General Catalog
Undergraduate and Graduate

Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803

    Louisiana State University
  Sep 04, 2024  
2024-2025 General Catalog    

2024-2025 General Catalog

















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The Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College is a highly selective four-year enrichment program for intellectually motivated undergraduate students. Honors students enter as freshmen and enroll in at least 32 hours of honors courses over their four-year career, culminating in the production of an Honors thesis or project in their major field of study. From small enrollment seminars in the freshman year to independent research activities in preparation for the senior honors thesis, the Honors College experience is characterized by close interaction between Honors students and outstanding faculty.

Honors students pursue a rigorous academic program which satisfies all requirements for graduation, including the requirements of their major academic department. Honors courses go beyond the basic requirements to provide the basis for outstanding achievement and appropriate recognition at graduation. In the first two years of study in the Honors College, breadth of academic experience is emphasized. Honors work involves the student in a variety of fields ranging from the humanities to the sciences and students may elect to take specialized seminars in a variety of disciplines. Honors students in the junior and senior years usually become more focused in their majors, developing increasingly independent research interests and culminating in the production of a senior thesis or project under the direction of a faculty member in the student’s major department.

Participation in the Honors College supplements, but does not replace, work in a major field. Credits earned in Honors College courses may be used to satisfy general education requirements or specific degree requirements. Honors College and departmental advisors assist in assuring that Honors students meet all requirements of each student’s major curriculum.

Admission Requirements

Entering freshmen.

Entering freshmen with the following minimum ACT or SAT scores and a 3.50 academic high school GPA are invited to apply for admission to the college.

  • ACT requirements–30 composite and 30 English or 29 composite and 31 English.
  • SAT requirements–1330 combined math and critical reading and 660 critical reading.

Continuing or Transfer Students

Continuing students who have completed at least their first semester of college and have attained at least a 3.50 GPA are also invited to inquire about admission to the college.


Students who have been dropped from the college may apply for readmission if they meet the following requirements:

  • they have attained a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00; and
  • they request registration in an honors course at the time of readmission.

Recognition Requirements

Honors College students earn their graduation degrees from LSU through their senior colleges and earn Honors College recognition by meeting the following requirements (for all recognition awards, see curriculum for description of courses eligible for Honors credit):

Good Standing: All students must be in good standing to participate in the Honors College, register for honors courses, and be eligible for priority registration. Following the initial semester in the Honors College, an honors student is considered to be in good standing if they maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 and successfully completes a minimum of two honors courses (five to six hours) per academic year in residence.

College Honors: Noted on both the diploma and the LSU transcript, College Honors is the culmination of the Honors College curriculum. Students who earn College Honors at graduation will receive special recognition at LSU commencement. To graduate with College Honors a student must meet all requirements as established by the student’s own college including at least 32 hours of Honors classes as follows:

  • a minimum of six hours of Honors coursework;
  • 12 hours at 3000+ level, following upper division departmental honors programs, where they exist;
  • senior thesis or project, following thesis guidelines;
  • 3.5 GPA in cumulative, LSU, and Honors coursework.

Upper Division Honors Distinction : Students achieving this distinction will receive recognition at LSU commencement and on their transcripts. Students working toward upper division honors distinction are expected to indicate their intention, in person, to the Honors College upper division advisor who will furnish them with detailed requirements including the following:

  • 12 hours of honors courses at the 3000-level or above, including three to six hours of thesis or project;
  • Senior honors thesis or project following thesis guidelines;
  • 3.50 GPA in both cumulative and LSU coursework, and for all honors courses used in the student’s Upper Division program.

Sophomore Honors Distinction: Recognition includes a notation on the transcript and a certificate awarded after the end of the fourth semester. This designation will be subject to approval by the dean of the student’s college upon recommendation of the dean of the Honors College. To achieve this distinction, students must complete the following by the end of their fourth regular semester in college:

  • 20 hours of Honors or departmental honors courses, including a minimum of six hours of Honors courses;
  • A 3.50 GPA in cumulative, LSU, and Honors coursework.

Honors College Curriculum

Honors students are required to take at least five to six hours of honors courses per year to remain in good standing and at least 32 hours of honors courses (including thesis) to graduate with College Honors. The following types of courses qualify for credit as honors courses:

  • Honors College courses: Designated with the HNRS prefix in the Schedule of Classes and administered by the Honors College. Example: HNRS 2013 The 20th Century (3)   .
  • Honors Departmental courses: Designated with a departmental prefix and “Honors” in the course title as listed in the Schedule of Classes . Example: CHEM 1421 HONORS: General Chemistry I (3)   .
  • Honors Options: The honors option is available to students when separate upper division honors courses are not available. A student will work with a professor to produce a contract outlining the work to be done in addition to the regular work for a given course. The student will enroll in this course and will obtain honors credit by successfully completing the work outlined in the contract. Honors option regulations and forms are available through the Honors College. Honors credit is noted on the transcript with the letter “H.” Example: ENGL 3020 British Literature I: The Middle Ages, Renaissance and 18th Century (3)    (H).
  • Honors Thesis/Project: An Honors Thesis of high quality is required for students to graduate with College Honors. Students in all disciplines are encouraged to link their Honors thesis with requirements in their own majors and must consult with their departments concerning its final format. The Honors Thesis should be completed in coursework totaling at least six hours. Students may enroll in thesis preparation courses in their own departments, or may use HNRS 4000 Thesis (3)    with the agreement of their department.

Honors College Experience

Academic experience.

The goal of the Honors College is to prepare academically motivated students for success following graduation and throughout their future careers. In addition to Honors coursework, Honors College students have the opportunity to engage in a wide range of academically related activities during their undergraduate careers. The Honors College advising staff works to guide students toward the following opportunities and students are encouraged to meet with our advisors on a regular basis.

  • Community Service Opportunities: Freshmen can work together on a community service activity, learning to work together as a group and learning more about the LSU and Baton Rouge communities.
  • Study Abroad: All Honors College students are encouraged to participate in foreign study programs, especially during their sophomore or junior years.
  • Research Assistantship/Internships: In their junior year, Honors College students should identify areas of academic/career interest and begin to work on more specialized research under the supervision of a faculty member or on internships in fields appropriate to their career goals.
  • Postgraduate Fellowships/Scholarships: In their senior year, Honors College students should identify and apply for prestigious fellowships and scholarships that pertain to their career interests.

Residential Experience

The Laville Honors House is a residential college affiliated with the Honors College. The residence hall is available for all Honors College students (freshmen through seniors). The Laville Honors House provides a living environment that fosters academic excellence and close personal interaction between students and faculty. In addition to regular participation in activities by faculty members, advising staff offices and seminar rooms are also located in the Laville Honors House to enhance student academic performance.

Honors Courses and Curricular Equivalents

In meeting the requirements for their degrees, Honors students may substitute a number of Honors courses (HNRS and departmental) for non-Honors courses required for their degree programs.

General Minor

  • •  Honors Minor
  • •  Honors Research Minor
  • •  Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Minor
  • •  Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Research Minor
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Incoming Students

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Student Support Services 

  • Schedule an Advising Appointment Office of Fellowship Advising
  • Office of Career Development
  • Honors Option
  • OH!Pass Scholarships and Awards for Current Students
  • List of Fellowships
  • Student Guides & Handbooks

Curriculum and Courses 

  • Honors Curriculum
  • HNRS Courses of Study
  • Course Lists by Semester

Co-curricular Themes

Study Abroad

Internships and research.

Academic Requirements

  • Upper Division Honors Programs
  • Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Minor 
  • Honors Core Experiences (HCEs)
  • Course Guidelines
  • Syllabus Checklist
  • Propose a Course
  • Schedule Your Approved Course
  • Capstone Guide


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Co-Curricular Themes

Service is a pillar of the Ogden Honors College experience as it helps our students immerse themselves in opportunities where they can positively impact our community, state, and world. Service is a part of our interdisciplinary approach to enhance student learning through hands-on experiences. It’s also a great opportunity for students to expand their worldview, which may ultimately help them reimagine career goals and forge new paths. 

Remember, this list is a starting point and we encourage students to seek service opportunities beyond this list, especially those that relate to your intended major. Students may reach out to Cindy Seghers , Director of Career Development, to discuss additional opportunities. 

Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Program 

The Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Scholars program prepares Ogden Honors College students for leadership roles in Louisiana, particularly in the fields of public service, social justice, and environmental sustainability. To be eligible, students must be admitted to the Honors College and must complete an interview process in the first semester of their freshman or sophomore year. Open to all majors, the LASAL program complements the Ogden Honors College curriculum by providing academic courses and practical experience that enhance any field of study. 

Ogden Leaders

The Roger Hadfield Ogden Leaders Program allows students to pursue a self-guided project of significance to the state of Louisiana. As many as five Ogden Leaders receive up to $5,000 each to support self-designed, off-campus experiences, enabling them to pursue a passionate interest, develop independent leadership abilities, and contribute to society in a way and to a degree not otherwise possible. Projects are designed by the applicant and may consist of an independent travel or research project; may focus on humanitarian or social justice concerns at a local, national, or global level; or may enhance independent scientific research, artistic endeavors, and work already in progress. 

Project 225

Project 225 is a student-run program (with oversight from Honors College staff) that offers Ogden students the opportunity to get involved with the community through long-term service. It is difficult to understand the challenges facing any community without working closely with people who live and work in that community. Instead of episodic volunteering and service, Project 225 students cultivate relationships with community members and non-profits and are able to continually make a difference in the Baton Rouge community. It creates opportunities for Ogden students to explore and understand the challenges facing our most vulnerable neighbors. 

Service Saturdays

Service Saturdays offer a way for Laville Honors Hall residents to give back to the Baton Rouge community in a variety of ways. One Saturday every month is dedicated to a particular service project depending on the needs of our local partners. This service opportunity provides students an opportunity to foster a stronger relationship with the community and their neighbors in Laville.                  

Other Service Opportunities 

  • Ogden Honors College Council
  • Honors College Advocates
  • Center for Community Engagement, Learning, and Leadership (CCELL)
  • Volunteer LSU
  • LSU Food Pantry
  • Upward Bound
  • Volunteers in Public Schools (VIPS)
  • The Big Buddy Program
  • Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Baton Rouge
  • Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank
  • Capital Area Alliance for the Homeless (CAAH)
  • Habitat for Humanity

OHC students sitting at the airport, waitinng to board the plane to England

As Ogden Honors students begin to take higher-level classes and cultivate a deeper knowledge within their major disciplines, they should also be pursuing ways to apply that knowledge through internships and scholarly research.


Internships are one of the primary ways in which undergraduates can gain valuable work experience and prepare for life after graduation. Participating in an internship provides students with insight into vocational applications of their majors and minors and the day-to-day responsibilities of careers they may be considering. An internship is also an opportunity to develop your resume; the work experience it provides may make a student eligible for full-time professional positions in the future.

Honors students may want to participate in an internship during a summer break, or they may prefer to work as an intern in the Baton Rouge area throughout the school year. Internships may be paid or unpaid; part-time or full-time; for-credit and even required by the student's major. The Ogden Honors College Office of Career Development can help our students parse through such choices and find the exact right internship for them among a myriad of local, regional, national, and even international opportunities. 

Undergraduate Research

As with internships, scholarly research is an opportunity for Honors students to apply their knowledge-- in this instance, to a problem or question within their field of study. Most undergraduate curriculums incorporate research projects in some way, but the Honors curriculum encourages students to pursue the Honors Capstone, an intensive, focused, independent research project carried out over the course of a year or more, under the guidance of a faculty mentor.

No matter a student's research path, topic, or type, the end goal is to give the student the skills necessary to successfully see through a long-term independent project from start to completion, presentation, and publication. 

While the bulk of capstone work is typically completed in the senior year, we encourage students to begin considering and exploring their topic in the junior year. We support these endeavors through a variety of programs, scholarships, and advising. We help students to:

  • Work closely with faculty through independent study courses and discussion-based seminars;
  • Find paid research positions and other research opportunities within laboratories and departments throughout LSU; and
  • Explore new interests and interact with professors at our Faculty Research Series talks


The Honors Capstone is the crowning achievement of the Ogden Honors College curriculum, and completing one is a culminating experience for fourth year students in their transition to post-graduate life. Based upon the knowledge gained through their coursework students answer questions, solve problems, and demonstrate their abilities by completing a long-term project with an expert research faculty mentor.

The Honors Capstone is formally completed over two semesters in the senior year, although students often begin building a body of research and establishing relationships with faculty research mentors long before the senior year, through campus jobs and independent study courses. The Honors Capstone is sometimes our students' first experience with managing a long-term independent project, and Honors College faculty and staff provide extensive support throughout the process.

Honors Capstone students have access to:

  • Honors College advising staff able to connect students with undergraduate research opportunities, including an adviser dedicated to assisting students with the Honors Capstone process;
  • Scholarships that help defray costs incurred by Honors Capstone research; and
  • Workshops and roundtables for students considering and later conducting capstone research

An Honors Capstone can be written in any major. A capstone may take a variety of formats — from a traditional scholarly paper to a design portfolio; from a business plan to a performance — but will always include a written component fully explaining the student's research and will be defended before a faculty committee.

Completing the Honors Capstone is a major undergraduate achievement that confers high-level skills to our graduates. It is also a final step in the path to College Honors, one of LSU's highest undergraduate distinctions.


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Woman looks though papers at a desk. A fiddle sits next to her.

Create opportunities for your future with an Honors Thesis.

An honors thesis a sustained, independent research project in a student’s field of study. the thesis is an opportunity to work on unique research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. it often provides a writing sample for graduate school, and is also something you can share with employers to show what kind of work you can do. , what is an honors thesis.

Most of your work in college involves learning information and ideas generated by other people. When you write a thesis, you are engaging with previous work, but also adding new knowledge to your field. That means you have to know what's already been done--what counts as established knowledge; what's the current state of research; what methods and kinds of evidence are acceptable; what debates are going on. (Usually, you'll recount that knowledge in a review of the literature.) Then, you need to form a research question  that you can answer given your available skills, resources, and time . With your advisor, you'll plan the method you will use to answer it, which might involve lab work, field work, surveys, interviews, secondary research, textual analysis, or something else; research methods will depend upon your question and your field. Once your research is carried out, you'll write a substantial paper (usually 20-50 pages) according to the standards of your field. 

When and how should I register for my thesis?

Register for your major's Honors Thesis course (often numbered 799) in the spring and/or fall of your Senior year. In most cases, departmental permission is needed to register, and you will need to have a commitment from your thesis advisor in advance. The thesis course is an independent study, overseen by your Thesis Advisor. Your advisor sets the standards, due dates, and grades for your project. You must earn at least a B to qualify for Honors. Your thesis must count for at least 4 credits (some majors require that the thesis be completed over 2 semesters, and some require more than 4 credits).

What do theses look like?

The exact structure will vary by discipline, and your thesis advisor should provide you with an outline. As a rough guideline, we would expect to see something like the following:

1. Introduction 2. Review of the literature 3. Methods 4. Results 5. Analysis 6. Conclusion 7. Bibliography or works cited

In 2012, we began digitally archiving Honors theses. Students are encouraged to peruse the Honors Thesis Repository to see what past students' work has looked like. Use the link below and type your major in the search field on the left to find relevant examples. Older Honors theses are available in the Special Collections & Archives department at Dimond Library. 

Browse Previous Theses

Will my thesis count as my capstone?

Most majors accept an Honors Thesis as fulfilling the Capstone requirement. However, there are exceptions. In some majors, the thesis counts as a major elective, and in a few, it is an elective that does not fulfill major requirements. Your major advisor and your Honors advisor can help you figure out how your thesis will count. Please note that while in many majors the thesis counts as the capstone, the converse does not necessarily apply. There are many capstone experiences that do not take the form of an Honors thesis. 

Can I do a poster and presentation for my thesis?

No. While you do need to present your thesis (see below), a poster and presentation are not a thesis. They may be part of a different Culminating Experience, however. 

How do I choose my thesis advisor?

The best thesis advisor is an experienced researcher, familiar with disciplinary standards for research and writing, with expertise in your area of interest. You might connect with a thesis advisor during Honors coursework, but   Honors advisors can assist students who are having trouble identifying an advisor. You should approach and confirm your thesis advisor before the semester in which your research will begin.

What if I need funds for my research?

The  Hamel Center for Undergraduate Research  offers research grants, including summer support. During the academic year, students registered in credit-bearing thesis courses may apply for an  Undergraduate Research Award  for up to $600 in research expenses (no stipend).  Students who are not otherwise registered in a credit-bearing course for their thesis research may enroll in  INCO 790: Advanced Research Experience,  which offers up to $200 for research expenses.

What if I need research materials for a lengthy period?

No problem! Honors Students can access Extended Time borrowing privileges at Dimond Library, which are otherwise reserved for faculty and graduate students. Email [email protected] with note requesting "extended borrowing privileges" and we'll work with the Library to extend your privileges.

What happens with my completed thesis?

Present your thesis.

Many students present at the  Undergraduate Research Conference  in April; other departmentally-approved public events are also acceptable.

Publish your thesis:

Honors students are asked to make their thesis papers available on . This creates a resource for future students and other researchers, and also helps students professionalize their online personas.

These theses are publicly available online. If a student or their advisor prefers not to make the work available, they may upload an abstract and/or excerpts from the work instead.

Students may also publish research in  Inquiry , UNH's undergraduate research journal.

Hamel Honors & Scholars College

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Honors Thesis Detailed Timeline and Requirements

Before senior year – preparation.

  • Students will likely be introduced to potential faculty mentors and research topics through 200-level environmental courses.
  • Students should consider enrolling in independent research or a sustainability internship with a faculty mentor in their sophomore or junior year to assess whether intensive research is a good fit for them.
  • By the spring semester of junior year, students are encouraged to discuss the possibility of completing a senior thesis and potential thesis projects with a faculty mentor who has expertise in their area of interest.
  • Candidates for honors must have by graduation a cumulative GPA of 3.00 and a GPA of 3.20 within their honors program.


  • With guidance from their thesis advisor, thesis students should develop a broad research plan and begin making arrangements for the thesis committee.
  • At the discretion of the faculty mentor, one or more drafts of a thesis proposal may be required prior to the beginning of the fall semester.


  • Having enrolled in Honors Thesis (EVST/EVSC 495), the thesis candidate begins research according to the plan outlined in their thesis proposal draft.
  • A Thesis Committee for the student will be finalized in the fall. The committee should consist of the student’s research mentor and two other faculty. All three committee members cannot be from the same academic department/program. At least one committee member must be on the environmental advisory committee. One of the committee members can be someone external to the College who possesses relevant expertise.
  • To meet with the student and review the Proposal during fall semester as well as the Thesis during spring semester;
  • To help direct and support the student in pursuing the Thesis both at formal Committee meetings and through informal discussion;
  • To render to the department a judgment about the acceptability of the Thesis.
  • An introduction consisting of a current literature survey, a clear description of the research objective/question, and how this objective interfaces with and/or intervenes in the current scholarship within the field;
  • A research plan that broadly outlines the specific experiments and/or studies to be done, archives to be studied, and/or theories that will be utilized;
  • IACUC and IRB permits , if appropriate;
  • The student will initiate a Thesis Committee meeting to discuss the proposal; this meeting may include a presentation by the student. At this time, any changes to the planned research can be discussed.
  • A brief explanation of the motivation for their study citing relevant scholarly literature;
  • A brief description of the methods/intervention they have employed and/or intend to employ;
  • A timeline of proposed work.
  • The thesis advisor in consultation with the thesis committee will evaluate the student’s progress and make a recommendation about whether or not the student should continue the thesis during the spring semester.
  • To get the green light to proceed, an Honors Thesis must demonstrate the student’s capacity for quality research and give evidence of mastery of the material.
  • The Committee’s review of the Proposal, a progress report (if required), and an evaluation of the student’s conduct as an investigator by the mentor will contribute to the grade given in Thesis for the fall semester.


  • If data collection during the fall semester was delayed or proceeded more slowly than initially anticipated, students should be prepared to return to campus during interim session to make additional progress on their projects.
  • Similarly, for thesis projects oriented towards humanities and/or the social sciences, research and writing during interim may be required.


  • If the thesis committee makes a positive recommendation at the end of fall semester, at the start of spring semester the thesis student should enroll in Thesis (EVST/EVSC 496).
  • The thesis student and research mentor must complete and submit a Notice of Graduation with Departmental Honors form to the Academic Progress Committee by the end of the second week of classes spring semester.
  • During the early part of spring semester, environmental science students should anticipate completing the data collection phase of their thesis and devoting significant time to data analysis and interpretation.
  • Thesis projects in environmental studies will move from research to writing at this time.
  • The student should initiate at least one committee meeting during spring semester to discuss progress, challenges, and get feedback from the committee members.
  • Thesis students must submit a final thesis draft to their thesis committee no later than one week before their final thesis presentation.
  • Thesis candidates will defend their honors thesis by giving a summary presentation, which should be 20 min in length, that is suitable for a general audience.
  • The presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A period open first to committee members, then to all attendees.
  • After this session, the honors thesis committee will judge the quality of the thesis, determining whether or not honors will be awarded and then inform the student of their determination. At this time, committee members will make any recommendations for revisions to the text of the thesis.
  • The research mentor will submit a completed “approval of thesis” form to the Academic Progress Committee after the senior thesis presentation.
  • Before the end of finals week, a final revised copy of the thesis with signatures of the thesis committee members should be submitted to the research mentor and to the program chair.

sample honors theses and proposals

  • Pfadenhauer, Will.  Effects of artificial light at night on metamorphic rate, survival, and size of wood frogs ( Lithobates sylvatica ).  Proposal.  Fall 2019.
  • Schaus, Abigail.  Guerrilla gardening: cultivation as resistance.   Final. Spring 2024.

Undergraduate Honors

Honors program.

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Undergraduate Honors Program is intended to provide academically talented students with the opportunity for significant professional development through pursuit of a scholarly investigation under the guidance of a faculty adviser and to provide recognition of that development through the college honors citation. The scholarly investigation should go beyond the scope of the regular curriculum.


The student must be enrolled as a College of Agriculture and Natural Resources major.

The student must have completed at least 56 credits (junior standing) and must have completed at least 12 credits in their major.

The student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.2 and a minimum gpa of 3.2 in courses required in the major.


Six or more credits in upper-level honors courses, seminars, or workshops. These courses may be from any department on campus and may also be used to meet other requirements such as CORE Advanced Studies if approved as such. Graduate courses in the department (600-level), may substitute for any part of this requirement.

Six or more credits of DEPARTMENTAL 388 Honors Thesis Research under the direction of a faculty member, culminating in a thesis and satisfactory performance on an oral defense of the thesis conducted by two or more faculty members. Following a successful defense the student needs to file appropriate forms available from the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources Academic Programs Office.


Students interested in entering the AGNR College Honors Program should submit an application to the AGNR Associate Dean for Academic Programs, Dr. Joseph Sullivan. Applications are available here and can be returned to 0108 Symons Hall or e-mailed to [email protected] . Admission will be based on grades, background and work experience as well as evidence of the motivation and maturity necessary for the successful completion of the program. Admission will also be contingent upon the availability of a faculty adviser.

All students enrolled in departmental honors are members of the University Honors Program and as such, may register for Honors courses and seminars offered through the program. Other benefits include eligibility for Honors scholarships, Honors housing, and participation in all Honors student activities and organizations.

Honors Certification

The student who successfully completes the honors requirements and all other degree requirements while maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or above will graduate with "Honors"; while a student completing the above with a GPA of 3.6 or above will graduate with "High Honors".

The AGNR Honors Program requires a major commitment of time and effort. We encourage qualified students willing to make this commitment to apply.

Interested students may direct questions or inquiries to the AGNR Associate Dean for Academic Programs at [email protected] .

Showing all HON classes (Honors Course) - Offered through Honors College or individual departments, limited to students in the Honors College

Search for a class, filter classes, gen ed & bachelor degree courses, multiple gen ed and/or bachelor degree requirement codes, continuing education, flexible classes, other course attributes, seats available, acctg 4999 - 001 hon thesis/project.

  • Class Number: 5570
  • Instructor: Charles, Shannon L
  • Component: Honors Thesis Project
  • Type: In Person
  • Units: 1.5 - 3.0
  • Requisites: Yes
  • Wait List: No
  • Seats Available: 1
  • View Feedback

ANTH 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 5637
  • Instructor: MACFARLAN, Shane
  • Seats Available: 5

BIOL 4995 - 001 Biology Honors Research

  • Class Number: 1909
  • Instructor: Phadnis, Naina
  • Component: Independent Study
  • Units: 1.0 - 4.0
  • Seats Available: 16

BIOL 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 1064
  • Seats Available: 17

BME 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis

  • Class Number: 5618
  • Instructor: BROADHEAD, KELLY W
  • Seats Available: 10

CHEM 4801 - 001 Hon Undergrad Research

  • Class Number: 7385
  • Instructor: RICHMOND, THOMAS

CHEM 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Proj

  • Class Number: 1126

ED PS 4331 - 001 Int Children's Lit

  • Class Number: 2436
  • Instructor: LUCAS, COLLI
  • Component: Discussion
  • Fees: $45.65
  • Seats Available: 12
Days / Times Locations

ED PS 5005 - 001 Writing Instruction K-6

  • Class Number: 2675
  • Instructor: KATZ, ANA
  • Component: Lecture
  • Fees: $39.71
  • Seats Available: 19
Days / Times Locations
  • ED PS 6005 001

ENGL 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 1136
  • Instructor: GAMBERA, DISA

ENVST 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 1504
  • Instructor: COLLINS, TIMOTHY
  • Component: Special Projects
  • Units: 1.0 - 6.0

GEO 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 6670
  • Instructor: LIPPERT, PETER C

HNKLY 4920 - 001 Internship: Honors Loc

  • Class Number: 3659
  • Instructor: LYON COTTI, MORGAN
  • Instructor: MACFARLANE, ALEX
  • Component: Practicum
  • Fees: $200.00
  • Seats Available: 0
  • POLS 4920 001

HNKLY 4922 - 001 Internship: Honors Nat

  • Class Number: 3660
  • Instructor: Curry, James M
  • Instructor: SHIPLEY, GINA N
  • Fees: $300.00
  • Seats Available: 3
  • POLS 4922 001

HNKLY 4922 - 002 Internship: Honors Nat

  • Class Number: 5144
  • Seats Available: -1

HNKLY 4923 - 001 Internship: Honor Glob

  • Class Number: 3661
  • Instructor: OH, Jean
  • POLS 4923 001

HONOR 2104 - 001 IT Cross-Cltrl Dialogue

  • Class Number: 9097
  • Instructor: MENDOZA, PAULA
  • Wait List: Yes
  • Fees: $17.40
Days / Times Locations

HONOR 2810 - 001 IT: Gods & Monsters

  • Class Number: 6993
  • Instructor: WHITE, MICHAEL
  • Component: Special Topics
Days / Times Locations

HONOR 3200 - 001 Research University

  • Class Number: 5620
  • Instructor: ROBERTSON, ERIC
  • Component: Seminar
Days / Times Locations

HONOR 3500 - 090 Honors Internship

  • Class Number: 2287
  • Instructor: MUNN, KARLETON
  • Component: Field Work
  • Type: Online
  • Units: 1.0 - 3.0
  • Seats Available: 2

HONOR 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 3647

HSP 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 2975
  • Instructor: DIENER, MARISSA
  • Seats Available: 15

KINES 4999 - 002 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 4125
  • Instructor: SHAW, JANET

KINES 4999 - 003 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 5492
  • Instructor: Bai, Yang

KINES 4999 - 004 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 5493
  • Instructor: BURNS, RYAN

MATH 3210 - 001 Fndns Of Analysis I

  • Class Number: 1673
  • Instructor: YAGHMAYI, KEYVAN
  • Fees: $16.00
  • Seats Available: 30
Days / Times Locations
  • MATH 321 001

MATH 3220 - 001 Fndns Of Analysis II

  • Class Number: 1466
  • Seats Available: 29
Days / Times Locations

MD LB 4999 - 001 Hon Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 1128
  • Instructor: WILKINS, DIANA

MKTG 4999 - 001 Mktg Hon Proj

  • Class Number: 4375

NURS 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 4814
  • Instructor: LINDER, LAURI A

POLS 4920 - 001 Internship: Honors Loc

  • Class Number: 3698
  • Seats Available: 50
  • HNKLY 4920 001

POLS 4922 - 001 Internship: Honors Nat

  • Class Number: 3699
  • HNKLY 4922 001

POLS 4923 - 001 Internship: Honor Glob

  • Class Number: 3700
  • HNKLY 4923 001

POLS 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project

  • Class Number: 2058
  • Instructor: CHUNG, EUNBIN
  • Seats Available: 13

PRT 4999 - 090 Honors Thesis in PRT

  • Class Number: 1800
  • Instructor: WELLS, MARY

RECTH 4999 - 001 RT Honors Thesis

  • Class Number: 4312
  • Instructor: ZAHL, MELISSA

SOC 4998 - 001 Honors Thesis 1

  • Class Number: 4439
  • Instructor: GRINESKI, SARA

SOC 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis 2

  • Class Number: 4429
  • Trojans in the Pros
  • Transfer Portal

USC Trojans Quarterback Miller Moss Earns Big Ten Honors, Makes History

Bri amaranthus | sep 3, 2024.

Jul 24, 2024; Indianapolis, IN, USA; USC Trojans quarterback Miller Moss speaks to the media during the Big 10 football media day at Lucas Oil Stadium. Mandatory Credit: Robert Goddin-USA TODAY Sports

  • USC Trojans

What a week for the USC Trojans and quarterback Miller Moss. Moss made USC history after defeating the No. 13 LSU Tigers in front of a record-breaking, sold-out crowd at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas - Moss earned Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week honors. This marks the first official Big Ten honor for a Trojan football player.

In the 27-20 victory, Moss finished with a career-best 378 yards, on 27-for-36 (.750) while throwing one touchdown. He is the first Trojan starting quarterback to debut with back-to-back wins over ranked teams since records available in 1971.

Moss led two scoring drives in the fourth quarter including a 75-yard drive to take the lead with only eight seconds remaining. Most people won’t remember Moss' stats but they will remember his poise and picking himself off the ground, taking hit after hit after hit, and still getting up every time with no fear. 

 Southern California Trojans quarterback Miller Moss (7) is pressured by LSU Tigers safety Major

USC is now 1-0 on the season and improves to 2-1 over LSU all-time. USC now has 8 straight season opening wins, and  Lincoln Riley  remains undefeated in USC season openers. 

Moss reacted after the game with tears in his eyes.

Two minute drill is something that we practice all the time," Moss said on the broadcast. "Those are the types of situations that coach Riley always talks about, that wins or loses games. I thought we put together a good drive at the end of half."

Why not kick a field goal to win the game?

"We wanted to end it on our terms and not leave anything to chance. It's hard to put in words. I'm really happy for our team. The identity that we are trying to create really came through tonight. I couldn't be more proud of the guys," Moss said.

"We worked hard to build an identity of a tough team that really cares about each other... I think our identity really shined through," Moss said.

USC Trojans quarterback Miller Moss speaks to the media during the Big 10 football media day at Lucas Oil Stadium.

 Moss ranks No. 9 in the nation in passing yards per game (378), No. 9 in completions per game (27) and No. 11 in total offense (370), which also leads the Big Ten Conference. His performance put him on the radar as an intriguing quarterback selection for the 2025 NFL Draft .

"...He outplayed our quarterback" said LSU Coach Brian Kelly in the post-game presser.

Moss also got three shoutouts from former Heisman Trophy winners.

“Mossy you did yo thing playa” said former USC Heisman Trophy winner Caleb Williams. Moss and Williams were teammates for two seasons.

".......and how about Miller Moss.. ice cold !" said former USC quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Matt Leinart after the final drive.

“3 years ago I called USC’s spring game and there was a QB who was absolutely balling out. His name was Miller Moss. I called him M&M because he lived what it meant to lose yourself in the music. Tonight was his moment. He owned it. He got his shot and now he won’t ever let it go.” said former Hesiman Trophy winner Robert Griffin III.

 The Trojans return to the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum for their home opener on Saturday, Sept. 7 against Utah State at 8 p.m. PT. 

MORE: College Football Rankings: How High Will USC Trojans Rise in AP Poll After Beating LSU?

MORE: WATCH: 'Angry' LSU Tigers' Brian Kelly vs. Elated USC Trojans' Lincoln Riley Reaction

MORE: USC Defensive Coordinator D’Anton Lynn Earns MVP After Trojans Beat LSU Tigers

MORE: Reggie Bush Sideline at USC vs. LSU: First Game Back Since Heisman Trophy Reinstated

MORE: Four Instant Takeaways From USC Trojans Thrilling Upset Over LSU Tigers

MORE: USC Trojans Quarterback Miller Moss Emotional Reaction To Upset Win Over LSU Tigers

Bri Amaranthus


Bri Amaranthus is an Emmy-winning sports reporter with over 12 years of experience in television, radio, podcasting, and digital sports journalism. She has been with Sports Illustrated for four years, providing breaking news, exclusive interviews, and analysis on the NFL, college sports, and the NBA. Prior to joining SI, Bri hosted NBC Sports Northwest's prime-time television show, where she also served as the Oregon beat reporter and created content covering both the NBA and college sports. Throughout her career, Bri has achieved significant milestones, including covering major events like the NBA Finals, NFL playoffs, College Football Playoff, NCAA Basketball Tournament, NFL Draft, and the NFL Combine. She earned a D1 scholarship to play softball at the University of San Diego and won two state softball titles in high school in Oregon. In addition to her Emmy win for NBC's All-Star Coach special, she has received multiple Emmy nominations, highlighting her dedication and talent in sports journalism

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  4. Ogden Honors College

    The LSU Honors College engages a diverse population of high achieving students in a dynamic interaction of outstanding instruction, innovative research and public service. The LSU Honors College trains today's high achieving students to become tomorrow's leaders with three main values: Promote Academic Excellence, Foster Community, and Develop ...

  5. Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College

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  6. Recognitions and Requirements

    Ogden Honors College; 101 French House Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Telephone: (225) 578-8831 Fax: (225) 578-8828

  7. Upper Division Honors Programs

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  8. Honors Curriculum

    Ogden Honors College; 101 French House Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Telephone: (225) 578-8831 Fax: (225) 578-8828

  9. PDF Ogden Honors College Student Handbook 23-24

    The LSU Ogden Honors College's OH!Portal ( provides informational resources and a platform for structured interactions between students, faculty members, and staff to ... • Senior honors thesis or project following thesis guidelines; • 3.50 GPA in both cumulative and LSU coursework, and for all honors courses used in the ...

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  11. Student Support

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  13. Louisiana State University LSU Scholarly Repository

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  14. Undergrad Honors

    See the LSU Honors College for how to pursue the honors option. A senior thesis is the culmination of the honors track in English. The honors student works individually with a professor to select a research or creative project. Together, they will read the literature in the field, discuss the student's ideas, and focus the research topic or ...

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    Having enrolled in Honors Thesis (EVST/EVSC 495), the thesis candidate begins research according to the plan outlined in their thesis proposal draft. A Thesis Committee for the student will be finalized in the fall. The committee should consist of the student's research mentor and two other faculty.

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  21. Class Schedule

    This course is reserved for members of the Honors College working on their Honors Thesis/Project. Days/times/locations to be arranged by instructor HON Class Details. NURS 4999 - 001 Honors Thesis/Project. Class Number: 4814; Instructor: LINDER, LAURI A; Component ...

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    Moss made USC history after defeating the No. 13 LSU Tigers in front of a record-breaking, sold-out crowd at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas - Moss earned Big Ten Offensive Player of the Week honors.

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    which calls its listeners to action. The thesis is presented to a panel of. experts in front of an audience of peers, teachers, and parents. Each. student must then respond to questions regarding their thesis. This is. preparation for undergraduate and graduate work, providing them. nSeEcNesIsOarRy sTkHillsE iSnI rSesearch, writing, and forming ...