University of Catanzaro logo

63. University of Molise

University of Molise logo

64. University of Tuscia

University of Tuscia logo

65. Maria Santissima Assunta Free University

Maria Santissima Assunta Free University logo

66. IULM University

IULM University logo

67. IUAV University of Venice

IUAV University of Venice logo

68. University of Naples "L'Orientale"

University of Naples "L'Orientale" logo

69. Carlo Cattaneo University

Carlo Cattaneo University logo

70. University of Teramo

University of Teramo logo

71. Kore University of Enna

Kore University of Enna logo

72. Foro Italico University of Rome

Foro Italico University of Rome logo

73. Pontifical Gregorian University

Pontifical Gregorian University logo

74. Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples

Suor Orsola Benincasa University of Naples logo

75. Pontifical University of the Holy Cross

Pontifical University of the Holy Cross logo

76. University of Gastronomic Sciences

University of Gastronomic Sciences logo

77. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Perugia

University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Perugia logo

78. Pontifical University Antonianum

Pontifical University Antonianum logo

79. Salesian Pontifical University

Salesian Pontifical University logo

80. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena

University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena logo

The best cities to study Political Science in Italy based on the number of universities and their ranks are Bologna , Rome , Milan , and Padua .

Liberal Arts & Social Sciences subfields in Italy

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There are two main doctorate courses offered by the department, they differ in the way that the department is involved. 

  • Doctorate courses where the administrative headquarters are in the Department of Social and Political Sciences 
  • Doctorate courses where the department participates in the form of partnerships between the University of Pavia and other universities 

The Department  has its own Doctorate Course with its administrative head office in the Department: Doctorate in History

This is a very wide-ranging third-level course from both a chronological and a competency point of view. It has lecturers from the department of Humanities but is coordinated by the Department of Political and Social Sciences.   

Every year there are over 150 requests for admission to the Doctorate in History. There are requests for admission from Italian students, European students and non-European students. Some of the curricula activities are held by lecturers from the Department (Modern and Contemporary history, particularly Contemporary History; Constitutional and Administrative History; History of Africa and Asia). There is intense didactic activity in English for all students. In recent years, students have set up a successful Graduate Conference with an open Call.

Coordinator of the Doctorate: Prof.ssa Elisabetta Colombo

The Department also participates in association with other universities on other Doctorate courses whose headquarters are at other universities. This involves a large number of Department professors who are members of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate courses.

The Department of Political and Social sciences participates in the PhD. in Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences.

This Doctorate course started in October 2018 thanks to the support of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia, under the patronage of the “Departments of Excellence” and with the contribution of the ICS (Institute of Computational Science) at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI)

The Department collaborates in the management and the organisation of the Doctorate course with the help of the Director, Prof.ssa Silvia Figini, who is the vice-coordinator of the Doctorate course. Thanks to this collaboration, twelve scholarships for the three-year course have been assigned in collaboration with prestigious scientific organisations (IRCCS Mondino), companies  (Generali, Datev, RES, Widech, Sea Vision etc) and institutions (PoliS-Lombardia).

In addition, the ICAM - International Centre of Advanced Computing for Medicine -  connected to the PhD in Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences, has been set up. This involves the Department of Political and Social sciences together with the Physics Department (administrative headquarters), Mathematics, Molecular Medicine, Civil Engineering and Architecture, Industrial and Information Engineering, sciences of Clinical Surgery, Diagnostics and Pediatrics, and Science of the Nervous System and Behaviour.  

Vice-Coordinator of the Doctorate: Prof.ssa Silvia Figini.

ESLS has projects which are part of the Doctorates in Labour Studies (University of Milan) and Economic Sociology (University of Brescia); the Teaching Board has academics who come from the universities of Turin, Milan-Bicocca and Pavia.

The Mission of the programme is to transfer a solid thematic-disciplinary focus (in sociology, labour law, Management, organisational behaviour and labour psychology), as well as the ability to understand and to give fundamental attention to socio economic processes; focusing particularly on organisations and the work point of view.

The course is held by  NASP (Network for the Advancement of Social and Political Studies), in collaboration with our Department and the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the University of Milan. The aim of the course is to train highly qualified professionals able to take part in and design research projects in the academic-institutional field, in research centres, in public and private organisations and think tanks. 

Doctorate Research students in Political Sciences are often employed within national and European institutions and as managers in public administration as well as data and political analysts in the Italian and international private sector.

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Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

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  • Indietro Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

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The Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies gathers 79 scholars in political science, law, history, political philosohy, sociology, foreign languages and cultures covering the following domains: European public policies and public management, global studies, genders studies, governance and regulation theories and models, Modern and contemporary history. history of international relations, human rights, international law, institutional and normative processes dealing with person, family, market, work and welfare, legal theory, regional studies, relationships between languages and institutions

The Department promotes and manages 3 research centres and a Ph.D programme on "Private, international and labour Law". It co-operates to the Ph.D . programme in Philosophy; contributes, through the activity of some of its scholars, to the following Ph.D programmes:

  • Human Rights, Society and Multi-level Governance (University of Padova);
  • History (University of Padova)
  • Sociology and Social Research (University of Bologna)
  • Political Science and Sociology (Scuola Normale Superiore, Firenze)

The Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies manages

  • 4 first-cycle degrees: Economic law, Political sciences, international relations, human rights, Political sciences, international studies, public administration, Social work (qualifying for welfare officers)
  • 5 second-cycle degrees: European studies, Government sciences and public policies, Human rights and multi-level governance (entirely held in English), International politics and diplomacy, Sciences of social work

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche, Giuridiche e Studi Internazionali

Via del Santo, 28 - 35123 Padova tel. +39 049 8274000 - fax +39 0498274007 [email protected]


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Political Science - Università Roma Tre

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Political Science

  The Department of Political Sciences offers a broad and solid education in political and social phenomena and their interaction with the main legal and economic issues of our time. Moreover, it provides an in-depth knowledge of appropriate methods for the analysis of relations between the actors operating in the international scene.  

The main purpose of the degree programs is to provide an adequate competence related to political and economic processes as for contexts and dimensions. A thorough cultural education with an interdisciplinary approach allows students to face the challenges of a contemporary world increasingly connected with critical and creative skills. Thus, enabling them to acquire more suitable tools to access a wide range of careers at a national and international level  

The Department has, in fact , a strong international outlook in different areas thanks to several European and non-European agreements with Partner Institutions.  

As for the Master degrees in “International Relations” and “International Studies” there are currently in place joint agreements, leading to a double degree respectively with the University of Belgrano (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and with the American University, Washington DC  

The course catalogue offers three Bachelor’s Degrees, in “ Link identifier #identifier__143673-1 Political science ”, “ Link identifier #identifier__11361-2 Policies, cooperation and development ”, “ Link identifier #identifier__188063-3 Government and administration ” and four Master’s degrees in “ Link identifier #identifier__157320-4 International relations ”, “ Link identifier #identifier__28821-5 International studies ”, “Global security studies: environment, energy and conflicts”, “Governments and public policies”. These degree courses, highly current and innovative, take in particular account  the change of professional skills, using a well-established  network of relations with stakeholders.  

It promotes the integration and coordination between research and teaching activities, focusing on the partnerships with foreign Universities and research centers both at education and scientific level, from Bachelor to PhD degrees. This is achieved  not only through professors with an international proven track record  but as well through the enhancing of the language component .  

The Department, also supports, in addition to teaching, research and internationalization, the so-called Third mission of the University, namely through the transfer and dissemination of knowledge and through educational initiatives aimed at citizens thanks to a cooperation network with institutions and organizations at local level.  

WebsiteLink identifier #identifier__128460-6
DirectorLink identifier #identifier__122576-7
Email: [email protected]
Administration and Management Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__197705-8
Phone: 06 57335207/5407
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: [email protected]
Research Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__109368-9
Phone: 06 57335286/5205/5281
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: [email protected]
Academic Secretariat Link identifier #identifier__125938-10
Phone: 06 57335204/5307
Fax: 06 57335285
Email: [email protected]

Bachelor’s degree courses

  • Link identifier #identifier__120853-13 Government and administration
  • Link identifier #identifier__138388-14 Policies, cooperation and development
  • Link identifier #identifier__69068-15 Political science

Master’s degree courses

  • Link identifier #identifier__1714-16 Administrations and public policies
  • Link identifier #identifier__19890-17 Global security studies: environment, energy and conflicts
  • Link identifier #identifier__77848-18 International relations
  • Link identifier #identifier__123325-19 International studies

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Understanding the reality in which one lives is a necessary condition to be able to act with responsibility and awareness in every field and to become professionals able to make an impact in different contexts. To be able to read a continuously and rapidly changing reality, today, even more than in the past, it is necessary to be able to combine different points of view: from economic to legal, from political to psychological, from sociological to historical.

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For the Faculty, safeguarding the cultural identity of Università Cattolica means placing at the centre of political and social sciences, both in research and teaching, the cardinal principles of the common good, personal dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity. These principles are reflected in the formulation of the academic offer, in the professors/lecturers’ awareness of their role as educators, in the response to the problems and challenges of contemporary society

It is on this idea that the active educational programmes within the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of Università Cattolica are based, all characterised by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach, which is therefore the Faculty's point of distinction and strength. This approach translates into a teaching method that combines cultural education and professional preparation. A method aimed at acquiring the ability to interpret phenomena and tackle problems by grasping their multiple dimensions, capable of giving the graduate a flexible profile that is open to the development of new skills in his or her professional future.

The Faculty, only in terms of age, is rather young: in fact, it was born in 2012 from the union of the Faculties of Political Science and Sociology. However, it is a project that has very distant origins, born with Università Cattolica: in fact, 1921, the year the University was founded, is also the year when the degree programme in Social Sciences was created; from this, in different moments, the Faculties of Political Sciences and Sociology took shape. Today the two faculties are once again united in a project that is both solid and innovative. Many are the figures of extraordinary scholars and masters who have characterised this long history.

Among them we remember: Marcello Boldrini, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences from 1935 to 1947, statistician, academic of the Lincei and longtime collaborator of Enrico Mattei at the top of the national oil industry; Francesco Vito, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences from 1947 to 1959, economist, academic of the Lincei and also rector from 1959 to 1965; Gianfranco Miglio, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences from 1959 to 1989, political scientist and constitutionalist, who devoted himself in particular to institutional reforms and federalism; Alberto Quadrio Curzio, Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences  from 1989 to 2010, economist, academic and president of the Accademia dei Lincei since 2015, who was also president of the Italian Society of Economists; Michele Colasanto, first Dean of the Faculty of Sociology, sociologist and vice pro-rector of Università Cattolica from 1998 to 2002.

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PhD in Political and Social Sciences

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  • PhD Programme Table
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  • Academic board
Academic Year 2021-2022
Subject area Legal, Politological, Economic and Statistical Sciences
Cycle 37
Coordinator Prof. Daniela Giannetti
Language English
Duration 4 years
Positions 7 positions. More information in the PhD Programme Table.
Application deadline May 21, 2021 at 12:00 PM (Expired)
Enrolment period From Jul 22, 2021 to Aug 02, 2021
Doctoral programme start date Nov 01, 2021
  • Political Science
  • International Studies

 Curriculum 1: Political Science

  • Political Theory
  • Authoritarian Regimes
  • Democratic Regimes
  • Democratic Transitions
  • Electoral Politics
  • Parties and Party Systems
  • Political Participation
  • Political Culture
  • Comparative Political Institutions
  • EU Institutions and Policies
  • Public Policy

Curriculum 2:  International Studies

  • International Political Economy
  • International Security
  • Strategic Studies
  • War and Politics
  • Cooperation and Conflict in the International Arena
  • International Organizations
  • Technological Innovation and International Relations
  • Theories of International Relations
  • Eastern Europe

Curriculum 3:  Sociology

  • Sociology of Culture; - Communication
  • Trust and Social Capital
  • Social Media
  • Digital Society
  • Immigration
  • Religion and Society
  • Sociology of Labour
Giannetti Daniela Università di Bologna Political Science Member
Loveless Paul Matthew Università di Bologna Political Science Member
Mattoni Alice Università di Bologna Sociology Member
Tornimbeni Corrado Università di Bologna International Studies Member
Valeriani Augusto Università di Bologna Sociology Member
Verbeek Bertjian Università di Njimegen (Netherlands) International Studies Member
Zambernardi Lorenzo Università di Bologna International Studies Member
Alacevich Michele Università di Bologna International Studies Substitute
Baracani Elena Università di Bologna Political Science Substitute
Belardinelli Sergio Università di Bologna Sociology Substitute
Bianchini Stefano Università di Bologna International Studies Substitute
Giorgini Giovanni Università di Bologna Political Science Substitute
Pallotti Arrigo Università di Bologna International Studies Substitute
Rizza Roberto Università di Bologna Sociology Substitute
Michele Alacevich Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Elena Baracani Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Sergio Belardinelli Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Stefano Bianchini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Nicola De Luigi Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Daniela Giannetti Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Giovanni Giorgini Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Paul Matthew Loveless Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Sonia Lucarelli Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Debora Mantovani Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Alice Mattoni Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato
Arrigo Pallotti Università di Bologna Professore Associato Confermato
Stefania Profeti Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Lucia Quaglia Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Roberto Rizza Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Michele Sapignoli Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario
Corrado Tornimbeni Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Augusto Valeriani Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Bertjian Verbeek Università di Njimegen (Netherlands) Professore Ordinario
Lorenzo Zambernardi Università di Bologna Professore Associato
Loris Zanatta Università di Bologna Professore Ordinario

Daniela Giannetti

Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali - SPS

Strada Maggiore 45 Bologna (BO)

[email protected]

+39 051 234036

Final ranking list

  • AMS phD thesis (in Italian) Published
  • Department of Political and Social Sciences

Doctoral Programme in Political and Social Sciences

Programme Start Date


Badia Fiesolana

The call for applications for the 2025-26 academic year (start date: 1 September 2025) will open in November 2024 - the deadline will be 31 January 2025 at 14:00 (CET).

Programme Description

The content on this page is subject to change for the 2025-26 call for applications

Our researchers study the important issues of our time that the social science can uniquely address, with Ph.D. opportunities across politics and comparative politics, political theory, international relations, and sociology.

Our active faculty, and strong cohort of Ph.D. researchers and post-doctoral scholars, creates a stimulating environment for study. By covering key fields across the political and social sciences within one department, we enable cross-disciplinary research conversations to take place, meaning ideas and research findings are easily shared and discussed further.

While our experienced staff offer intense supervision, you also receive the academic freedom and time for your own independent research. In addition, our researchers benefit from interacting with the academics, practitioners and other leaders in their field, who are regular visitors to our Department and are able to offer their advice and thoughts on your work.

The policy of the EUI is not to offer individual guidance and advice on dissertation proposals. You should not contact potential supervisors but read the information on research themes on this page and indicate three professors who could supervise your dissertation in the application form.

If you have any questions on the programme, grants, requirements, application and selection procedures, please contact the EUI Admissions Office – Email: [email protected]

  Early career outcomes for SPS PhDs (2022-23)

The EUI is committed to providing equitable and inclusive conditions for all candidates and is keen to attract, encourage and retain a diverse and highly qualified community of scholars.

Candidates with disabilities or specific educational needs are encouraged to register their needs with the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies (Email: [email protected] ) for the coordination of reasonable adjustments at the stage of application, selection, and admission to the programme.

Additional Information

  • SPS Researchers’ Guide  
  • Exchange Programmes
  • Doctoral Supervision at the EUI
  • Academic and Professional Development
  • Recognition of the EUI Doctorate
  • Academic Rules and Policies
  • Extracurricular Activities


Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

Call for applications for admission to phd programmes  of national interest (din) - academic year 2024/2025 - 40th cycle .

Call for PhD programmes of National Interest (DIN) in HERITAGE SCIENCE – EARTH OBSERVATION – ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE – PEACE STUDIES has been published.

Applications must be submitted by 10 July 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications DIN PhD programmes 40th cycle - 2024_2025 (pdf)  Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome announces the following exam-based open call for admission to the 40th Cycle of PhD Programmes. The legal duration of all PhD programmes is three years.  Applications must be submitted by 20 June 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time) without any exception.

Call for applications 40th cycle - 2024_2025  (pdf) Applications Submition Tutorial - 40th cycle_2024_2025 (pdf)


Sapienza University of Rome published a call for pre-selection for postgraduate PhD positions with scholarships fund by China Scholarship Council . List of PhD Programmes for which it is possible to apply are indicated in the Appendix CSC XL cycle. The deadline for submission of the application is February 28th, 2024 at 12.00 a.m. (CET).


Call for pre-selection CSC XL  -  Appendix CSC XL   -   Agreement Sapienza-CSC


Le attività presentate in questa pagina sono finanziate totalmente, o in parte, dai fondi del Piano nazionale di ripresa e resilienza.

L'elenco e le finalità delle attività intraprese dalla Sapienza sono descritte nella pagina dedicata Sapienza per il Pnrr .


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© Sapienza Università di Roma - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma - (+39) 06 49911 - CF 80209930587 PI 02133771002


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  1. Political Science in Italy: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Political Science in Italy. Studying Political Science in Italy is a great choice, as there are 15 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 59,000 international students choose Italy for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all over the ...

  2. PhD details

    The doctoral programme in Political and Social Sciences is designed to produce rigorously trained social scientists, able to conduct cutting-edge research. The programme combines a common set of courses on the methodology of research along with a training in a specific subfield. The programme has three curricula: Political Science (including ...

  3. Political Studies

    Jessoula Matteo Roberto Carlo. The interuniversity doctoral programme in Political Studies (POLS) integrates coherently empirical-positive and theoretical-normative approaches in political science. The programme therefore provides students with the methodological tools and cultural background common to the various lines of study and research ...

  4. Ph.D Programme in Politics

    Ph.D Programme in Politics . Ours is a fully-funded programme, providing PhD candidates with scholarships for three years of research and study.. Every PhD researcher will receive supervision from two scholars with expertise in the field, at least one of whom is drawn from among the internationally renowned members of the Academic Board of the programme.

  5. PhD details

    Call for applications. PhD Programme Table. Final ranking list. Enrolment: From Jun 04, 2024 to Jun 17, 2024. Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2024. Appointed by Rectoral Decree Rep. n. 461 Prot. n. 94203 of 29/03/2024.

  6. PhD details

    Positions: More information in the PhD Programme Table. Enrolment: From Jul 29, 2022 to Aug 29, 2023. Doctoral programme start date: Nov 01, 2022. A doctoral degree in Political and Social Sciences enables a career as an academic or other careers with high demand for capacity of developing research at the highest level.

  7. Political and Social Sciences

    Vai alla Homepage del Portale di Ateneo Phd programme Political and Social Sciences. Menu.

  8. PhD Program

    [ Call for application XL cycle, a.a. 2024/2025] The PhD in Legality, Political Cultures and Democracy, established in 2019 in implementation of the development plan of the Department of Political Science, obtained from MIUR the qualification as International Innovative Doctorate thanks to the presence of specific agreements with Mid Sweden University (Sundsvall, Sweden), Lomonosov University ...

  9. Ph.D.s in Political Studies

    The Ph.D. in Political Science, run by the Department of Political Science of Roma Tre University, offers a Curriculum lasting three years for Master's degree graduate students in Social Sciences (Political Science, International law, Sociology) and Humanities. The purpose is to educate scholars or professionals who have a research-related ...

  10. Political Science in Italy: 80 Best universities Ranked 2024

    77. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Perugia. 78. Pontifical University Antonianum. 79. Salesian Pontifical University. 80. University of Italian Studies for Foreigners of Siena. The best cities to study Political Science in Italy based on the number of universities and their ranks are Bologna, Rome, Milan, and Padua.

  11. 7 Ph.Ds in Political Science in Italy

    Find the best Ph.D in the field of Political Science from top universities in Italy. Check all 7 programmes. Explore; Decide; Apply; Explore. View disciplines. Agriculture & Forestry ; ... Social and Political Science. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 15,000 EUR / year. 4 years. Università Commerciale Luigi BocconiMilano, Italy. Ranked top 7%.

  12. Political Studies

    Political Studies. The PhD in Political Studies offers a range of doctoral courses in the area of the social sciences (economics; history; cultural studies; law; sociology; political science). The PhD has three different Curricula ("Government and Institutions", "Gender Studies", and "European and International Studies") which ...

  13. PhD Programme

    This is the framework for the joint PhD programme with the University of Innsbruck (Rechtswissenschaftliche Fakultät), launched together with the PhD course in Law (PhD-Doktoratsstudium Italienisches Recht/Doctorate of research in legal subjects). ... Department of Political Science, Law and International Studies (SPGI) CONTACTS. Via del Santo ...

  14. Political Sciences, Ph.D.

    About. This Political Sciences PhD degree from University of Pisa aims to provide the theoretical and methodological tools useful for research in the field of political and social disciplines; to stimulate adequate critical skills; to ensure a high level of scientific specialization in each thematic area of its competence; University of Pisa ...

  15. Doctorates

    The Department of Political and Social sciences participates in the PhD. in Computational Mathematics and Decision Sciences. This Doctorate course started in October 2018 thanks to the support of the Department of Mathematics of the University of Pavia, under the patronage of the "Departments of Excellence" and with the contribution of the ICS (Institute of Computational Science) at the ...

  16. Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies

    The Department of Political Science, Law, and International Studies gathers 79 scholars in political science, law, history, political philosohy, sociology, foreign languages and cultures covering the following domains: European public policies and public management, global studies, genders studies, governance and regulation theories and models, Modern and contemporary history. history of ...

  17. Political Science

    Phd Programmes 88855-30 PHD Programmes; Research Fellowships 35008-31 Research fellowships; Students 3436-32 STUDENTS . ... Political Science 87864-107 Political Science; Science 3162-108 Science; Schools 85541-109 SCHOOLS . Economics And Business Studies 50137-110 Economics and Business Studies;

  18. Political and Social Sciences

    Political and Social Sciences. Dean: Prof. Guido Merzoni. Understanding the reality in which one lives is a necessary condition to be able to act with responsibility and awareness in every field and to become professionals able to make an impact in different contexts. To be able to read a continuously and rapidly changing reality, today, even ...

  19. PhD details

    The Doctoral programme in Political and Social Sciences is designed to produce rigorously trained social scientists, able to conduct cutting-edge research. The programme combines a common set of courses on the methodology of research along with a training in a specific subfield. The programme has three curricula: Political Science (including ...

  20. Doctoral programmes (PhD)

    Doctoral programmes (PhD) Info and contacts. 38 multidisciplinary programmes, including international programmes, on various areas and lines of research. . XLth cycle - 2024/25. 39th cycle - 2023/24. Study area. Language.

  21. Università di Pisa: Home Dottorato di Ricerca

    The PhD is the highest level of education provided by the Italian academic system and provides the skills necessary to carry out high quality research activities at universities and public or private entities. ... Political Sciences . Top of the page . Engineering, Computing and Data Analysis ... Computer Science - PhD Programme joint with ...

  22. Doctoral Programme in Political and Social Sciences

    Programme Description. The content on this page is subject to change for the 2025-26 call for applications. Our researchers study the important issues of our time that the social science can uniquely address, with Ph.D. opportunities across politics and comparative politics, political theory, international relations, and sociology.

  23. Admissions to 2024-2025 PhD Programmes

    CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR ADMISSION TO PHD PROGRAMMES - Academic Year 2024/2025 - 40th Cycle. Sapienza University of Rome announces the following exam-based open call for admission to the 40th Cycle of PhD Programmes. The legal duration of all PhD programmes is three years. Applications must be submitted by 20 June 2024 at 23:59 pm (local time ...