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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of being a part of the honors college.

The Ogden Honors College offers students smaller class sizes, opportunities for faculty mentorship and undergraduate research, and exclusive scholarships and resources to create a premier undergraduate experience. 

What are the requirements for staying in the Honors College?

In order to remain enrolled in the Ogden Honors College, register for Honors courses, and be eligible for priority registration, the minimum requirements are:

  • Maintain a minimum overall GPA of 3.0
  • Complete two Honors courses for 5-6 hours per academic year

What are the criteria for admission to the Honors College? 

For admission, we recommend that students attain a 3.5 high school GPA, as well as an ACT composite score of 30 with a 30 in English (or equivalent SAT scores). Additionally, students are required to provide a writing sample with their application.

What is Spring Invitational?

Spring Invitational is an invitation-based program for high-achieving high school seniors. This is the first opportunity for incoming freshmen to attend orientation for the upcoming fall semester. Traditionally, the program includes advising, testing opportunities, early scheduling, and additional information about LSU. This is subject to change.

If someone chooses NOT to enroll as an incoming freshman, can they choose to enroll later?

If a student gains admission into the Honors College as an entering first-year student but decides not to enroll, then the original offer of admission is forfeited. They may seek admission as a continuing student should they wish to join the Honors College later.

Can students who did not apply for admission to the Honors College as incoming freshman apply after they’ve enrolled at LSU? 

Students who are continuing their studies at LSU are welcome to apply for admission to the Honors College if they meet the following recommended admission criteria: 3.5 cumulative GPA in all college coursework taken, an excellent 400-600 personal statement, and at least four semesters of college coursework remaining in their major.

Who should students contact if they need more information about the Honors College?

If students have more questions or need more information, they can email [email protected].

What are Honors (HNRS) courses are and what they are like? What are the subjects of some of the HNRS courses?

The structure of the Ogden Honors curriculum mirrors that of the major degree programs, which move from general education and foundation courses to major courses of narrower and more specific topics. The curriculum is designed with the flexibility to apply to all majors.

The Honors College offers discussion-oriented seminars taught by select faculty members on topics of their specialty. Additionally, there are small Honors versions of departmental courses that fulfill general education or foundation requirements of your major. In both of these types of courses, you will enjoy working with high-achieving peers and engaging professors in small, ambitious classes.

What is the Honors Shared Read program? 

The Honors Shared Read Program is a unique shared learning experience that highlights the academic and intellectual culture of the Honors College. Through this program, all Honors students are asked to read a specific book over the summer.

Are there any particular courses that are required for Honors? Are there any required courses Honors students should enroll in as incoming students? 

No, there are no required courses that incoming students have to enroll in. However, we encourage all incoming freshmen to enroll in our gateway course- HNRS 2000.

What is LASAL?

The Louisiana Service and Leadership (LASAL) Scholars program prepares Ogden Honors College students for leadership roles in Louisiana, particularly in the fields of public service, social justice, and environmental sustainability. To be eligible, students must be admitted to the Honors College and must complete an interview process in the first semester of their freshman or sophomore year. The program is open to all majors.

What should I know about the senior thesis?

The Honors Thesis project is an opportunity to follow your curiosity and to ask and answer a question in your major through methods of your field. A written work in the end, this document is created through research and hands-on independent study under the guidance of a thesis director in your major. The Honors Thesis project is completed over the course of two semesters in thesis courses; however, research often begins prior to official enrollment in the thesis courses, either through on-campus jobs or through prior independent study.

Are Honors courses harder than normal courses? What is the hardest part about taking Honors courses?

Honors courses are not designed to inherently be more difficult than non-Honors courses. They are typically designed in a different way that caters more to how Honors students learn. This could mean the material is presented in a different way, taught at a faster pace, or provided with more applied context.

Would students rather take Honors classes that correspond with your degree program or more elective-type classes? 

It is up to each student, with assistance from an academic advisor, to decide which Honors course is best for them. Students can earn Honors credit from either of these options or a combination of both. Many students prefer Honors courses over non-Honors courses because of the way they are taught and the smaller class sizes.

How many hours will I be taking classes in the Honors College versus taking courses in my senior college? 

The Honors College offers a wide variety of Honors courses for students to take, as well as Departmental courses within various senior colleges. Students may also elect to Honors Options courses within their Senior college.

What is an Honors Option? 

The Honors Option provides an opportunity for upper-level students to earn Honors credit for a 3000/4000 level LSU course. Conditions to receive Honors credit are agreed upon at the beginning of the semester and will include work beyond what is required by the syllabus.

Can you explain Lower and Upper Division Honors? 

Lower Division Honors is considered our Sophomore Honors. Prior to the end of their Sophomore year, students would need to complete a minimum of 20 hours of honors coursework in the first four semesters of study, including 6 HNRS hours. They would also need to have a 3.50 GPA in overall, Honors, and LSU course work.

Upper Divisions Honors is when students complete an Upper Division Program within their specific senior college, if applicable. Upper Division Honors also includes a thesis project.

Are there different Honors distinctions available? 

Yes, there are different Honors distinctions. There is College Honors (the highest honors), Upper Division Honors, Thesis Only and Good Standing.

With a major like engineering, do you work with an engineering advisor or an Honors college advisor or both? How do they work together? 

We encourage students to meet with both their senior college and our Honors college advisors. With majors such as Engineering, there may be certain requirements that only their senior college can complete.

Can you speak about advising in the Honors College?

The Ogden Honors College staffs a team of professional advisors who assist students in planning all aspects of their four years at LSU — and their goals beyond graduation. Our advisers help each Honors student design a customized path through the University that is tailored to his or her major and personal aspirations. That path should include an outline for the student's course of study, as well as plans to participate in community service, study abroad, internships, research, and to complete an Honors Thesis.

Are honors college advisors divided by majors or do advisors advise across majors?

Advisors in the Honors College advise Honors students in all majors.

How does priority scheduling work?

Students who maintain good standing in the Honors College are awarded priority registration, allowing them to register for their courses on the second day of the course registration period. This can often be two weeks earlier than one's normally allotted registration date.

What can an Honors College advisor help me with?

Advisors can assist with academic planning and scheduling such as choosing a major and/or course selection. Advisors also assist with undergraduate research, in regards to the Honors Thesis project. Advisors also assist with enriching extracurriculars, such as community service, study abroad, internships, and career development. Advisors also help with the process of scholarship and fellowships.

How do students feel about their college experience? Is it balanced between Honors and non-Honors activities? 

Your involvement in the Honors College is completely up to you. Many students enjoy taking several Honors courses each year and attending our events and programs, while others include our offerings with others across campus.

Can students in the Honors College still participate in other things around campus? 

Yes! Honors students are involved in a number of different activities on campus including Student Government, Tiger Band, Greek Life, and much more.

What kind of funding does the Honors College provide for study abroad? 

The Ogden Honors College Study Abroad Scholarship supports Ogden Honors College students in academic study abroad programs. Awards are made annually and may range from $500 to $5000 per student, per abroad program. For more information and to apply, visit https://lsu.academicworks.com/ . 

Does the Honors College offer scholarships?

The Ogden Honors College participates in awarding the Stamps Scholarship and the President's Alumni Scholarship – LSU's top merit-based scholarships, providing full cost of attendance for four years. There are also a number of Honors-specific scholarships  available to entering Freshman and current students. Visit our scholarships page for more information. 

What are the benefits of Honors residence halls over other residential colleges? 

Laville Honors House offers a unique opportunity unlike any other residential college to live with other high-achieving students who are outside of your major. This provides many occasions to meet and learn from peers you otherwise may have never met.

How does room selection work? Randomly assigned rooms? Roommates? 

You have the option to select your specific room in the hall and your roommate. If you do not have a roommate in mind,  you can fill out the roommate matching survey provided by residential life to find someone compatible.

Do you have to be in the Honors College to live in Laville? 

Priority for living in Laville Honors House goes to Honors students. Honors students are welcome to have a non-Honors roommate, as well. In the event Honors students do not fill all rooms, it is then opened to non-Honors students.

Why should I live in the Laville Honors House? 

Laville is also centrally located on campus, so it is easy to get to and from any point on campus in a timely manner. It is just seconds from the French House and 459 Dining Hall and minutes from the UREC, the LSU Student Union, and Barnes and Noble Bookstore.

Are there classrooms in Laville? 

Yes, there are two classrooms in Laville used for HNRS seminar courses.


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CSC 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science (3)

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Ronald E. McNair Research Scholars

Undergraduate Research 

Students will participate in hands-on research experience under the guidance of some of the most accomplished faculty in the United States and produce an end product of their work in the form of a conference presentation, publication submission, patent application or other practical product of their work.

Summer Research Internship

The summer research internship includes a $2800 Stipend and $2,000 toward on-campus housing. 

Students are required to:

  • Students spend 40 hours per week on their research project. 
  • Attend workshops that enhance research knowledge, inform them of other research funding resources, and education them on the graduate school application process.
  • Students may not work an additional job and are only allowed to take one summer course.


Documentation of research activities will be provided in the form of weekly research reports, regular follow up on the final outcome project, and a final product of research approved by a research mentor

The final product of research will be submitting a written thesis and presenting the project at a conference. Additionally, students are expected to submit their project to the LSU Discover Distinguished Undergraduate Research Program and/or the LSU Honors College . 

Research in the Fall and Spring

The McNair Program does not fund students for Fall and/or Spring research. However, there are many resources for research funding. The McNair Program will assist students in finding sources of funding to continue their research, including Federal Work Study and Research Grants. In many cases, students have the option to receive course credit for unpaid research. 

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Thesis success in stages (thesis) guide, great minds think a lot..

As an Honors College student seeking an honors degree, your thesis is the chance for you to showcase your intellectual and creative talents. In many ways, your thesis will represent the culmination of your undergraduate experience at Oregon State University, drawing on all of the skills, knowledge, and insights you’ve acquired. Choose your own subject and think critically about social, creative, and scientific issues. Honors thesis topics range from scientific research to artistic creations to service projects, so there's room for you to explore the subject that excites you the most, even if it isn't in your major.

If all this sounds a bit overwhelming, don't worry. The HC provides you with a useful road map to guide you through each stage as you complete your thesis. Using Thesis Success in Stages (TheSIS) as your guide, you'll break the process down into smaller pieces with clear benchmarks to make your thesis journey much more manageable. These stages are called Stage 1: Plan , Stage 2: Explore & Build , Stage 3: Commit , and Stage 4: Compose & Complete .

Take comfort in knowing that you don't have to go it alone. It's OK to ask for help. In fact, we encourage it. Courses are available to help you at every stage of the process, and you'll be guided by a faculty team that's pulling for your success.

Stage 1: Plan

To be completed within the first three terms of joining the HC

Stage 1: Plan , the first stage, involves learning about the thesis requirement and mapping out personalized goals. This stage offers a framework for thinking about the thesis and possible paths to completion. Complete Stage 1 during your first year in the HC. If you are transferring into the HC, you should complete Stage 1 during your first term or as soon as possible.

Stage 2: Explore & Build

To be completed as indicated on your Thesis plan on file in the HC

The second stage, Explore & Build, requires you to explore your thesis interests and begin your engagement with faculty, with the goal of finding a mentor or making significant strides toward finding your mentor.

Stage 3: Commit

In the third stage , you will choose a mentor and work with that mentor to select a topic, develop a research plan, and complete a formal thesis proposal.

Stage 4: Compose & Complete

The final stage supports you in the process of actually writing the thesis, including drafting and revising chapters, presenting your thesis research to an audience of non-experts, planning the thesis defense and submitting your approved thesis.

  • Submit or Update Your Thesis Plan
  • Formatting Your HC Thesis

Contact Info

Honors College Learning Innovation Center 450

Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 541-737-6400

Contact us with your comments, questions, and feedback

  • All HC Scholarships


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  1. Honors Theses

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023. PDF. Contemporary Environmental Art: The Multidimensional Relationship Between Black Communities and the American Landscape, Sophia Perkins.

  2. PDF OHC Honors Thesis Guide 2023-24

    Noted on both the diploma and the LSU transcript, College Honors is the highest undergraduate distinction of the Ogden Honors College and of LSU. To graduate with College Honors, a student must meet the following requirements:

  3. LSU's Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College

    LSU's Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College engages a diverse population of high-achieving students in a dynamic interaction of outstanding instruction, innovative research, and public service. For more than 50 years, we have helped our students make the most of their undergraduate experience. Here, we offer an established curriculum, the opportunity for research, and faculty mentorship. Our ...

  4. Upper Division Honors Programs

    The step-by-step process for achieving Upper Division Honors Notated on the transcript, Upper Division Honors Distinction supports and includes the senior thesis project. Programs vary by major, so consult individual departments for requirements beyond those listed below.

  5. PDF Ogden Honors College Student Handbook 23-24

    The LSU Ogden Honors College's OH!Portal (ohportal.lsu.edu) provides informational resources and a platform for structured interactions between students, faculty members, and staff to support progress through the curriculum and the delivery of personalized student support and enrichment opportunities.

  6. Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College

    The Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College is a highly selective four-year enrichment program for intellectually motivated undergraduate students. Honors students enter as freshmen and enroll in at least 32 hours of honors courses over their four-year career, culminating in the production of an Honors thesis or project in their major field of study.

  7. Recognitions and Requirements

    College Honors Noted on both the diploma and the LSU transcript, College Honors is the culmination of the Honors College curriculum. Students who earn College Honors at graduation will receive special recognition at LSU commencement. To graduate with College Honors a student must meet all requirements as established by the student's own college including at least 32 hours of Honors classes ...

  8. Honors Curriculum

    Honors Curriculum. The structure of the Ogden Honors curriculum mirrors that of the major degree programs, which move from general education and foundation courses to major courses of narrower and more specific topics. The curriculum is designed with the flexibility to apply to all majors. Ogden Honors students also participate in four co ...

  9. Rainwater Catchment Systems: How Designers Can Utilize ...

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Ogden Honors College at LSU Scholarly Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Scholarly Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

  10. Student Support

    Advising Overview The Ogden Honors College staffs a team of professional advisors who assist students in planning all aspects of their four years at LSU and their goals beyond graduation. Our advisors help each honors student design a customized path through the university that is tailored to their major and personal aspirations. That path should include an outline for the student's course of ...

  11. Limbo: An Exploration of the Spaces Between

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Ogden Honors College at LSU Scholarly Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Scholarly Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

  12. FAQ

    Some of the most frequently asked questions by prospective students and parents looking into LSU's Ogden Honors College.

  13. PDF LSU


  14. CSC 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science (3)

    LSU .edu. LSU. CSC 3992 HONORS: Undergraduate Thesis in Computer Science (3) Prereq.: CSC 3991; consent of department; admittance to Upper Division Honors Program. Writing and formal defense of a research thesis in computer science. Defense committee of three faculty members must be approved by department. The LSU General Catalog serves as both ...

  15. Recommended Citation

    This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Ogden Honors College at LSU Scholarly Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Honors Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Scholarly Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected].

  16. PDF TAF Honors College Research Scholarship Application Form

    The scholarships will provide at least $500 each to Honors College students in their Junior or Senior year for costs associated with the preparation of their Honors Thesis, including defraying costs incurred in research or the production of the thesis as well as expenses that would otherwise be met through non-academic employment.

  17. Undergraduate Research

    The final product of research will be submitting a written thesis and presenting the project at a conference. Additionally, students are expected to submit their project to the LSU Discover Distinguished Undergraduate Research Program and/or the LSU Honors College .

  18. Honors Thesis

    The honors thesis project provides an opportunity for students to develop a topic or project and demonstrate the results of scholarship and research in an appropriate format.

  19. The Alabama, British Neutrality, and the American Civil War

    My M.A. thesis dealt with Southern efforts to build ships in France. I worked on this long ago, when the Dodgers still played ... James D. Hardy, Jr. is a professor of history in the Honors College at Louisiana State University and has published several books on both history and literature, including one on baseball. 4 Civil War Book Review ...

  20. Lyman Hunt

    LSU College of Humanities & Social Sciences. Department of Communication Studies. Menu. Menu. About. Mission; ... Louisiana State University Phone: (225) 578-5989 E-mail: [email protected] ... Honors Public Address CMST 3167: Rhetoric and Civilization CMST 3168: Rhetoric of Propaganda ...

  21. Thesis Success in Stages (TheSIS) Guide

    Great minds think a lot. As an Honors College student seeking an honors degree, your thesis is the chance for you to showcase your intellectual and creative talents. In many ways, your thesis will represent the culmination of your undergraduate experience at Oregon State University, drawing on all of the skills, knowledge, and insights you've acquired. Choose your own subject and think ...

  22. MS in Kinesiology

    MS in Kinesiology Behavioral, Psychological, and Pedagogical Sciences . The Master of Science in Kinesiology with a specialization in behavioral, psychological, and pedagogical sciences enhances student preparation for careers in a variety of health professions and provides a foundation for further study in doctoral programs.

  23. 8 LSU football players most likely to be All-SEC in 2024

    In 2023, six LSU football players earned all-conference honors. Jayden Daniels was First Team All-SEC and was joined by Mal

  24. ASH valedictorian Kimora Hardwell gets Gates Scholarship, heads to LSU

    Kimora Hardwell sacrificed a lot of her social life to graduate from ASH with top honors. It paid off with a scholarship that will cover her college costs.

  25. Faculty

    B.A. (Honors), Fourah Bay College (University of Sierra Leone); M.A. California State University, Chico; PhD UCLA . Awards and Honors. UCLA Summer Research Grant. International Studies and Overseas Program Fellowship. Outstanding Faculty Award, UCSD 2004 . Notable Articles

  26. PDF OHC Honors Thesis Guide 2023-24

    Present thesis research at LSU Discover Day. Defend your Honors Thesis at least two weeks prior to April 19, 2024. (Any complications for completion by this date should be discussed with the Upper Division Advisor.) Student must submit a PDF of the thesis to the Honors College using the Thesis Submission Form by April 19, 2024.

  27. PDF Ogden Honors College Student Handbook 23-24

    The Ogden Honors College is the fullest expression of excellence at LSU. Across the campus, Ogden students in seminars and thesis defenses, in libraries and laboratories, studios and stages, are working independently and in groups, engaging in the most up-to-date research and innovation, surpassing expectations, and going beyond requirements.